The ability to accesorize our MWO with various a-filly-ations is an idea whose time has come, but it won't happen without your support. The campaign to wrest a MLP license for Pony cockpit accessories has just begun and it needs your support if you are ever to see something like this.

The first step towards victory in this campaign is letting Hasbro know of our burning desire to shower them with riches, a few letters and phone calls would be a nice start.
Hasbro, Inc.
1027 Newport Avenue
Pawtucket, RI 02862.
The telephone number is 401-431-8697.
One would presume that the suggestion thread posts I have made will eventually make themselves known to PGI as well. A single letter can be quite effective, but If you have the time why don't you shoot them an email?
A consistant and enthusiastic campaign on our part is all that stands between us and a polished community warfare MWO experience. The money spent in this fashion may see all manner of features incorporated into the game such as conventional combined arms for example.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. I look forward to the brony MWO community rallying to the success of the franchise.
Pony Script
Thank you for your kind words Gallaxy Bluestar. I will take a look at the meme thread and see what may be done.
Edited by Samaritan, 17 March 2013 - 02:56 PM.