Adridos, on 16 January 2012 - 06:34 AM, said:
Problem is, in 4-5 years, you will start watching soap operas, then Barbie and then you....

I see that you like to paint with very wide brushes there... What would be wrong with watching soap opera's btw?
The nature of multi threaded scripted shows have been around for ages (just FYI soaps operas are going the way side of the dinosaurs since not many people watched them during the day any more and are easily replace by cheaper reality shows )
Did you watch the newer remake of Battlestar Galactica? That was a space opera with ship to ship space battle with humanity facing all sorts of dangers while fighting off the Cylongs, but lets face it, the plot was about as soap opera as you can get. Serious, it had the "but there are twins or MORE", "oh Noes I have Amnesia!", and of course the "YES IT IS YOUR BABY!.. maybe".
Personally, I have bigger issues with reality shows that glorify stupid people (rich or not) like Jersey Shore or the multitude of Kardasian shows as those are NOT script so they don't have the respectable line of "Well, that's not real. I don't really act like that."
Do you have an issue with cooking shows as well? You know, cause cooking is what your mom and girls do? Oh wait, there are tons of chefs that are male, and if you really do research you'll find that the vast majority of mega celebrity chefs are men.
Just my opinion, but maybe you should put away the pre-conceptions about painting whole swaths of the population based on their interests.
I'll leave that there with a pic of a pony Napoleon on a pony and see if anyone gets the subtext.
Edited by SquareSphere, 16 January 2012 - 08:46 AM.