I have a few complaints about MWO:
First: You are suppossed to pilot a Mech in the game, but you'll stuck even against freaking trucks, or one-storied buildings, and might even be damaged. A Mech is supposed to go through such things.
Second: Damage from collisions and falls is often ridicolous. I. e. it doesn't matter, if I fall down a huge cliff, like the one in Frozen City, or a small steps like some of the stones just outside River City, I'll take the same amount of damage.
Third: Damage from collisions with friendly Mechs is ridicolous, too. An Atlas once ripped even my leg off, because I was stuck against him.
Fourth: The maps often repeat, i. e. you play one match on one map, and the next one or two matches will be on the very same map. However, I don't want to play river city in 3 of 4 games. I remember that there are some other maps.
Fifth: Please fix the individual parties' fill-up. It is extremely annoying, if you're up against an 6 vs 8 challenge (not counting leavers), when it might be a 7 vs 7 match.
Sixth: Please do something about leavers. Farmers are encouraged to leave, because they'll get their reward anyway.
Edited by Tharkan Stuermer, 23 January 2013 - 08:37 AM.