Odanan, on 20 January 2013 - 03:34 AM, said:
1- Make ECM available to ALL light and medium mechs. Atlas D-DC (or any heavy and assault mech) shouldn't have ECM. ECM should not be a way to "balance" weak chassis and variants (use number of modules for this).
There are several Heavy and Assault 'Mechs that at one point or another mount Guardian ECM. Examples include:
King Crab
AWS-9Q and AWS-9Ma
Prime variant of the
Given that all of the above are canonical examples, I would disagree with the notion of necessarily restricting ECM to only the Light and Medium classes.
As an alternative: perhaps ECM should merely be more prevalent among the Light and Medium classes, with a greater number of Light and Medium chassis having a greater number of variants (both overall, and in relation to the number of Heavy and Assault chassis and variants) that can equip it?

Odanan, on 20 January 2013 - 03:34 AM, said:
2- Rework it. The ECM should not avoid you to lock SSRMs and LRMs, just make the lock slower (like 50%). Well heck, if the ECM is nerfed to the point of being OPTIONAL (like the AMS and Beagle), it could be available to all mechs and variants!
Actually, ECM is supposed to heavily interfere with a BattleMech's sensors (with the TT rules allowing a 90%+ chance of the 'Mech being completely unable to detect an ECM carrier!)... which in turn interferes with the abilities of its Targeting-Tracking System to locate, identify, track, and lock on to a target... which in turn makes it far more difficult to achieve and/or maintain a missile lock.
The in-depth explanations (including the relevant quotations and citations from the source material) can be read
here and
Odanan, on 20 January 2013 - 03:34 AM, said:
3- Make other equipment to counter ECM, like the NARC (which is useless right now) and Beagle. Like the Rock-Scissors-and-Paper principle (the basis of any good game), ECM should have a counter which is not other ECM.
First, "the Rock-Scissors-Paper principle" is not necessarily or always "the basis of any good game"; there are times where a game (along with its players) would be better served by being build with the notion of "
perfect imbalance" in mind.
Secondly, BattleTech has two other devices that are capable of creating an ECCM (ECM Counter Mode) field:
- Command Console - In BattleTech, a Cockpit Command Console can gain a number of abilities by connecting to satellites and turning those satellites abilities toward the battlefield. In tthe case of scientific satellites (as described on page 195 of Tactical Operations), "the sensors that monitor the various types of energies produced by a planet can be turned into a large scale ECCM suite" and "For an ECCM, a scientific satellite equals a single ECCM suite, but it covers the entire playing area". Imagine an ECCM ("ECM on Counter Mode") field that can cover the entire map, all at once...

- Communications Equipment - In BattleTech, "any unit mounting 3 to 6 tons of Communications Equipment (BattleMechs, combat vehicles, aerospace and conventional fighters automatically posses a basic amount of communication equipment as part of their cockpit and control systems equivalent to 1 ton.) can generate an ECCM field the same size as that generated by an Inner Sphere Guardian ECM, though only equal in strength to half its weight" while "a unit with 7 or more tons can do so equal to 1 ECM suite".
(Of note is the aforementioned AWS-9Ma, used by
Adam Steiner during the latter part of his mission to liberate the planet Somerset from Clan Jade Falcon (the storyline of the BattleTech cartoon) - it mounts a Guardian ECM Suite
and a Command Console
and two extra tons of Communications Equipment (for a total of three tons, once the ton built into every 'Mech's cockpit is accounted for).)
Thirdly: I think that it could be an interesting and beneficial deviation from the BattleTech rules if a single ECM suite in ECCM/"Counter" mode could adversely affect mulltiple ECM suites in ECM/"Disrupt" mode.
However, it shouldn't be a complete counter - two or more enemy ECMs should be able to partially overcome a single ECCM, and vice versa - with the degree of remaining disruption being a function of how many ECM and ECCM suites are present:
- one ECCM vs one ECM: ECCM completely negates ECM
- one ECCM vs "n" ECM (for n>1): ECCM effectiveness is reduced to 1/n (e.g. one ECCM vs 3 ECM reduces the effectiveness of the ECCM to 1/3 (33%))
- one ECM vs "m" ECCM (for m>1): ECCM completely negates ECM
- "m" ECCM vs "n" ECM (for m>n): ECCM completely negates ECM
- "m" ECCM vs "n" ECM (for m<n): overall ECCM effectiveness is reduced to m/n (e.g. 3 ECCM vs 5 ECM reduces the overall effectiveness of the combined ECCM to 3/5 (60%))
- "m" ECCM vs "n" ECM (for m=n): ECCM completely negates ECM
I think that might satisfy most complaints, while generally reamaining true to the TT rules.
Your thoughts?