Hon. Mechwarriors;
Pony is inspirational. This may be due to the malevolent influence of the Tavistokian boobtube medium. It may be due to the intelligence and maturity the writters snuck into the MLP FIM franchise. We all may just like bright pastels and the struggle for virtue, who knows? I for one have tumbled down the Angel hole of learning how much one has to learn before doing justice to the fanfic that wants out of my head.
I am writing a Battletech MLP crossover and having a good time of it. One of the characters is Diane, a House Mare-ick mechwarrior from the Trellisane province of Equestria. Noblese Oblige, and universal military conscription are the tools I chose to recall Diane from the innactive ready reserve for the story. Such things are not always met with universal enthusiasm.
Diane, aka Pinkie 3.14 is a polymath wiz with math and computing who would much rather host her Langley LAN party than serve at the whim of a PDD (Princess Decision Directive).
Unfortunately the good folks planning the mission chose to place thier faith in the hands of an expert computing model rather than the good judgement of proven ponies in uniform. One of the criteria for the mission was previous hooves on experience with Battlemechs in the field.
Boot Camp and 2 years of service peace keeping in the Anton Rebelion worlds has made for some entertaining writing for these fillys. One of the things I have bumped into was recently brought up here by Jade Kitsune, the many colourful psychological profiles of the MLP characters. As I am writing a fanfic, I felt obligated to obtain a firm grasp on what makes these ponies tick. This required more reading. The more I dig into this writing thing, the more I find that needs doing. If I wasn't enjoying myself, this would be work. At some point in July I hope to know enough about the craft to keep ahead of the crowd and do justice to the Party Cannon and company.
I should have a five chapter short story ready for the August debut of MWO. As most of the rock'em sock'em action will be predicated on the MWO battle format between fluffy exposition, various battles here will likely be used to determine win/lose/draw turning points for the writing to come. Let me know if you would enjoy the opportunity to influence the outcome of such battles with your own efforts here on MWO and I may include yer alter ego in a cameo.
Edited by Samaritan, 02 July 2012 - 01:44 PM.