Havok1978, on 28 March 2013 - 12:54 PM, said:
me thinks not.... just cant go that far into it, I do appreciate the art and hardwork tho, being into fantasy art and what not I got nothing against fairies or unicorns etc things others might consider "feminine" but the ponies arent my taste in cartoon or story, which i find a bit strange being as i like fosters and powerpuff girls, both of which are made by the same studio that does MLP...
well from my personal experience in been a fan of MLP it went like so.
i was bloody bored one day looking on my main anime site, looking for something to watch,
made a topic saying, how i seemed to burnt out, then some1 suggested MLP FiM.
i was like pift not interested, but respected his view and such,
then another bronie piped up and said, at my age "32" and seeing i've been watching
anime since i was 12, it was very likely i had seen much worst anime than what mlp was actually like.
so caving i watched the first episode of MLP FiM
well the rest is history