Joseph Mallan, on 11 February 2013 - 07:53 AM, said:
Really? The game play of AC20s and Gauss Rifles were nerfed greatly by the doubling of armor over the old games. What I am finding funny is I have said the MG should have a doubling of its present damage(.8 per second), and all you are seeing is that I don't feel it should be equal to a gun 12 times its size. Just how powerful do you want what amounts to a ballistic pea shooter to be?
those weapons shoot more than twice as fast in mwo as compared to TT.
That ac/2 you keep trying to use to attack the buffing of the MG.
went from doing 2 damage over ten seconds to doing 40.
the mg that did the same damage in TT as the AC2 does 4.
Shine on you crazy guy you.
Joseph Mallan, on 11 February 2013 - 07:56 AM, said:
i would never play a spider with 4 machine guns any more than I would play one with 2 medium lasers...
See i am not getting mad with you and your position. Why are you taking this so personal?
Because you are being ridiculous.
MustrumRidcully, on 11 February 2013 - 07:55 AM, said:
"Appropriately Powerful".
They are not. It isn't really any more difficult then that.
This guy gets it.
Not surprising given hes pointed out where all the other weapons are flawed as well.
I'd be much happier if you were in charge of balancing MWO tbh.