Hon. Mechwarriors;
There is a feature to the forum posts here on MWO that is responsible for the endless trolling. That feature is this: every recently posted hot topic is scrolled through the main forum board from all of the threads. This is just about the first thing noticed by anyone visiting this site. "Let there be Pony" is 291+ glorious pages and occupys it's proportional share of all of the posts made in the MWO forums. There are a lot of people who carry thier grudges and nurse thier wounds from pony grafiti from the rest of thier web surfing experience. You could eleminate most of the trolling here by pulling "Let There Be Pony" from the main page tickertape line up. This would also reduce the face time given to this thread by the many thousands of people who visit MWO for Battletech interests.
I for one welcome our Troll overlords as there are innumerable additional folk who will not troll, but rather enjoy what has been posted regardless of thier never seeing any MLP FIM episodes. Complaining about and teasing the trolls appears to energize some of the brony posters. If you think a person is trolling, then Report him, don't heckle him or attempt to make him recant or provoke him to the point of requiring a ban hammer.
Treat people as people, not as thier behavior. This profesional, impersonal love is based on your integrity and a failure to use it speaks volumes more about you than anything you might have to say about another guilty party. Criminality/rules violations have a recourse in the report button and do not require an exercise in hen pecking.
Thankyou for your time in considering what I have said on the subject. I hope the reasoning and the pictures have informed and entertained.
Pony Script: The Ironic humor of a humanized Twily accepting a bounty on a pony Twily was not lost on me and seemed appropot to the point discussed.
Edited by Samaritan, 18 July 2012 - 11:48 AM.