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So Why Do People Dislike The Clans?

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#301 Hurnn


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 09:36 AM

View PostVanguard319, on 02 February 2013 - 10:25 PM, said:

Found this in the ruined forever page on tvtropes:

I find it particularly amusing that ppl claim the clans ruined battletech, even though they were planned from the beginning. Oh yeah, did you know MW:O has an entry in the games section of this trope?

lol i think you give fasa waaaaaaaay to much credit

#302 Wildstreak


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 10:03 AM

View PostGremlich Johns, on 01 April 2013 - 04:15 PM, said:

The writers always planned to bring the Clans in when they did (even if Stackpole didn't like the Clans) Societies are jump-started when their existing way of life is threatened. The Ones this affected were the leadership of the Inner Sphere. This story isn't like the Foundation Trilogy that allows 10,000 years to fix humanity.

Frankly, the Inner Sphere BT story would have been rather drab without the Clans coming in to shake things up. IMHO.

Your opinion is balanced against probably the same number who prefer the Clans.

as an aside, I think PGI would have been better off just sticking to 3025. Wolf's Dragoons would have been around and the IS couldn't even deal with them very well.

I expected some kind of return and would not be surprised to find it was planned but still, what was done was a major mistake, the second, actually third one of BT.

First - Not doing R&R properly from the get go.
Second - 20 year jump.
Third - Clans.

I have seen other games that get world shaking events, drives a lot of players nuts and some away. At times it even angers game world creators such as when Gygax got fed up over what happened to Greyhawk and I hear Greenwood got annoyed over the Realms hence he wrote books where some guy tried to destroy the Realms.

I can understand the purpose of world shaking events but the need be done right.

#303 guardian wolf


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 10:33 AM

Alright Kosh, I can understand that mode of thinking. Now while I like the idea behind the Clan caste/government system, a system that is supposed to promote merit, and therefore have the best person for the job, in the job, I can see where a realist such as yourself can see the faults in a system such as this, cause in reality, we end up with opinions, and people will tend to be biased one way or another (even I am guilty of this, because in any Star Wars argument I get into, just Mandalorians, nough said) and this causes the system to get faulty. Now the universe shows that with Falcon, and Jaguar, oppressive warrior castes with Crusader ideology. However it also shows the merit of such systems, with the Wolf (and later Wolves in Exile, not Vlad's group), and Ghost Bear versions, inclusive, very protective Warrior castes, with Warden ideology. Now the difference is, when the Jags ask for something, the put a gun in your face and take it, you do anything against it, they kill you, and anyone even associated with you. On the flip side, when Wolf asks you for something, we will ask you, and as a show of good faith, grant you something in return, and that's if we did not barter to begin with. This was why Wolf (and others) was so successful in keeping the peace in its occupied territories, the governing body let continue doing what you were doing, unless you were some fat nobleman, then you had to go find a job.

#304 Viking520


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 10:41 AM

Maybe MWO will let the clans re-do the past. This time the clans will learn not to aggravate Comstar and get them involved. lol

#305 PaintedWolf


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 01:01 PM

View PostKoshirou, on 02 April 2013 - 09:18 AM, said:

Don't take it personally, mate. It's just that the attempts to idealize a fictional society like the Clans', a poorly thought out juvenile power fantasy with fascist undertones, get on my nerves, And I note that Clan players tend to do that, unlike - for example - players of medieval-ish RPGs who do not seriously extol the virtues of feudalist monarchies.

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Edited by PaintedWolf, 02 April 2013 - 01:02 PM.

#306 FrostCollar


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 01:18 PM

View PostViking520, on 02 April 2013 - 10:41 AM, said:

Maybe MWO will let the clans re-do the past. This time the clans will learn not to aggravate Comstar and get them involved. lol

That was all part of the plan for the Warden Clan Wolf.

#307 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 04:44 PM

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 01 April 2013 - 08:37 PM, said:

I just finished reading the Foundation trilogy last month. Seldon Plan fixes humanity in 1,000 years, and one Foundation Novel is worth about half the story of Battletech if not more...

Thanks for the fact check...

