This sale is a step in the right direction, since it is 50% off, which is finally a significant amount, even though it's just off four trial mechs so it might not generate as many sales.
Also wish you would mirror the discount in the c-bill price as well, but I understand why you don't.
This sale probably won't be an accurate measurement of how many more purchases of a given mech variant you could expect if you cut MC prices 50% across the board, because it's constrained to these four variants that many folks already have, and there are plenty of folks not interested in these that would gladly buy multiple other variants were they 50% off, particularly hero mechs that can't be bought via c-bills.
Just the same, good luck with the sale! And thank you.
p.s., I am buying some MC just to say thank you for simply being willing to offer a 50% off sale and test the waters.
Edited by jay35, 01 February 2013 - 05:31 PM.