Kasai Oni, on 27 June 2012 - 04:26 PM, said:
I've been using this guide that someone posted in the thread a while back as a reference myself, really helpful in my opinion.
I actually dug up that tut quite a while ago, before I even started with this... first time I saw the sketches of the legs in that one, I actually thought: "***? that bonestructure doesn't look legit!" But once you think about it, and how a pony/horse-leg may be compared to a human arm or leg, it actually starts to make sense...
Using that tut, I think figured out what the legs should look like, only had a little problem with scale, but fortunately, due to myself using layers en masse scaling and repositioning them was easy...
Once I come up with a fitting mane and tail, and actually drew the cutie-mark, I'll post it here, and you'll see.
I think the proportions are about right, the way I got them currently.
Aresye posted another tut along with the one you just posted which I also found quite interessting, any chance one of you knows the one I'm talking about? I'm currently too lazy to dig it up here... ^^
Edited by Sesambrot, 28 June 2012 - 07:56 AM.