With all the new updates, this guide isn't actual, and the new mechs are not here.
Why ?
For making hitboxes, i have to buy all the new mech (and i don't play with them); with the incomming updates, i want to save my C-Bill !
Before """U.I. 2.0""", we can detect the boxes in the mechlab, simply moving mouse on the mech's parts.
Now, i think it's more difficult (or impossible ?).
It's too bad, because this kind of guide is very usefull for all players.
But is your guide too; and if you want, you can help.
If you find a way to detect boxes/test them, feel free to send your work here (or by MP).
I'm sure we can update this thread together !
Hello all!
As a light player, I have to strike fast and precisely where i want on the enemy Mech.
I'm not a heart breaker, I'm a shoulder breaker; so i want to know exactly where i have to shoot to begin the fireworks.
The "hitboxes" of each part of the Mech shown in the Mechlab are not the same real hitboxes used in-game.
My team and I have worked to find all the hitbox locations for each chassis.There's some really surprising stuff, but all the boxes were tested in-game.
This information is intended to help players decide where it is best to shoot each chassis. Obviously if an area is heavily damaged you should always aim for that but this could be useful for initial encounters or when the damaged area is not accessible.
We will let the reader draw their own conclusions as far as exactly where to hit each Mech since much of it is up for debate and speculation. The basic formula we use is to consider the size of the part, the accessibility of the part, and the potential amount of health.
From what we understand, the health of a Mech's Internal Structure components is equal to the max armor of a component divide by two(2). The head is the exception, where the internal health is said to be fifteen(15). For example; the maximum health of a Stalker's arms is 84 (56 Max. Armor + 28 Internal Structure = 84 Health). Furthermore, if you were to remove, for example, 2 armor from the Stalker's arm the health would drop to 82 and not to 80. The Internal Structure value is not affected by the current armor. It is one half of the maximum armor.
The torsos are unique in that the Internal Structure has same health when hit from the front or back but the armor does not. The Health of the Internal Structure on the torsos is said to equal half the total of the front and rear armor combined. For example a Stalker's center torso's Internal Structure equals 54 because the max front and rear center torso armor is 72 + 36 = 108. 108/2 = 54. (This Internal Structure information is not confirmed by PGI and still under some debate.)
The charts show stock armor distribution and maximum armor possible per body part so you can estimate how tough a part might be and calculate Internal Structure health. The L/R and Center torso ratios can be adjusted but it gives you a basic idea of how they are. These show approximately 2/3 in the front and 1/3 in the rear.
The images show body part locations and head hit boxes. Of course, the images are not perfect, but give an basic idea where to hit. Color code key below.
Yellow for the Head
Green for the Arms
Red for the Legs
Orange for the Front Left and Right Torso
Blue for the Back Left and Right Torso
Purple for the Center Torso












Edited by Rainbow Unikorn, 15 April 2014 - 06:30 AM.