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Let there be PONY!

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#8081 Fabe


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 03:55 PM

Just learned that Ashleigh Ball.vpice of Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash has a band called 'Hey Ocean', Pretty good alt rock/indi stuff

Edited by Fabe, 17 April 2013 - 03:55 PM.

#8082 Samaritan


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:01 AM

Hon. Mechwarriors;

Here are a few pics to carry us over the Forum Arsonry and Comunity Warfare MWO haiatus.

Twilight Sparkle can multitask with the best of them as she lights up a Highlander and click and drags orders for her unit in the middle of a hot drop from orbit.

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Fluttershy pilots her Yay-germech as the company AAA straight into the teeth of some unexpected company.

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I lost a game of battletech and remembered this scene from MW2.

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Please enjoy the pictures and let's hope community warfare and an actual game engine lobby get's expedited.



Edited by Samaritan, 18 April 2013 - 10:04 AM.

#8083 wanderer


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 06:16 PM

View PostStahlseele, on 17 April 2013 - 12:36 PM, said:

shhh, it's a secret!

Error found in Nightmare.exe :


#8084 SteelyDan


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:06 PM

Greetings, Bronies, here...

little gift... :P


#8085 juxstapo


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Posted 19 April 2013 - 09:44 AM

Hey guys, if you've the patience for it, I've got a story and a request.
i.e "I've got a stupid-long post with little to no ponies in it".

Conversion(Bear with me please, I promise it's pertinent)

Ok, like ker-thousands of others I was dubious-but-not-hostile to the pony thing. I've got three little girls (and one son), so my attitude towards "girl cartoons" was more inevitable acceptance than raging irritation. Then this happened.

The backstory: My youngest daughter is profoundly deaf. We didn't know this until she was two years old. That sounds horrible, but her brother, who is nine months older than her (didn't have a Tv at the time :) ), is very autistic. And that was in our face constantly. Specialists and therepists and this hyperactive little boy ricocheting from one dangerous thing to another. Plus Naomi (my little one) is dazzlingly smart and very good at reading and mimicking people's expressions and such, so we just thought she was being very slow to learn to speak. (It was briefly suggested that she might be autistic also, but one interview with her brother's specialists killed that notion). So we learned late that she was deaf. We also learned she was a prime candidate for bilateral cochlear implants. (cut the sides of her head open, run electrodes into her cochlea, have metal plates on just under her skin that external processors would attach to, wonderous miracle tech, and so on and so forth.)
We didn't actually have the operation until a few months after she turned four. Because daddy was a dumb*** pansy and was scared of the surgery and was all like "But there are so many deaf people who do awesome stuff, its not like she has to have this.." But we finally did it... the purpose of all that was to say: Naomi (we call her "Omi") started learning to speak very late.
Then this happend: (American Sign Language in Italics, Daddy's voice bold)

So early in 2012, (she was six), I was holed up in my "office" (thats what my wife calls it, it's more of a fanboy library/gaming/display room), doing very boring HTML homework. Omi comes in and says:

You. Me. Watch. TV

The therepists all said we have to Make her talk. If she asks for something we have to make her say it. So I say

You wanna watch TV baby? Say it, say "Waaatch TV!"

She goes, signing all the while: "Shwaaaaa" YouMe. TV


Try again (still signing) "wwwwooo" Come on, TV


(Now she's concentrating, little brow furrowed) "Kschwaaah"

Was a little bit painful to see her struggling, she's very smart, but people are a touch dismissive when they hear her having problems. Even now her speech is very halting and broken, and you see people registering "Deaf Kid" instead of "Smart Kid" or "Outgoing kid". And of course that just layers on top of "Autistic kid bouncing around in the background"

Getting irked now, daddy can be so slow, sign with emphasis: You. Me. Watch. TV. (damnit!)

I go for one last attempt: "waaaaaTCH!"

She really puts her chi into this one: "Schwacks!!"

