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Ask The Devs 30 - Answers!

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#361 Rejarial Galatan


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 10:56 PM

View Postmiscreant, on 23 January 2013 - 10:44 PM, said:

He should tell the truth - NO NEW MAPS IN FEBRUARY.

When February comes and goes, and we don't have a new map - remember you heard it here first.

There is NO REASON AT ALL that the dev team couldn't prepare one map per month. It's complete ******** and I'm tired of waiting.

If it does come out in Feb, it'll the last week of the month, which sucks. We need new maps SO BAD and they delay them
so they can make start up animations!

hey now, I like that animation! But, you ARE right tho, we need new maps even more badly than a submarine needs to keep all the hatches sealed underwater!

#362 DragonsFire


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 11:03 PM

View Postmiscreant, on 23 January 2013 - 10:44 PM, said:

He should tell the truth - NO NEW MAPS IN FEBRUARY.

When February comes and goes, and we don't have a new map - remember you heard it here first.

There is NO REASON AT ALL that the dev team couldn't prepare one map per month. It's complete ******** and I'm tired of waiting.

If it does come out in Feb, it'll the last week of the month, which sucks. We need new maps SO BAD and they delay them
so they can make start up animations!

If you're so self admittedly tired then perhaps you need to take a break from the game. It certainly isn't worth getting this worked up over, especially since it is supposed to be an outlet for fun and distraction. If it's not providing that for you, then you should step away and give it some time.

As to the start-up animation bit, I highly doubt that guys handling map making are ALSO the ones behind said animation. But hey, who knows, maybe their map-makers are also a snap at animation too!

#363 Killashnikov


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 11:21 PM

Thanks all for the answers - it really does make a difference.

I love this game and want to see it succeed.

You have all done a great job so far making a truely promising game, and a more than worthy successor to the Mechwarrior series.

#364 Revorn


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 12:02 AM

ECM is looked at ? Euroean Servers 2013 ?

You realy know how to make a European LRM-Boat happy. :D

Edited by Revorn, 24 January 2013 - 12:03 AM.

#365 Krellek


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 12:10 AM

Thank you.

That felt completely real and legitimate. I bashed the ever living **** out of the prior thread for lack of anything substantial. This came from your core and everyone appreciates it. Most of us understand why you can't discuss a lot of what these forums bring up, but we need the kind of communication you showed here nevertheless.

Straight forward responses with tidbits when applicable. All we need.



Edited by Krellek, 24 January 2013 - 12:12 AM.

#366 Molecule


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 12:36 AM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 22 January 2013 - 01:09 PM, said:


Q: Is your team discouraged at all by the community outrage?
A: It hurts, and you are always amazed at how nasty people can be. Some days you don’t want to deal with it. But you suck it up and try and understand why someone would call you an ***** or *******, or threaten you. I can’t tell you how many people complain, yet play dozens if not hundreds of matches a day, and spend significant amounts of money. I generally don’t take it to heart any more, especially when comments come from someone who has 100s or 1000s of posts. It’s the guy who has 1 post that I’m worried about. It took something significantly good or bad for them to come and make a post, and we tend to listen to them more carefully. And before you all go off about not listening to the core fans, we still listen to you as well.

In the end, we always try our best to have compassion and see through the screen in hopes of understanding why people say the things they do.


Hi Brian (and the rest of the team),

First of all let me say thank you for this post, the game in general and your hard work for it so far (CR team included and emphasised ;-)).

I can certainly understand your frustration and sympathise as I know it is impossible to make everyone happy. Let me say the following though: There exists an area of you handling the community which isn't done very well. Changes in this area will greatly benefit you for weeks, months and years to come developing this game:

Increase communication because THAT's what most people feel is lacking from your side of the community and this is the number one reason for the vocal outbursts you mentioned in your initial post.

If you can manage to do just that you will see a lot less folks with 1000+ posts complaining the way they do but hand over valuable information instead. As far as I can judge your point of view I think you value feedback for the game most to find bugs, develop improvements, etc. In order to get more of that and not 10 whining posts/tickets for each useful post/ticket that comes in you have to take off the edge of certain situation around the existing gameplay flaws. Some of us have waited a long time for such a game and most of us are simply thrilled about it being here finally (hence the massive amount of games played, 1000+ posts, lots of $$$ spent and.......still complaining). The higher the hopes the more vocal the fears.

....and people fear most what they do not understand.

No matter how civilised or uncivilised the majority of posts/tickets is at the moment you need to see the community as little kids who just got that firetruck they waited for so long just to find out that there was no battery pack included which would make the basic functions and therefore the satisfaction of having the truck even bigger.

How do you think a kid would behave if it has to ask for those batteries again and again without answers for weeks? The kid is already hooked on its new toy so there is no easy way to just put it in the corner and wait for the parents to get that battery pack eventually. What will it do? Yes, it will ask continuously and its frustration will rise with each repetition of the question if it knows it's heard but not responded to. I know this is a silly comparison but that is the basic psychology in situations where one loves something but is also confused about it with no answers on sight. The key is...


