Once painted, it should look pretty great.
I think at this point I've spent 80 on lumber (mostly on MDF, which I didn't *NEED* but wanted because I had the $$). The 20 dollars comes from the teensy USB. I had the 2x4's lying around in large nums already but they're not terribly expensive. I spent like 20 dollars on arduino kit items on ebay.
My biggest upgrade lately was actually a new motherboard, which cost 50 dollars.
Next up I'm getting some used Saitek X45 throttle/control flight sticks for 35 dollars.
After that are pedals for about 35 dollars or less. If I can't find em for less, I'll build my own using switches processed via the teensy USB, now that I'm comfortable with it.
Lastly, I'll be buying a 30 dollar fresnel from bhlens.com for the purposes of collimating the display. Last piece should be cost of painting the thing. After that I should be golden.
So I'm looking about 300 dollars +/- for cost of the pit, primarily because I had a lot of the stuff/repurposed things as is. Some of my lumber actually came from a tore down old dresser, entertainment stand, etc. Some old auto parts gauges and a dusty old sharp zaurus sl5500 will find their way into the cockpit as well.
It can be done on the cheap