"I'll take it!" (Jump up, all excited)

She busts out lauging and grabs me by the hand and runs me to the living room. With a flurry of signs indicated that I should sit down, and she'll fix the TV. Grabs the xbox controller, and we proceed to watch almost two solid hours of MLP. :)

Leading me to the conclusion.... that this show is friggen awesome. :blink:

and thus another brony was born

Which leads to my request: I just now realized that Snowdrop is blind right? This is the only community I'm a part of with a Brony base, so could any of you guys, on my behalf, petition the artistic segment of the fandom (which includes plenty of you I'm sure), to create a deaf pony?
Specifically, a pony wearing cochlear implant processors (one of these things) Edit: Two of these things actually, one on each side:
Posted Image

And finally, here's me and Omi, during her right-side implant surgery:
Posted Image

Thank you for your time, if you read this far. Thanks again for your efforts if you're down with the request. I apologize for the off-topic nature of this post, if it needs to be moved to it's own thread, I understand

Edited by juxstapo, 19 April 2013 - 02:14 PM.

#8086 Egomane


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Posted 19 April 2013 - 09:53 AM

I'd love to help you on this one, but I'm just not good enough at drawing.

I'm sure that some of the fantastic artists in our three pony units will be able to help.

Edit: It is, by the way, totally on topic! You are asking for an OC pony for your daughter. In a case like yours and hers, I would even have allowed an exception from the pony policy, if you had made a new thread about it.

Edited by Egomane, 19 April 2013 - 10:16 AM.

#8087 juxstapo


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:58 AM

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I srry! I didn't mean to be an UberDowner!

#8088 Stahlseele


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 12:27 PM

nah, we have had these lulls in activity over the last few weeks since the last season stopped . .

here, have an ongoing pony fiction written by a buddy of mine:

Edited by Stahlseele, 20 April 2013 - 12:27 PM.

#8089 Samaritan


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 07:20 PM

Hon. Mechwarriors;

I enjoyed a great game of table top Battletech today and thought I would share it with you.

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Mr. Lawyer and I concluded a long and fun campaign in the Free Worlds League last week with rebel forces retiring off world to a life of luxury and power. Rebel forces began life as a single lance of stolen light mechs and wound up with control of enough of the planet to force the Marik Militia to sue for peace and recognize the rebel government.

We started a new campaign format this week in which we chose 6 mechs each, one of which was of our own design. This mirror-mirror format was our way of ensuring that the mech companies as a whole would fair well as an even BV, Tonnage, and Cbill force that we could then build three lances from. Each of the lances will be used in rotation, with the survivors of the battles reformed into viable lances once more. This process will repeat untill one side or the other can no longer field a lance.

We have dozens of laminated maps and three of the card stock terrain kits from which to build the battle field. We each choose two maps and two tiles and placed them on the pool table in initiative order. Mr. Lawyer won the initiative and placed a City block map in the II quadrant. I followed with a City Tech large foundation map set up as paved ruins in the IV quadrant. Mr. lawyer placed another city block in the III quadrant leaving the I qaudrant for a sparsely wooded open field map.
We then chose two terrain tiles to modify the map with. I placed a large 3 hex radius water tile in the center of the map while Mr. Lawyer chose a medium level 5 building and a level 2/3 mesa adjacent to the large lake in quadrant IV.

With the map set up I moved my first two light APCs into a copse of heavy woods surrounded by light woods. We use these light elements to represent our mobile HQ element. So long as any one of these two vehicles remain in play, a +1 pertains to our initiative rolls. Mr. Lawyer est up his HQ 5 hexes apart in Heavy Buildings. With the initial set up for the game complete, we inspected the mechs brought to the table and ordered our lances. We then selected one of our lances within a 180-240 ton spread secretly to contest the field for the day. Here is the T.O.& E. we had to work from.

My force was split into three lances as follows.

Lance 1

Crocket, Vulcan 5T, Catapult K2, and a Vindicator

Lance 2

Urbanmech, Wolverine M, Flashman, and Mr. Lawyers home grown Opossum

Lance 3

Merlin, Ostroc 2M, Vulcan 5T (yes we both chose this mech), and my home grown THELguard.

I chose Lance 3 for the first battle. Mr. Lawyer chose to field a Crocket, Vulcan 5T, Wolverine M, and Merlin.

We then picked out mechs from our respective collections. I had 3 of the four mechs in my collection and had to substitute an assasin model to stand in for the Vulcan. Mr. Lawer chose various mechs to stand in for his unit having only one wolverine to field from his collection.

Mr. Lawyer contributed a home grown Opossum to the company. This is a solid 75 ton mech with a 4/6/4 maneuver profile. 224 pts of armour and 15 heat sinks rounded the mech services leaving 18.5 tons for armaments. The Opossum was armed with a PPC, 2 LRM5s with 24 rounds, 5 medium lasers, a flamer, and 3 small lasers.