Even a kid will get less vocal and will behave more constructively if it has a clue what is going on or why the battery pack cannot be delivered right now.

As soon as you guys pay attention to this fundamental part of human psychology your experience will change drastically and you will enable us much better to serve you to finish this gem of a game. And something else....

Use email communication more since the majority of people generally does not know how to search in forums.

And last but not least...

Keep up the good work!

#367 Mao of DC


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 12:58 AM

This goes out to everyone who is upset that the Devs give a little more weight to the frist time poster who has a complaint.

Usually when someone who normally wouldn't post took the time to post, write a letter, or what have you, it raises red flags in the busness world. Most people are to lazy to take the time and if they do they feel really strongly about their issue. That being said Bryan said that that they still take in to consideration what the prolific posters say.

Here is a case in point, the following are two questions that were answered in Ask the Devs #30, they were both asked by me.

View PostBryan Ekman, on 22 January 2013 - 01:09 PM, said:

Q: In the offical trailer you show an Atlas making a "hot drop". Are there any plans for a game mode where one side defends and the other side makes a hot drop? Maybe for when a unit makes it's frist drop on a contested planet when community warfare is implmented?
A: Yes, we are exploring asymmetrical gameplay modes.

Q: Any plans for a Solaris VII map or maps? It will let you guys make a Free-For-ALL game mode. Pilots could even place wagers on the outcome or even a manditory buy in to create the winners purse.
A: Long term (year or more out ) yes.

I have been asking these questions since closed beta. I have made numerious posts about them in the suggestion forums both in the closed beta and the current one. It did take quite a bit of time, the Devs are busy people, but they were answered. So what I suggest is keep asking the questions be persistent and in time they will get around to addressing your issue. You may not like the answers you get but that is another issue entirely.

Edited by Mao of DC, 24 January 2013 - 12:59 AM.

#368 Cerberus XIII


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 01:33 AM

I I don't understand how some people can get so pissed at the devs sometimes. The game is still in beta and, more importantly, it's FREE! They don't OWE us anything. If you put real money in, that's your choice. Do some things still need balancing? Yes. But chill out, that's what a beta is for.

#369 Masikai


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 05:47 AM

thanks for the update and the hard work you have and are putting into this game. it is very much appreciated by this long time BattleTach / MechWarrior fan.

in regards to

View PostCerberus XIII, on 24 January 2013 - 01:33 AM, said:

I I don't understand how some people can get so pissed at the devs sometimes. The game is still in beta and, more importantly, it's FREE! They don't OWE us anything. If you put real money in, that's your choice. Do some things still need balancing? Yes. But chill out, that's what a beta is for.

in nearly all of the betas I've taken part in that included micro transactions none had said option enabled till game was declared "live". this is the first "beta" that I've seen micro transaction enable prior to live. IF PGI wants to charge people for MC an by proxy in game items and Mechs then the Beta moniker should be dropped. this does not preclude PGI from still adding functionality at a later date, heck Wargaming didn't launch clan wars for World of Tanks till about 6 to 9 months after it was declared "live"

Regards Masikai

#370 Alois Hammer


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 09:27 AM

View PostVernius Ix, on 22 January 2013 - 07:22 PM, said:

No Garth, I do not know that "these guys are working hard." Nothing ever seems to change. The **** that was broken in closed beta is broken now. NOTHING SEEMS TO CHANGE!

But now that we've been told, we do know they're working hard.

Based on observable results, what they're working hard on is still rather up in the air...but they're working all [REDACTED]holes and elbows on something.

#371 Ignatz22


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 09:42 AM

MY question was answered; THANKS!
And yes, I do appreciate your efforts and HAVE spent some hard-earned SpaceBucks here, and indeed DO intend to spend more as I do like the game. I realize it isn't the Developers' fault opinionated ******** like me want to play in their sandbox a certain way. Mayhap I need to gow a bit, to appreciate what they're doing.
Please don't listen to us...we'll have a hug and a cookie and get over it, but we will return.....

#372 Spirit of the Wolf


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 11:31 AM

Hot Damn!
I know this is just a repetition of hundreds of previous people in this thread, but this is EXACTLY what I've been looking for! THIS is how the weekly questions should be answered!

#373 RaNDoMPReCiSioN


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 11:45 AM

I wait patiently for the EU servers. I wait even more patiently for all the awesome future content. This is more than just a QnA, its also a pretty decent roadmap of whats coming. Bring it on :P

Edited by RaNDoMPReCiSioN, 24 January 2013 - 11:46 AM.

#374 Aristotelis


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 01:27 PM

Keep working and we\ll keep supporting you..a pilot from Greece that loves your work ,for me until now it's the best game of mechwarrior ever and it's still beta!!!

#375 Dragunz Pryde


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 02:14 PM

I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for answering the amount of questions you did. It gives me great hopes for this games future. And coming from someone who has been waiting for this immersive of a Mech sim game since the old Battletech centers were up and running is saying something.

