Slick and shiny: (instead of quick and useful)
The new team list screen doesn't help, it's slick and shining, but hard to read and get info from quickly.
When you press TAB you have to WAIT for the slick animated team screen to show up. This makes it less useful in a fight, if you want a quick status update on your team mates. (ie, how many are still alive, should I stay in this brawl, or run, is my last teammate on my left an Atlas or a spider, etc...)
SUGGESTION: Give us settings to turn any new slick stuff off or on.
A simple check box for disabling/enabling animated menus/screen transitions, globally. I don't want animated stuff on any of my interfaces, it's fluff to have to wade through, and it's not realistic on a military equipment. (this is _supposed_ to be mech simulator.)
Death screen: (again, slick and shiny)
I don't want an animated death screen, (at least in it's current state) it takes me out of the game both actually and figuratively. I want to stay in the feeling that I am at a war, not playing a silly kids game.
The floaty 360 turn around my corpse after I die p*sses me off, and makes me feel both stupid for dying, and that I was just playing a kids game, and "oops your dead". How about cracking the screen, spray a little spit and blood on it, and show my pilot laying there. Or drop the camera view next to the mech in the dirt, motionless. That would be awesome, not cute and "cool" looking.
The entire game screams action, feeling the pulses and shocks, make the end screen the same.
How about having the cockpit actually explode? Then cut to the dead mech? Anything that's not cartoony or feels like a kiddy game of Quake...
btw: THANK YOU for fixing the shut down bugs.
Edited by Megachromulent, 06 February 2013 - 11:37 AM.