I contributed a fun little meme when I put my offering together. As I had six mechs to offer, I would offer one mech for each move rate 1 through 6. as you might have guessed there are no speed 1 mechs so I had to make one. The THELguard consisted of a 55 ton frame with a 1/2/1 maneuver profile and 136 pts of armour. It was armed with 4 Large Lasers and 25 single heat sinks.

Mr lawer set up in a conga line down the center line between the I and II quadrants. I ran my THELguard to an adjacent water hex in quadrant IV with a commanding filed of fire up to the concrete canyons that lined the III and II quadrant borders. I then marched my remaining mechs to the center left of the lake and mesa formation constructed with our tile placements. Turns one and two were largely uneventful as we jockeyed for position.

Turn three saw the first clench around the central mesa. I lost initiative, but my Thellguard was prepostioned in a watered berm and could be used for an initiative sink along with my HQ. The large jump radii of the Vulcan and Ostroc kept Mr. Lawyer conservative in his dispositions. The geometry of the Mesa and the slow speed of the Crocket allowed me to isolate the mech from the field of fire. 5 and 4 pts of damage were exchanged.

Turn four saw my first initiative win. My HQ remained ensconced in the woods while my THELguard remained stationary and drew a bead on the Merlin that had taken partial cover on the mesa tile. My Merlin back peddled 4 hexes to keep the range while Mr. Lawyer sent his Vulcan and Wolverine to the flanks on the bounce and into wooded hexes. The Crocket wound up isolated by the Mesa tile from firing on any mech other than the THELguard. I was able to jump my Ostroc and Vulcan up onto the mesa for a flank and elevated pair of kicks on the Merlin. This was a favorable turn for me as I took 10 pts and dished out 46 pts to include a LL head shot and a 12 pt kick to the right leg. The enemy Merlin was rattled and fell hard.

Turn five sees the loss of the initiative. My THELguard and HQ remain standing. The Crocket backs up to cover any attempt to jump past him and prosecute Mr. Lawyer's HQ. This let him cover the hexes his Merlin stood up and walked into as well. I hoped into the lake tile to help cool my Ostroc and fire upon the Merlin while taking cover from the Crocket. I jumped behind the Crocket with my Vulcan in an effort to position myself for an HQ strike. My Vulcan was pushing 10 on the heat scale with all the running and gunning and chose to cool off rather than accept the dirty kill tracks available. This was a disappointing fire phase for me as I scored all of 8 pts of dammage while my Merlin took a bath with over 20 pts. I had continued the fighting retreat of the Merlin back into the beaten zone of my HQ, but I still got hammered.

Turn 6 sees the initiative won. I continue to retreat my Merlin into the power of my HQ. The Crocket sees red and bull rushes past the mesa determined to bring the greater weight of the assault mech into play. My Ostroc jumps behind the mesa to cool off, while my Vulcan attempts to back stab the Crocket. Mr. Lawyer directs his Vulcan to intercept mine and continues to prosecute the THELguard left flank with his Wolverine. My Merlin continues to back up at a walk. As fire is exchanged this round the Enemy Merlin is hit hard with a PPC and 4 LL. My Vulcan wiffs on 8s and is back to frying eggs in the cockpit. My Merlin is a little roughed up again losing the PPC to critical rolls.

Turn 7 I loose initiative and have to make some hard decisions. This was a critical turn as the Crocket has now crested the wood line and has clear shots at my HQ at last. The Wolverine uses the superior initiative order to charge up to the pond and prepare a punishing kick at the THELguard. My Vulcan hops into the pool on the other end of the ruins to cool off while my Ostroc lines up a shot on the rear Crocket. This turn was disappointing for both sides as we can count the dammage dealt with both hands. The wolverine missed his kick as well. Much could have happened, and much cringing ensued, but the dice would have none of it.

