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Looking For A Group.

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#1 The Testiclops


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Posted 29 January 2013 - 09:37 AM

Well plain and simple im looking for a casual group of players to enjoy MWO with. I'm not looking to be apart of a 100 player clan, hell bent on rules and regulations with complex team management ect ect. just casual fun, I dont mind discussing lore or any of that but i cant stress enough how I cant stand overly controlling leadership with dates and times and blah blah. I'm in the army so my play times varry and my schedual is irratic. I have no issues commiting to dated matches or all that, but you must be willing to work with me as sometimes my schedual changes with no due nottice.
any way enough of what i want here is a bit about my play style and what not.

Name: Athanos Kerensky (duh) ;)
call sign: Whisky One Six (W16)
I Love to brawl, though i can fit almost any play style. I hate to missle boat as it is boring to me but I have no issue with long range support be it guass or any other autocannon and im quite good at it.

When im not in my atlas i'll roll in my R3L or my Cicada, I love to scout (true scouting) but have no issues with sacrificial lambs if it helps the overall objective.

I'm a team player and get along with almost anyone, I have a mic and TS3, I'm pretty quiet and really only speak when spoken to or if i have info of importance. and maybe a sny remark here and there. thats pretty much it.

sorry for my spelling and use of punctuation I'm 0 Gen greek so it's to be expected im not no genious or nohin lol :angry:.

#2 ObsidianSpectre


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Posted 29 January 2013 - 10:28 AM


#3 qultar


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Posted 29 January 2013 - 10:33 AM

if your not looking to join clan wolf you mite want to try the merc area

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