Egomane, on 06 November 2014 - 06:39 AM, said:
Thank you so far!
Though I'm not looking for rule explanations, but for deck construction tips.
The rules are easy enough to understand (I played a few CCGs before, like the Decipher Star Wars CCG, M:TG, Shadowrun and a few more). I'd like to know which cards to look out for, how to best compose the deck in approximate percentage of
Friends to
Ressource/Accessory cards and other more detailed help. What strategies are there and what proved to be good or an utter failure?
So far I'm limited to the three starters of the basic set, but I'm willing to expand if need be, so don't limit yourself to this.
The hardest part about this game, will be to find someone to play it with. I know that my local gaming store is selling them and others are buying, but no one is admitting to it yet.
MLP TCG is a relatively fast game compare to MtG and VS, a game usually end in under 20 turn so tempo is very important. Ideally, you should be dropping a new friend every turn.
You might be familiar with the idea of mana curve?
Have the bulk of your cards around the cost of 3 to 5, with a pool of 1 and 2 cost card to make sure you don't end up with a screwed hand/muligen often. Top it off with a few high cost finisher.
The minimum deck size is 45 cards draw deck, plus a problem deck of 10 problem cards.
Everyone have their formulae, personally I like to dedicate at least 15 card to friends and fill the rest with event and resource, also always packing at least 2 yellow parasprite and wild manticore trouble maker each, with a queen chrysalis or ahuizotl.
Event and resource are good quick fixes but they are also useful for another reason, they tend to have high power number; in the range of 3 to 6. You need this during faceoff with opponent's trouble maker or ponies.
My ApplePie beatdown deck is played aggressively to overpower a problem or force a faceoff.
My deck build up is 20 Friend, 13 Event, 7 Resource, 5 Trouble Maker, 1 Mane Applejack.
MtG flavour-wise, Pinkie is Blue/Black (weird ability and creature removal), AJ is Green/Red (fatties and hand removal), Fluttershy is White/Green (weenie and creature manipulation), Rarity is Blue/White (tutor and board control), Rainbow is Blue/Green (small flyers and creature manipulation), Twilight is Blue/Red (board control and fatties).
You can build your deck around the ability you want; my deck is fatty + creature/hand removal. Most deck involves 2 characters, there are a few tri-colour deck and I have seen 6 colour shenanigans too.
So far I haven't notice any meta or strong combo in the game yet, but then my playgroup is rather small.
Does your store have a notice/news board?
Try asking permission from the owner to post up a player group search, have them contact you via email or sms. That is how I found my d20 modern RP group.