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Some Complaints About Some Basic Mechanics

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#1 Tharkan Stuermer


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 07:54 AM

I have a few complaints about MWO:

First: You are suppossed to pilot a Mech in the game, but you'll stuck even against freaking trucks, or one-storied buildings, and might even be damaged. A Mech is supposed to go through such things.

Second: Damage from collisions and falls is often ridicolous. I. e. it doesn't matter, if I fall down a huge cliff, like the one in Frozen City, or a small steps like some of the stones just outside River City, I'll take the same amount of damage.

Third: Damage from collisions with friendly Mechs is ridicolous, too. An Atlas once ripped even my leg off, because I was stuck against him.

Fourth: The maps often repeat, i. e. you play one match on one map, and the next one or two matches will be on the very same map. However, I don't want to play river city in 3 of 4 games. I remember that there are some other maps.

Fifth: Please fix the individual parties' fill-up. It is extremely annoying, if you're up against an 6 vs 8 challenge (not counting leavers), when it might be a 7 vs 7 match.

Sixth: Please do something about leavers. Farmers are encouraged to leave, because they'll get their reward anyway.

Edited by Tharkan Stuermer, 23 January 2013 - 08:37 AM.

#2 Syllogy


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 08:46 AM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 22 January 2013 - 01:09 PM, said:

Q: Is a lobby system being looked at so that players can join selected matches, organize matches based on previously established teams (i.e support for ladder/league format fights), drop matches that are other than 8v8 or 12v12 (like 1v1 if decided, 6v6, 5v5 etc), see which map they are going to drop on so they can plan appropriately etc?
A: Lobby is on the board, but not a high priority yet.

Q: As we approach 12v12 games, how do you plan on addressing full premade groups? It can already be a struggle getting 7 of your friends to play with you, 11 will be even tougher. Are you going to do anything else that will either encourage people to group up more, or make it easier to form large 12 man premades?
A: Premade groups will have their ranks filled up by public players, similar to the current system when the match starts. There are some lances features incoming to help people organize before and during the game.

Q: Collisions
A: They will return later in the year (no definitive date). We have higher priority tasks (CW).

Q: New maps ? (NOT same one - different time of day!)
A: Alpine Peaks in Feb, Desert in March.

9. A 30-second delay for disconnections (or some solution for Alt+F4)? No, Yes
10. A penalty for team damage (particularly at the start of a match)? Soon

Link: http://mwomercs.com/...evs-30-answers/

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