Turn 8 I loose initiative again. I reverse throttle on my Merlin in an effort to make something happen with the punch drunk enemy Merlin. the Crocket charges 5 hexes forward with the Ostroc on his heals. My Vulcan joins in on the Merlin pile with a 6 hex jump. The HQ charges from the brush to try to distract the Wolverine as the mech walks bside my quad and takes careful aim with an alpha strike and kick. When fire is exchanged the THELguard caps the enemy Merlin with a LL, the remainder of the teams damage is allocated, but fails to core the mech. The pilot is killed, but the mech will be returned to Mr. Lawyer's stables if he takes the field. The THELguard takes an srm to the head and 15 pts to the right torso. by now every one of my pilots has taken damage from head shots, with my Merlin taking a second injury from a bad damage induced fall. The Wolverine plows his kick into my leg which grounds out in the water.

Turn 9 I win Initiative. The Vulcans are playing gun tag on the edge of the II quadrant while my Ostroc takes another nestea break due to sever heat. my Merlin is hurting so I hop into the woods by the pond to help out with the Wolverine playing wackamole with my quad. The Crocket moves up to short range of the kiddie pool with death in his eyes. My HQ rushes the Merlin's wood hex and huddles beneath the mech in the face of the Crocket. We shred each other this turn with the wolverine taking over 30 pts, my Merlin taking the same and both mechs being thrown to the ground. An SRM from my HQ golden BBs the Crocket's engine twice. My Merlin pilot passes out and is declared hors de combat.

At this point the Wolverine is a wreck, the Crocket is crippled, and the Merlins are out of action. We struggle for another round of lost initiative on the edge of the board before Mr. Lawyer concedes and exits the match with his three surviving mechs. The game was a hard fought one with two critical deciding points recognized. The first clench when I isolated and mugged the Merlin, and Mr. Lawyers willingness to follow me into the lions den of my HQ and THELguard were regarded as the deciding factors for this game. We agreed that more reticence needs to be exercised when engaging the THELguard. It can't come get you, so you should not allow your opponent the luxury of viable kill tracks with it until a half dozen rounds have been exchanged with the rest of his lance at long range.

This was a fun game. I enjoyed head capping the Merlin and spot welding the wolverine to the ground as he tried to repeatedly kick my head off. I was forced to pogo the THELguard back and forth across the pond before hopping out of the water entirely to eliminate his hopes for an easy kill that would even the fight up once more.

I hope you were able to enjoy the hobby this week end as well.[/color][/color]

Edited by Samaritan, 20 April 2013 - 07:21 PM.

#8090 Damon Howe


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 09:36 PM

View Postjuxstapo, on 19 April 2013 - 09:44 AM, said:

.....too long but awesome read. :)

So, I'm no artist whatsoever, but I have a few buds in the 'Borg who may be able to help out a bit. ELP also has a few artists.

#8091 juxstapo


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:14 PM

Thx much man.

#8092 Majorfatboy


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 05:00 PM

You know what this thread could use? Some Chickadee:

Posted Image

There, much better.

#8093 Watchit


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 09:26 AM

Yes, Chickadee is much needed.

Posted Image

Also: 2000 posts? when did that happen?

Edited by Watchit, 22 April 2013 - 09:26 AM.

#8094 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 06:53 PM

View Postjuxstapo, on 19 April 2013 - 09:44 AM, said:

most touching story ever posted in MWO forums

hope everything works out for all of you. tell omi we all wish her well in life!

#8095 Stahlseele


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Posted 23 April 2013 - 12:01 PM

i don't really get this one:

#8096 Stahlseele


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Posted 23 April 2013 - 12:21 PM

so . . why exactly is there now a fun forum and why was this thread moved there? O.o
wasn't jettisoned communication off topic enough anymore for the off topic forum?

#8097 Egomane


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Posted 23 April 2013 - 12:54 PM

Fun is where the fun stuff goes. Jettisoned is where the stuff goes that isn't bad enough for Kaetetôã.

Oh... and if Niko is singing... so am I:
Welcome welcome welcome
A fine welcome to you
Welcome welcome welcome
I say how do you do?
Welcome welcome welcome
I say hip hip hurray
Welcome welcome welcome
To Ponyville today

Pinkie will prepare the party...
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#8098 juxstapo


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Posted 23 April 2013 - 05:58 PM

As I told everyone, I am finishing up the dregs of my SQL homework, and not at all imagining myself (skinny, long-haired gamer white boy), as a pony with a classic MechWarrior damage readout cutie mark (Say hello to Lucky Crit):

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Or, for that matter, my tiny, freckled hispanic (with a natural white streak) extreme couponing wife as a pony either! (Meet Saving Clips):

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#8099 Damon Howe


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Posted 23 April 2013 - 07:16 PM

I will take this as an "elevated status". An improvement!

