CECILOFS, on 04 February 2013 - 12:39 AM, said:
I will say however, that it looks like you were a better pilot than a lot of the people you killed there and I think you could achieve similar results in other mechs too.
Yup! I "liked" because that was an awesome video and shows a great pilot doing some awesome things in a good mech build.
Watch his other videos.... he's a very skilled Mechwarrior and I have never seen anyone use Jump Jets that effectively, especially on a Catapult.
Honestly, I'm not sure how they can "nerf" the A1 other than getting rid of the variant entirely, which I don't see happening.
Also, if they nerf weapons due to the extreme cases of boating, then those that don't boat will suffer even more. *shrug*
Personally, I don't know what the big deal is. I've been "backstabbed" by an A1 once or twice, and it's always surprising and frustrating... but otherwise I've spotted and destroyed a lot of them.
Just keep aware and don't let them get the "jump" (har har) on you.
Call them out to your team and focus fire, or just stay at range and pick them apart.
If all A1 pilots were as good as Indoorsman here, sure... we'd be in trouble.
But hell.... if most pilots were as good as Indoorsman and other pro Mechwarriors around here.... us "average" types would never get a kill and would be destroyed in the first minute of the match!
Fortunately most A1 pilots I face aren't nearly as good as Indoorsman.
Like most FOTM builds... they expect to put the machine together and let it do all the work.
Sure, you might get a couple kills that way... especially against inexperienced or poor players with crappy loadouts and worse situational awareness.... but one or two good pilots on the other side will waste you.
Just my two cents.
Edited by Ravennus, 04 February 2013 - 12:59 AM.