Completely Disenfranchised
Posted 31 January 2013 - 04:16 AM
Posted 31 January 2013 - 04:16 AM
Perhaps we should all do it as some kind of dirty protest.
Posted 31 January 2013 - 04:37 AM
Itchypantz, on 31 January 2013 - 12:34 AM, said:
LOL @ this one specific part. It's like halfway through his little rant, he realized "Oh crap, there actually still is a 8-man option. Uhh... uhh... well, it sucks! Okay, back to letting us pub stomp again..."
Posted 31 January 2013 - 04:52 AM
Because they claim they are satisfied by having an unfair advantage, and this is meant to be a fair game above all.
Posted 31 January 2013 - 04:53 AM
It is about (not beeing able to) playing together with friends .... nothing more and nothing less
thats it end of storry
And yes i know what the threat starter is talking about .... since the group changes i and my friends are not able to play together anymore ..... thats frustrating
We are mostly between 2 and 6 players sometimes we are even 8 for a short time
So we are most times forces to split up
And now comes the shocking part for many people :
We do not play together to "Pug Stomp"
(as a personal sidenote : i just dont care enought about "Random Joe" in the enemy team to have the wish to stomp him somehow, i am just here to play a game with a few friends)
We do not play together to improve a meaningless "Kill / Death" statistic
We play together because it is more fun to play with a few friends than playing alone
And now the even more shocking part :
believe it or not ... it doesnt matter if you do .... but i think you guys should at least have ever heard about it
When we play together we win about 7 - 10 games out of 10 games an average
some days more like 7 more often on other days more like 10 wins
yes it of corse it depends on which mechs we use .... using more Awesomes / LRM Jenners / or any othe fun/strange setup brings us more to the 7 wins out of 10 situation
no ... we are not super great players
and no we are not some serious, military style talking, optimised, tatical approaching, pre made plans executing, perfect mech combination seeking, angry "we must win on any condition " kind group
.... we are just playing together, **** talking, sometimes having a beer and more or less random deciding wich direction we go kind of group
yes we tryed sync dropping
and yes sometimes it worked
Yes i know that all of you are super great, perfect shooting, super hero mech pilots
but from my personal experiance in this game
it does not make any difference for our enemys if we play with 3 or 4 in one group together or if we play with 6 or 7 against the others .... we still win most times
So the only thing this groupsizelimit does is punishing people who like to play together
thats it
Edited by pistolero, 31 January 2013 - 04:56 AM.
Posted 31 January 2013 - 04:56 AM
pistolero, on 31 January 2013 - 04:53 AM, said:
thats it
Are you in denial?
Pugstomping is less of a problem but you pretend otherwise?
Come on. Stop taking the ****.
You and your 7 friends are happily fighting other 8-mans, aren't you?
So what are you complaining about?
You're complaining that it isn't as unfair in your favor as it used to be.
Edited by Taiji, 31 January 2013 - 04:58 AM.
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:02 AM
If you guys want to get together in a group to drop together that is what the 8 man drops are for. You have a mode that caters to those who want to be in their teams. Just because the players feel that it is inadequate because PGI let the inmates run the asylum by not putting drop restrictions in isn't the PUB's fault.
If dropping as a group is so important that you want to cheat by synch dropping then I suggest you band together as a group, keep with the 8 mans and start demanding that PGI fix that rather than demanding other modes be changed to accomidate your style of play.
Many people postulated that once 8 mans opened up many of the groups would come back to the 4's because they couldn't compete and it seems that is what the OP and his pals did. The responses to the thread that are against his view IMHO are right on. Its not the PUB's fault that he's not having fun with his group..its his for not using the mode that was created for him and his ilk.
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:02 AM
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:04 AM
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:07 AM
Is he talking about two constant groups of four is or are we talking 4+2/3.
Standard MWO Process.
1) Hear about problem
2) Impose ill considered fix
3) Wait months.
4) Supply correct fix.
Shame about steps 2 and 3.
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:12 AM
Its about this Lets say tonight i only got 7 friends on my ts server now what? we cant run 8mans cause we dont have enough people to let us play we only got 7. so what to do? rotate 3 guys in and out so only 4 are playing at any time?? NO
PLay 2 diff groups and "hope" we get on same team?? oh wait we cant do that thats "pug stomping cheater tatic"
So before you claim syncdropping is cheating or just pugstomping use your brain and think for a minute. what would you do if you had 6 other people you wanted to team up with, but not a 8th?
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:16 AM
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:24 AM
Banzi Jo, on 31 January 2013 - 05:12 AM, said:
Its about this Lets say tonight i only got 7 friends on my ts server now what? we cant run 8mans cause we dont have enough people to let us play we only got 7. so what to do? rotate 3 guys in and out so only 4 are playing at any time?? NO
PLay 2 diff groups and "hope" we get on same team?? oh wait we cant do that thats "pug stomping cheater tatic"
So before you claim syncdropping is cheating or just pugstomping use your brain and think for a minute. what would you do if you had 6 other people you wanted to team up with, but not a 8th?