#308 Aaron DeChavilier


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM

View PostPaintedWolf, on 02 April 2013 - 08:32 AM, said:

I actually find fan fiction to be extremely under-rated and one of the most charming aspects of American culture.

I dont. Writing a little fan fiction as a way to study how someone set up a universe? sure, but the volume of it out there contributes to stagnation and a metric ton of mary sues.

View PostPaintedWolf, on 02 April 2013 - 08:32 AM, said:

Just because a series is fan fiction and not made-up on the spot, does not mean it is lacking for richness, depth or quality.

to a point beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However more objectively, the fact that no fan fiction has broken through to mainstream besides 50 Shades of Gray is awfully telling.

View PostPaintedWolf, on 02 April 2013 - 08:32 AM, said:

As for the Clans, I do see some fascistic/negative Soviet elements, Spartan elements within them (some more then others) but I also see some very strong Native American/good socialist/meritocratic elements too.

The problem is two-fold.
-First off, many clan posters seem to post as either some quasi-InCharacter post, or they truly believe the coal they're shoveling. Both of these make discussing the clans outside of the story very hard to do.
-Second, As many have stated before the "meritocracy" begins and end with the Warrior Caste of clan society. How is a farmer supposed to raise up to the level of Warrior when the cards are physically stacked against him/her? If the farmer was in the Inner Sphere, he could build a business out of his farm, make more money, raise up a notch or two in social status etc. The Inner Sphere governments are feudal at a Nobility level - aka Planetary Governors, System Magistrates, Royal Houses. At the Rich / Middle / Lower class level they are more or less like the societies we have now. Many grant their populaces incredible freedoms that a clan member could only dream of.

As for Native American elements; maybe spiritually, but not really socially or governmentally.
And again, clan government is an autocracy of ruling military lords. Ever wonder why so many dictators in history have risen to power from the military? (ex colonels, generals, etc) ever wonder? controlling a populace with the military is far easier than through any other means. The clans are just a council of unchallengeable military dicatators. The royal houses of the IS are capricious but can be curbed through social unrest, protest, or economic forces in addition to military / paramilitary action. How does a collective of farmers in clan space initiate a Trial of Refusal against the Warrior Caste when the farmer collective does not like how their grain stores are being distributed? fight the Warrior Caste?

View PostPaintedWolf, on 02 April 2013 - 08:32 AM, said:

The Successor States will by and large focus and exaggerate the negative elements, while the Clans and their supporters or those who find them useful may exaggerate or focus primarily on positive qualities.

Heh, if the factions I enjoyed had game-breaking technology that I'd like to hold onto; you'd better believe I would defend them and their justifications incredibly hard.

View PostPaintedWolf, on 02 April 2013 - 08:32 AM, said:

As for their effect on fiction, after what? Almost 10 years of Succession Wars the storyline was getting stale. Even Asimov put in the Mule to shake things up, and the Clans did complicate things much to the chagrin of traditionalists but they made the universe much more interesting.

Interesting is certainly a word I would use, but not so positively.

View PostPaintedWolf, on 02 April 2013 - 08:32 AM, said:

What I really like is how it is the reversal of Native Americans and Europe, instead of the latter finding and conquering the new world, the Warrior-Honor Cultures based on totem animals are the ones with superior technology who invade the "civilized" feudal states.

that's as pedestrian as simple alternate-history.

View PostPaintedWolf, on 02 April 2013 - 08:32 AM, said:

And just like real life, the Native American themed factions are far more honorable.

I think you need to take a good long read of this article
The 'Noble Savage' stereotype needs to die a fiery death. It is false, and applying it to the clans is a really bad move.

#309 Kissamies


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 01:28 AM

View PostHurnn, on 02 April 2013 - 09:36 AM, said:

lol i think you give fasa waaaaaaaay to much credit

Yeah, they did have the bit about Kerensky and his army leaving the Inner Sphere, but I really doubt they had the Clans and their invasion planned exactly as it happened right from the beginning. It's more likely that it was a story hook they fleshed out later.

#310 guardian wolf


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 10:11 AM

View PostFrostCollar, on 02 April 2013 - 01:18 PM, said:

That was all part of the plan for the Warden Clan Wolf.