Please keep up the good work, i am eagerly waiting for the new content to be released, but dont let the most vocal users rush you into releasing something that is not ready. Take your time and do the universe we true fans cherish justice!!!

#376 Hohokam


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 03:21 PM

Well done! You have changed my feelings about MWO. Now lets get back to work :(

#377 Rejarial Galatan


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 03:33 PM

View PostCerberus XIII, on 24 January 2013 - 01:33 AM, said:

I I don't understand how some people can get so pissed at the devs sometimes. The game is still in beta and, more importantly, it's FREE! They don't OWE us anything. If you put real money in, that's your choice. Do some things still need balancing? Yes. But chill out, that's what a beta is for.

no, no it is NOT in ANY FORM OF BETA any more. PROOF: this game requires NO monthly subscription fee and as such, the INSTANT it became available to the global populace with out an invitation from PGI, it was LAUNCHED. We are NOT in beta, that beta tag is just an excuse for the BS that is still going on.

#378 Cerberus XIII


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 05:28 PM

View PostRejarial Galatan, on 24 January 2013 - 03:33 PM, said:

no, no it is NOT in ANY FORM OF BETA any more. PROOF: this game requires NO monthly subscription fee and as such, the INSTANT it became available to the global populace with out an invitation from PGI, it was LAUNCHED. We are NOT in beta, that beta tag is just an excuse for the BS that is still going on.

Even if you don't consider it a beta, it is still FREE. So if you don't like their "BS" stop playing. I still fail to see how some people get the mentality that PGI owes you something.

#379 Krellek


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 05:51 PM

View PostRejarial Galatan, on 24 January 2013 - 03:33 PM, said:

no, no it is NOT in ANY FORM OF BETA any more. PROOF: this game requires NO monthly subscription fee and as such, the INSTANT it became available to the global populace with out an invitation from PGI, it was LAUNCHED. We are NOT in beta, that beta tag is just an excuse for the BS that is still going on.

You don't know what you're talking about. Games take years to create. Some games have stayed in development for close to a decade.

If you did know what you were talking about, you would understand that development companies write production outlines years in advance. Those outlines have expected dates and goals. PGI originally planned to open the beta doors years ago along the time table they wrote years ago.

They have been extremely clear with how long it takes them to fix issues and bugs (4 weeks from start to patch day). They have been extremely clear with their goals and expectations.

Every game studio does things their own way. Every Beta will always be different. Games are constantly evolving and that includes how they are made.

If you don't like what they are doing, go away. The game isn't close to being finished. Just because you think you know what you're talking about doesn't make it so and you look like a fool. The community put in MILLIONS of dollars and PGI is making sure the final product is worthy. If that takes longer than you have the patience for then that is on your shoulders.

#380 Rejarial Galatan


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 08:22 PM

View PostCerberus XIII, on 24 January 2013 - 05:28 PM, said:

Even if you don't consider it a beta, it is still FREE. So if you don't like their "BS" stop playing. I still fail to see how some people get the mentality that PGI owes you something.

what PGI owes me, you, and all of us is simple: to honor and respect the vast nature of the task they have chosen to pursue. to honor and respect the legacy from which this game is being drawn, to design it in such a way that it not only survives it's first year, but to thrive and live for years yet to come. The BS comes in making questionable design choices, such as saying: well, we KNOW such an item like 360 degree radar is canon and a standard item, but we feel it is more 'tactical' to NOT have it, and allow for sneaking up on mechs, BUT, if you want it, pay us real cash for MC, convert your MXP and pay 15,000 GXP and 2,000,000 C-bills for it. This sort of tactic is not honoring the vast legacy from which this title comes. We expect and demand that proper respect and veneration for the nearly 30 YEARS of history this franchise has, and we bloody well demand to see that veneration in the quality of the product they are putting out there for us to play.

View PostKrellek, on 24 January 2013 - 05:51 PM, said:

You don't know what you're talking about. Games take years to create. Some games have stayed in development for close to a decade.

If you did know what you were talking about, you would understand that development companies write production outlines years in advance. Those outlines have expected dates and goals. PGI originally planned to open the beta doors years ago along the time table they wrote years ago.

They have been extremely clear with how long it takes them to fix issues and bugs (4 weeks from start to patch day). They have been extremely clear with their goals and expectations.

Every game studio does things their own way. Every Beta will always be different. Games are constantly evolving and that includes how they are made.

If you don't like what they are doing, go away. The game isn't close to being finished. Just because you think you know what you're talking about doesn't make it so and you look like a fool. The community put in MILLIONS of dollars and PGI is making sure the final product is worthy. If that takes longer than you have the patience for then that is on your shoulders.

I know games can take YEARS to create, BUT, this game, in PGI's hands, has taken less than 3 from concept to alpha <friends and family beta> to closed beta to launch. this is lightning fast and the issues we see are a direct result of the alacrity with which PGI is moving forward. we should just NOW be touching the first wave of invites into CLOSED BETA, not struggling with a shaky product in its launch configuration.

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