How about grabbing a random from the lobby/other ts servers? And yes, sync dropping is cheating any way you look at it.
Edited by Bren McGuire, 31 January 2013 - 05:26 AM.
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:26 AM
we are most times less than 8 that means every 3 or 4 days we could do an 8 man drop together
our experiance with that was:
some ctd
some fail to find match while other are in
some yellow screen / 4 fps
that is just to much problems for an 1 hour time gap any few days just to face 8 Raven 3L groups in conquest
you seriously did not ask me to make new friends to play a broken 8v8 system ?
@ Taji
maybe you should take the time to read my post again .... try to ready all words this time please
"Are you in denial?
Pugstomping is less of a problem but you pretend otherwise?
Come on. Stop taking the ****.
You and your 7 friends are happily fighting other 8-mans, aren't you?
We are only very few times 8 people.
What do you mean with Pugstomping ?
Please explain it to me because i realy do not understand what you mean.
Is it winning against other players because they are not making jokes on teamspeak while playing a game ?
yes reading is not that easy .... so many words so confusing ......
If you guys want to get together in a group to drop together that is what the 8 man drops are for.
Oh Great that realy helps alot and changes everything when we are 5 .....
"If dropping as a group is so important that you want to cheat by synch dropping then I suggest you band together as a group, keep with the 8 mans and start demanding that PGI fix that rather than demanding other modes be changed to accomidate your style of play."
forgive me but i honestly see absolutly no problem in playing together with 6 or 7 of my friends , in the same match, two or three times a week insteead of only with 4
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:29 AM
Chavette, on 31 January 2013 - 04:13 AM, said:
I have on numerous counts parttaken in 2x4 syncdropping while on TS for the sole purpose of pugstomping.
I have no excuse for these horrible actions, and will take full responsability of them, for whatever punishment you may decide on, good sir.

Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:30 AM
pistolero, on 31 January 2013 - 05:26 AM, said:
we are most times less than 8 that means every 3 or 4 days we could do an 8 man drop together
our experiance with that was:
some ctd
some fail to find match while other are in
some yellow screen / 4 fps
that is just to much problems for an 1 hour time gap any few days just to face 8 Raven 3L groups in conquest
you seriously did not ask me to make new friends to play a broken 8v8 system ?
@ Taji
maybe you should take the time to read my post again .... try to ready all words this time please
"Are you in denial?
Pugstomping is less of a problem but you pretend otherwise?
Come on. Stop taking the ****.
You and your 7 friends are happily fighting other 8-mans, aren't you?
We are only very few times 8 people.
What do you mean with Pugstomping ?
Please explain it to me because i realy do not understand what you mean.
Is it winning against other players because they are not making jokes on teamspeak while playing a game ?
yes reading is not that easy .... so many words so confusing ......
If you guys want to get together in a group to drop together that is what the 8 man drops are for.
Oh Great that realy helps alot and changes everything when we are 5 .....
"If dropping as a group is so important that you want to cheat by synch dropping then I suggest you band together as a group, keep with the 8 mans and start demanding that PGI fix that rather than demanding other modes be changed to accomidate your style of play."
forgive me but i honestly see absolutly no problem in playing together with 6 or 7 of my friends , in the same match, two or three times a week insteead of only with 4
So you don't know how the quote button works?
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:32 AM
.. and some guys wonder where the hate against premades comes from.
I hope you die in a fire sir. And i am grateful that the game doesnt force me to play with human trash like you.
Edited by ferranis, 31 January 2013 - 05:34 AM.
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:33 AM
pistolero, on 31 January 2013 - 05:26 AM, said:
forgive me but i honestly see absolutly no problem in playing together with 6 or 7 of my friends , in the same match, two or three times a week insteead of only with 4
Again, that is what 8 mans are for. Its what was asked and demanded by the organized groups so that they could disconnect themselves from the unwashed masses of the PUB players. Feel free to play as many games as you want with your friends.
My point was that if you are short of the required 8 people from time to time then there are ways to remedy that, as has been pointed out on countless threads since CB, the unofficial TS servers.
Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:36 AM
Kaarde, on 31 January 2013 - 05:33 AM, said:
Again, that is what 8 mans are for. Its what was asked and demanded by the organized groups so that they could disconnect themselves from the unwashed masses of the PUB players. Feel free to play as many games as you want with your friends.
My point was that if you are short of the required 8 people from time to time then there are ways to remedy that, as has been pointed out on countless threads since CB, the unofficial TS servers.
I remember that. We don't WANT to play with PUBs they said. It's not sporting they said. Give us 8vs8 queue they said. Because this is a TEAM game they said. Well.....
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