Well for once I didn't have to explain that, thank you for catching that.

#311 Wales Grey

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 01:17 PM

View PostFrostCollar, on 02 April 2013 - 01:18 PM, said:

That was all part of the plan for the Warden Clan Wolf.

So the Wardens deliberately did things that lost the Clans the war with the IS? (Harder than they would have lost anyway.)

I'm glad that the spoilt children of Kerensky are just as capable of declaring they want to take their ball and go home as he was. And less pleased that they actively fought to hold onto the corrupt and abusive power structures Nicholas put in place.

#312 FrostCollar


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 01:34 PM

View PostWales Grey, on 03 April 2013 - 01:17 PM, said:

So the Wardens deliberately did things that lost the Clans the war with the IS? (Harder than they would have lost anyway.)

I'm glad that the spoilt children of Kerensky are just as capable of declaring they want to take their ball and go home as he was. And less pleased that they actively fought to hold onto the corrupt and abusive power structures Nicholas put in place.

Don't get me wrong - I'm no clanner. However, that is exactly what happened.

#313 PaintedWolf


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:34 PM

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

I think you need to take a good long read of this article
The 'Noble Savage' stereotype needs to die a fiery death. It is false, and applying it to the clans is a really bad move.


This is science fiction, and we are not talking about a past society but a future society. And yes, technology does play a role in making people more civilized. The Clans are also 200 years ahead in technology.

#314 Dakkaface


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:35 PM

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

The problem is two-fold.
-First off, many clan posters seem to post as either some quasi-InCharacter post, or they truly believe the coal they're shoveling. Both of these make discussing the clans outside of the story very hard to do.

Probably best to condemn those posters as fanboys then, rather than lumping them in together with ordinary folks who prefer to play Clans, or even those who like to tweak noses by inserting Clan euphemisms into posts, quiaff? :ph34r:

All in jest though. Much like the endless Stormcloak v. Imperials arguments anywhere Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls is brought up, Clan v. Sphere arguments will go on forever, fueled by a few fanboys who keep stirring the embers. I know there's major issues on both sides of the fence. No faction is 'better.' But there's always the few Spheroids who decry the Clans as the worst thing in Battletech, and they're always the few Clanners screaming their superiority from the rooftops to any who can hear.

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

How does a collective of farmers in clan space initiate a Trial of Refusal against the Warrior Caste when the farmer collective does not like how their grain stores are being distributed? fight the Warrior Caste?

Well, if the Nova Cats are any indication, you challenge them on something other than the battlefield. To a climbing race, drinking contest, or coin flip - all things that Nova Cats lost worlds on. Can't speak for the other clans though.

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

Heh, if the factions I enjoyed had game-breaking technology that I'd like to hold onto; you'd better believe I would defend them and their justifications incredibly hard.

Honestly, I play Clan for the look of the mechs and the prevalence of battle armor more than the better technology. If I could give up most of the tech, keep the aesthetic and play on an even field with Spheroid players, I'd be fine with that. Heck, Nova Cat barely produces omnis anymore and they're living in the Combine.

Edited by Dakkaface, 03 April 2013 - 05:36 PM.

#315 Uncle Totty


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:35 PM

View PostWales Grey, on 03 April 2013 - 01:17 PM, said:

So the Wardens deliberately did things that lost the Clans the war with the IS? (Harder than they would have lost anyway.)

I'm glad that the spoilt children of Kerensky are just as capable of declaring they want to take their ball and go home as he was. And less pleased that they actively fought to hold onto the corrupt and abusive power structures Nicholas put in place.

I'm sorry Clan Wolf-in-Exile didn't become House Kell. But hey, there's still the Kell Hounds. :ph34r:

#316 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 06:14 PM

View PostDakkaface, on 03 April 2013 - 05:35 PM, said:

Well, if the Nova Cats are any indication, you challenge them on something other than the battlefield. To a climbing race, drinking contest, or coin flip - all things that Nova Cats lost worlds on. Can't speak for the other clans though.

Look at this kitten. LOOK AT IT!

Posted Image

No normal human being can stay mad at a kitten! *mumbles incoherent logic* Therefore no normal human being can stay mad at the Nova Cats! Except the Smoke Jaguars.

