First of all, thank you for answering all those questions!
With that being said, there where 2 answers that left me quite astonished - and not in a good way : /
Bryan Ekman, on 08 February 2013 - 11:55 AM, said:
Nash - You mentioned that EU servers may be introduced at 2013. My question is: Will your pilot name be available on both servers (North America and Europe) or only on one of them? (I ask because otherwise it could happen that 2 different people are taking the same pilot name one at North America and the other at Europe
A: Each region is has its own database and unique user names. Regions do not play with or against each other.
1.2 Can players, that are currently playing on the NA server move their account to the European game region? Or is it a "fluent" system where you are assigned via matchmaking to the best fitting game server?
A: Our goal would be to offer a onetime transfer option. Regions will have their own servers and unique accounts.
This left me staring at the monitor, thinking [REDACTED IMAGE]
Sorry, but that's gotta be the worst idea for implementation of EU servers you could possibly have come up with.
Do you expect people to maintain 2 accounts to be able to play with their overseas friends? Because otherwise it means splitting the player base - in a game with so few total players - are you serious?
People will rage over this...
My suggestion is to simply give everyone 1 global account and let everyone choose before each round (or each time you log on) on which server region they wanna play that round/session.
It makes zero sense to me to split a small player base into serveral subgroups ( 3 once Asian servers go live), when you have the option to keep it as one.
I urge you to please reconsider your planned way of regional server implementation, because I think you would really harm the game if you do it the way you are currently intending to do it.
edit for typo
Edited by Viterbi, 10 February 2013 - 06:28 AM.
Removed image with course language