cdlord, on 18 January 2013 - 12:27 PM, said:
That's actually a funny page to use, since it claims MG are rarely carried by Mechs, which is rather odd considering how many Mechs do carry MG.
MG do 2 damage to a BattleMech, Tank, Aerofighter, LAVs and other assorted armored and lightly armored vehicles. They get a bonus to damage against Infantry.
Please note the wording there..they get normal 2 against Mechs and 2+ against Infantry. They do NOT get 0 damage against Mechs and do full damage on Infantry.
So enough with the people without a clue saying MGs are Infantry only weapons, they aren't.
MGs are getting a critical damage boost according to the devs, it's in the works now. Still be pretty useless against armor but will be damned useful against internal structure and taking out the goodies inside a Mech, you know, weapons, heat sinks, ammo, engine, gyro, sensors, life support..things that take the Mech out of action quickly. LBx and Flamers are evidently also getting the same work up on crit damage vs internals.
0.04 damage per round for MG, 2 rounds per second so they obviously do jack all damage against armor and internals currently, even when you apply the 2x or 3x critical damage bonuses. Even so, I've gotten a few kills using nothing but MGs, took a few thousand rounds and a very long time chasing my targets around, but it's doable. With the changes coming up, people won't laugh so much when they see a Spider 5K coming at them, with their armor gone on that torso side and leg, instead of laughing like they do NOW, they'll instead be in serious pucker mode cause 4 MG tearing into that exposed internal structure means nasty nasty things real fast.