#8100 Havok1978


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 01:38 AM

View Postjuxstapo, on 19 April 2013 - 09:44 AM, said:

Hey guys, if you've the patience for it, I've got a story and a request.
i.e "I've got a stupid-long post with little to no ponies in it".

Conversion(Bear with me please, I promise it's pertinent)

Ok, like ker-thousands of others I was dubious-but-not-hostile to the pony thing. I've got three little girls (and one son), so my attitude towards "girl cartoons" was more inevitable acceptance than raging irritation. Then this happened.

The backstory: My youngest daughter is profoundly deaf. We didn't know this until she was two years old. That sounds horrible, but her brother, who is nine months older than her (didn't have a Tv at the time :D ), is very autistic. And that was in our face constantly. Specialists and therepists and this hyperactive little boy ricocheting from one dangerous thing to another. Plus Naomi (my little one) is dazzlingly smart and very good at reading and mimicking people's expressions and such, so we just thought she was being very slow to learn to speak. (It was briefly suggested that she might be autistic also, but one interview with her brother's specialists killed that notion). So we learned late that she was deaf. We also learned she was a prime candidate for bilateral cochlear implants. (cut the sides of her head open, run electrodes into her cochlea, have metal plates on just under her skin that external processors would attach to, wonderous miracle tech, and so on and so forth.)
We didn't actually have the operation until a few months after she turned four. Because daddy was a dumb*** pansy and was scared of the surgery and was all like "But there are so many deaf people who do awesome stuff, its not like she has to have this.." But we finally did it... the purpose of all that was to say: Naomi (we call her "Omi") started learning to speak very late.
Then this happend: (American Sign Language in Italics, Daddy's voice bold)

So early in 2012, (she was six), I was holed up in my "office" (thats what my wife calls it, it's more of a fanboy library/gaming/display room), doing very boring HTML homework. Omi comes in and says:

You. Me. Watch. TV

The therepists all said we have to Make her talk. If she asks for something we have to make her say it. So I say

You wanna watch TV baby? Say it, say "Waaatch TV!"

She goes, signing all the while: "Shwaaaaa" YouMe. TV


Try again (still signing) "wwwwooo" Come on, TV


(Now she's concentrating, little brow furrowed) "Kschwaaah"

Was a little bit painful to see her struggling, she's very smart, but people are a touch dismissive when they hear her having problems. Even now her speech is very halting and broken, and you see people registering "Deaf Kid" instead of "Smart Kid" or "Outgoing kid". And of course that just layers on top of "Autistic kid bouncing around in the background"

Getting irked now, daddy can be so slow, sign with emphasis: You. Me. Watch. TV. (damnit!)

I go for one last attempt: "waaaaaTCH!"

She really puts her chi into this one: "Schwacks!!"

"I'll take it!" (Jump up, all excited)

She busts out lauging and grabs me by the hand and runs me to the living room. With a flurry of signs indicated that I should sit down, and she'll fix the TV. Grabs the xbox controller, and we proceed to watch almost two solid hours of MLP. :)

Leading me to the conclusion.... that this show is friggen awesome. ^_^

and thus another brony was born

Which leads to my request: I just now realized that Snowdrop is blind right? This is the only community I'm a part of with a Brony base, so could any of you guys, on my behalf, petition the artistic segment of the fandom (which includes plenty of you I'm sure), to create a deaf pony?
Specifically, a pony wearing cochlear implant processors (one of these things) Edit: Two of these things actually, one on each side:
Posted Image

And finally, here's me and Omi, during her right-side implant surgery:
Posted Image

Thank you for your time, if you read this far. Thanks again for your efforts if you're down with the request. I apologize for the off-topic nature of this post, if it needs to be moved to it's own thread, I understand

are you just wanting a picture of a pony with the implants or an omi pony? im not skkilled enuff to make her a flash episode but i can make a fan art and a story possibly <text>. I'm kinda OCD and undertake too many projects, but I'll see what I can do.
I'm not sure about signing with hooves, but I'll brainstorm a bit and see what i can come up with.
since I'll be doing this from scratch hopfully it wont be my little stick figure pony :(
whats her favorite color? and what would be a good choice for her brand? was thinking either love or friendship "sign" possibly?

Yes I'm still a troll.. dont get me twisted =p

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