Now whilst the who said what I find interesting as a curio of the franchises history that is by-the-by. Living Legends does however represent a body of content.
Obviously there are differences between the v2 and v3 engines however one of the major complaints people have had about MWO since closed beta is: More maps and bigger maps.
In some respects the maps people want are sat right there.
So my suggestion is that PGI look at getting the rights to use the LL maps and convert them to the v3 engine (tweaking for the differences in gameplay between MWO & LL). It'd make the LL players happy to see them reappear (I think at least) and possibly solve the lack of maps, game modes and such that people find off putting about MWO.

Living Legends Content Migration
Started by Vaneshi SnowCrash, Feb 02 2013 03:24 AM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 02 February 2013 - 03:24 AM
Posted 02 February 2013 - 04:07 AM
The game itself is not built for such big maps.
In MW:LL, you have respawns and vehicles, all the mechs are FedCom Civil war era tech and so on...
For us it would only mean half an hour of getting to the enemy team for mediums/lights, brawling it out in the similar fashion we are used to and then waiting until teh game ends which will take around an hour coinsidering the assaults will have to meet at some point.
In MW:LL, you have respawns and vehicles, all the mechs are FedCom Civil war era tech and so on...
For us it would only mean half an hour of getting to the enemy team for mediums/lights, brawling it out in the similar fashion we are used to and then waiting until teh game ends which will take around an hour coinsidering the assaults will have to meet at some point.
Posted 02 February 2013 - 05:06 AM
Adridos, on 02 February 2013 - 04:07 AM, said:
The game itself is not built for such big maps.
In MW:LL, you have respawns and vehicles, all the mechs are FedCom Civil war era tech and so on...
For us it would only mean half an hour of getting to the enemy team for mediums/lights, brawling it out in the similar fashion we are used to and then waiting until teh game ends which will take around an hour coinsidering the assaults will have to meet at some point.
In MW:LL, you have respawns and vehicles, all the mechs are FedCom Civil war era tech and so on...
For us it would only mean half an hour of getting to the enemy team for mediums/lights, brawling it out in the similar fashion we are used to and then waiting until teh game ends which will take around an hour coinsidering the assaults will have to meet at some point.
Good point although there was talk of allowing a multiple drop 'respawn' system. As in you die, you can go again in another Mech you've got in your hanger but they don't unlock until the match is done.
Is there anything wrong with a game mode that takes an hour to play?
Posted 02 February 2013 - 05:41 AM
Vaneshi SnowCrash, on 02 February 2013 - 05:06 AM, said:
Is there anything wrong with a game mode that takes an hour to play?
Not for me, but the majority of people would shove down so much "feedback" down PGI's throat for daring to be close to TT experience it may be a wrong decision in the long run.
Posted 02 February 2013 - 09:27 AM
It'd be more strategic of a game. Only for serious players who are in a team.
Much like the old MW4 NBT leagues. Or the really old Ghost Recon games.
I'd like it.
Much like the old MW4 NBT leagues. Or the really old Ghost Recon games.
I'd like it.
Posted 02 February 2013 - 10:36 AM
If the map was big enough (and the servers had enough cpu and bandwidth) ... you could imagine dropping 32 v 32 (or possibly more) in a large battle. Folks who disconnect could be replaced by reinforcements.
Posted 02 February 2013 - 01:57 PM
More maps and bigger maps certainly. I look forward to maps big enough that taking an atlas is a liability instead of just a stroll through the very short park.
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