There is something seriously wrong with them....

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 03 April 2013 - 06:15 PM.

#317 PaintedWolf


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 06:23 PM

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

The problem is two-fold.

-First off, many clan posters seem to post as either some quasi-InCharacter post, or they truly believe the coal they're shoveling. Both of these make discussing the clans outside of the story very hard to do.

So what? Who cares? I mean you are really going to get that bent out of shape about people playing like they are Clanners? How about you don't get your undies in a knot over it? Also what the heck does this have to do with the Clans in lore? You don't like the Clans in the fiction because you don't like some fan boys in real life? :(

Geez man, you really need to focus on other things.

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

-Second, As many have stated before the "meritocracy" begins and end with the Warrior Caste of clan society. How is a farmer supposed to raise up to the level of Warrior when the cards are physically stacked against him/her? If the farmer was in the Inner Sphere, he could build a business out of his farm, make more money, raise up a notch or two in social status etc. The Inner Sphere governments are feudal at a Nobility level - aka Planetary Governors, System Magistrates, Royal Houses. At the Rich / Middle / Lower class level they are more or less like the societies we have now. Many grant their populaces incredible freedoms that a clan member could only dream of.

Nope, incorrect. Each Caste has Trials relevant to their specific vocation. As noted, Laborers engage in competitions of work, Technicians engineering problems, Scientists intellectual puzzles/exercises. All Castes are subject to Trial within their specific position and this makes it so people are less likely to get ahead or stay ahead by mere inheritance or connections. Of course the system is not perfect, but it is a heck of a lot more fair and meritocratic then the Successor States.

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

As for Native American elements; maybe spiritually, but not really socially or governmentally.

You do realize most Clan governments are atheist? A couple are spiritual, but by and large they are secular cultures.

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

And again, clan government is an autocracy of ruling military lords.

As opposed to pacifist feudal lords? And what is the First Prince? You know I didn't vote for him. :ph34r:

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

Ever wonder why so many dictators in history have risen to power from the military?

32 out of 44 US Presidents have had military experience.....

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

(ex colonels, generals, etc) ever wonder? controlling a populace with the military is far easier than through any other means. The clans are just a council of unchallengeable military dicatators.

Khans get challenged by others all the time actually. Khan Taney of Ice Hellion lost his position to Raina Montose over a Trial. Montose had to fight nearly five Trials to retain her Khan position after the Hellion Debacle. IlKhan Andrews was challenged to multiple trials during the Wars of Reaving. Natasha Kerensky won her Khanship after killing a rival in a Trial where she brought down 4 Mechs, 3 of them single-handedly.

Most Khans fight trials to maintain their position, and many fight on the front-lines. By Clan law Trials of Refusal and other kinds may be called against a Khan, and the Khan hardly has absolute power.


When the Clan requires military action above the small scale skirmishes that are Trials of Possession, the Clan Council becomes a Kurultai (War Council) and it elects from within a council member to become a Khan. The Khan (though having much more influence) can't interfere with Clan laws/society; that is still in the hands of the Council. He/she is, however, commander of the entire Clan's military assets, including the touman, and becomes the top of the military hierarchy that doesn’t exist without a Khan.


Khanship is determined by Trial and Khans are challenged to Trials all the time. Whether or not the Trial is accepted is generally determined by the Council. In fact Khans seem to have more checks on their power then House Lords. In fact the majority of important decisions in the Clans is subject to Council vote. For example, whether or not Wolf Dragoon DNA would be allowed into the breeding program- that was subject to Council Vote, not Khan decision.

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 02 April 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

The royal houses of the IS are capricious but can be curbed through social unrest, protest, or economic forces in addition to military / paramilitary action. How does a collective of farmers in clan space initiate a Trial of Refusal against the Warrior Caste when the farmer collective does not like how their grain stores are being distributed? fight the Warrior Caste?

Actually no, in most of the Great Houses the House Lords have more or less final say over any decision. And you can't always protest or bring economic forces to bear. Just try doing any of that in the DCMS and see how far your "social unrest" gets.

