Now, for your actual question, let me think up a clear case example:
Say your team decides to chase some Lights into the middle of Viridian Bog and then stay there, with enemies on the high ground all around them. That's an untenable position; there is SOME cover down there, but they're going to get shot to doll rags, and there's not much you can do about that. But you
can maneuver to flank some of the enemies and try to take them out from the side, or suppress their fire on your team - whatever your 'mech is built to do. You can't really help them there, and it doesn't make sense to follow the team into a kill zone with your Gauss Jaeger.
On the OTHER hand, say you have a group of Atlas brawlers in Frozen City, and they're going over the hill, come hell or high water - you DO want to follow them, because sitting on the other side playing ballistic whack-a-mole ensures that the enemy can defeat your brawlers in detail and come for you. So when it's possible, you should always support the team, even if you brought a Gauss/PPC trading build with sustained DPS to the battle.
Ding Toast is Ready, on 07 November 2022 - 11:42 AM, said:
I don't really know how to react when there's not one particular "trend" to follow with the team. Scattering on certain maps gets really bad and I honestly have no idea what to do then.
Then you pick the hill you're going to die on.

In cases where the team just splits off to do whatever (which is separate from a Light wolfpack splitting off,) you just pick the teammates whose builds you think you'll be best able to support, and give it the old country try. You can't fix stupid - but you can
punish it, and that's what the enemy team is about to do. This is more along the lines of "Follow the Fracking Atlas," but basically you just chalk that up winning the idiot lottery and try to keep a clear head next game. Often a "hey, guys, we should probably pick one place to go," can wake people up who aren't paying attention, but if they don't listen, just call targets and do the best you can to stay alive and fight your 'mech.
Edited by Void Angel, 07 November 2022 - 11:53 AM.