This Might invoke lots of trolls and flaming but I would love it for Catapults to be used for their intended role of LRM fire support.
I am tired of A1's useless charging into battle dying or losing their arms within seconds and hardly even contribute to the team with less than 80 damage. I am tired of these poorly skilled pilots thinking that they can kill you without having to aim.
Sadly us LRM Catapults are stuck sitting withing 500m because we have to put in TAG and only have enough tonnage for 2 LRM 20's. No light to spot for us. If enemy lights come after me I either will only have 3 Medlum lasers or a single medium laser to defend myself. Cause no one is going to help the LRM boat from certain death.
Doesn't help when assaults sit back as LRM boats when they should be up in front dishing out damage with some devastating weapons. Instead I see a stalker with 4 LRM 15's and maybe 4 medlium lasers with no tag sitting back wasting 15 tons of ammo.
Sadly, the dream of being able to being a mobile LRM platform was ruined the moment that lights like the 3L stopped scouting for us. It doesn't help that I can lose lock for one brief second because the ECM bubble of a light mech swings by and I lose everything. Cruising at 70kph desperately trying to do the job intended.
Not to say I don't have some amazing games where those LRM's get kills or soften targets. It just doesn't happen and it turns out that I have to somehow get kills with my medium lasers while I carry 20 tons of useless LRM launchers and ammo.
Oh by the way. I have not made a AC/20 or Gausspult since Open Beta. I use ER large lasers or ER ppc's like a real K2 pilot would. I also love dishing out damage over 800m and getting more damage done then the resident Ballista Kat on the team.
Edited by Tichorius Davion, 07 February 2013 - 01:52 PM.