In the Clans at least the Warrior Caste has some checks, but in the Successor States the Nobles and Kings don't have any legal checks at all. Arguing that there are possible extra-legal means of, well basically, overthrowing the Great Houses, including "paramilitary and military means" simply means the people can try and attempt treason- and that hasn't changed the general feudal/monarchist structure in centuries, so I'm not sure how effective that is going to be.

Protests? Some Successor States allow it sometimes, (don't expect this to be the CC or DC unless they are state-sponsored) but even then there are strict limits and the governments are not democracies so it doesn't matter.

Social unrest? Basically treason. Secret Police go to your house, no more social unrest. Remember, disobeying the Chancellor can be hazardous to your health.

Economic pressure? Most companies are fronts for the Great Houses. This might be true of House Davion or the Lyran Alliance or FWL more then the CC or DC but in the end you have to keep in mind these are feudal states, not democracies. They don't need money for elections, and actually economic influence over House decisions is practically nil, and business owners are still below the local lord or monarch. I mean if business interests influenced so much, we have to ask why it is the Successor States were allowed to destroy most of their industries and ruin their economies for the 200+ years of the Succession Wars. Did these businesses want to get themselves blown up? I guess the total loss of industry and technology on some worlds did constitute "economic pressure", but I fail to see how placing themselvesin post-apocalyptic environments paints the Successor States in a good light.

You really are talking about the Successor States as though they are democracies. They are feudal states with entrenched systems, absolute dictators, local lords who effectively own planets and a willingness to fight that almost sent them back to the Stone Age. Your portrait of the Clans as war-mongering dictatorships next to the liberal, pacifist democracies of the Great Houses is pretty inaccurate and seems to ignore a lot of things- such as the entire Succession Wars period.

Edited by PaintedWolf, 03 April 2013 - 06:31 PM.

#318 PaintedWolf


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 06:37 PM

View PostDakkaface, on 03 April 2013 - 05:35 PM, said:

Honestly, I play Clan for the look of the mechs and the prevalence of battle armor more than the better technology. If I could give up most of the tech, keep the aesthetic and play on an even field with Spheroid players, I'd be fine with that. Heck, Nova Cat barely produces omnis anymore and they're living in the Combine.

This may sound superficial, but when I play Clan it is mostly because they have better technology.

#319 Dakkaface


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 06:53 PM

View PostPaintedWolf, on 03 April 2013 - 06:37 PM, said:

This may sound superficial, but when I play Clan it is mostly because they have better technology.

I won't say it isn't a draw, but it's not for me. I got into the Battletech universe with Mechwarrior 3 - I didn't care much about the background then, just about the coolest looking mechs - my favorites at the time were the Blackhawk, Shadowcat, Thor, and Cauldron Born(though this last more because of the name and blurb in the manual than the flat looks).

Got back into the franchise again with the release of the Dark Age game, where I played mainly Spirit Cats since those were the mechs I pulled. I liked the grey/white look of them, ran two Black Hawks as my main force. I got out of Dark Age and back into Mechwarrior with Vengeance and Mercenaries (where I got to pilot and liked the Nova Cat mech), and started reading some of the books. I thought they were interesting, and the more I found out about the Nova Cats the Spirit Cats had started as, the more I liked them. Mystics who heed visions and are skeptical about Operation Revival, who turn on the other clans by using the letter of their own rules and basically ceded worlds to the second SLDF based on drinking contests and coin flips where they called 'edge.'

Started playing actual CBT recently - building a Nova of Nova Cat's with medium Clan Battle Armor and omnis to ferry them around. I could care less about all the fancy long range weapons, swappable weapons and better heat curves - the only thing I want for my mechs is the omni ability to ferry battle armor around.

If the better equipment is there, I'll use it, but my primary reasons for being a Clan player are aesthetics, nostalgia and the amusing background of Clan Nova Cat. Equipment has nothing to do with it.

#320 Wales Grey

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 09:29 PM

View PostPaintedWolf, on 03 April 2013 - 06:37 PM, said:

This may sound superficial, but when I play Clan it is mostly because they have better technology.

There ain't a thing wrong with playing a game the way it's written, or picking a faction for gameplay reasons.

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