Twilight Sparkl3, on 21 February 2013 - 06:07 PM, said:
i knew id find a pony thread if i looked on the forums. all i want to say is hello everyone
HI ! This thread was what got me into MLP and boy have I enjoyed the ride.
May I suggest some light reading for those new to Ponies?
The Thesselonica Legacy ; As the Valexa March Militia fights for its life Twilght Sparkle finds something odd about Equestrias history.
TS "Fluttershy why do teacups have handles?"
The Dread Chitin ; After a magical mishap Twilight and Rainbow Dash are stranded on a unknown world and must depend on themselves and a fellow castaway to get home.
RD "I think they were called the Nays"
Falling Stars ; A misjump strands two merc units in Equestrian space. In the resulting chaos Twilight hires McKennas Dark Horse Brigade to defend Ponykind.
“Actually, sir, it was the human's effort,” Trade Wind replied, evenly. “Their technology let her see right through its disguise.”
Appletheosis ; While in the back forty Applejack gets a new purpose in life.
AJ“You jest pointed ta all of me.”
Project: Sunflower ; As an unstopable threat is destroying Earth Erin Olsen must must make First Contact with humanitys only hope.
AJ "You got that right, sugarcube!"
OK I'll stop there or I'll keep going till I get autologged off the Forums lol.
Edited by Ryokochan, 22 February 2013 - 12:12 AM.