Ngng Shame On You
Posted 10 February 2013 - 09:00 AM
Random roll for SRM ammo malfunction and explosion on fire (for anyone running SRM, regardless of chassis). Now *that* would be fun. LRM chance to engage friendlies if lock broken. Tradeoff everywhere, risk vs. reward.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 09:04 AM
Oni Ralas, on 10 February 2013 - 09:00 AM, said:
Random roll for SRM ammo malfunction and explosion on fire (for anyone running SRM, regardless of chassis). Now *that* would be fun. LRM chance to engage friendlies if lock broken. Tradeoff everywhere, risk vs. reward.
Oh god, no, that would be AWFUL. Suddenly Cents are COMPLETELY useless, Stalkers are all running energy boat builds, and the Cat pilots just go back to AC/20s and Gauss.
SRM does need tweaking, but again, almost every "OP" build in this game's history has been on a Catapult. Don't penalize everyone else (see: Gauss nerf) because one chassis is superior to pretty much all others.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 09:12 AM
valkyrie, on 10 February 2013 - 08:40 AM, said:
There's that "shoot the ears" and "shoot the cockpit" argument again. Watch this.
Notice my head AND ears gets severely damaged. I'm still running around turning fresh Centurions into scarecrows and there's not a damn thing they can do about it.
Seems balanced.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 09:12 AM
trial mechs and splat cats don't mix.
but all these videos show that you can't just blob one spot with out looking behind you

Posted 10 February 2013 - 09:15 AM
valkyrie, on 10 February 2013 - 09:04 AM, said:
Fist LRMpult, then Gausspult, Streakcat, Ac20pult and Splatcat...
EDIT: Just missed the Streakcats from hell.
Edited by KovarD, 10 February 2013 - 09:32 AM.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 09:17 AM
valkyrie, on 10 February 2013 - 08:59 AM, said:
Of course we're using it. We knew it was broken before we did it, but knew we wouldn't have a leg to stand on if people could go "JUST TRY IT, IT REQUIRES SKILL"
One A1, C4, and K2 Mastery later, I can assure you that no, it does not. Not nearly as much as other chassis, anyway.
I've unlocked the module slot on the A1, C1, and K2. I've found the A1 SRMcat to be very easy to use. And, quite frankly, rather boring. I've found that I like my K2 better, and my performance with it is more consistent. (Which is kind of funny, as the load out is very similar to the much maligned Rifleman.)
Posted 10 February 2013 - 09:19 AM
Cybermech, on 10 February 2013 - 09:12 AM, said:
trial mechs and splat cats don't mix.
but all these videos show that you can't just blob one spot with out looking behind you

I believe that was the video i made

Posted 10 February 2013 - 09:31 AM
valkyrie, on 10 February 2013 - 09:20 AM, said:
I'm a bit more OK with the LRMpult if only because that's always been the Cat's intended niche. It's the Brawlerpults that drive me up the wall.
LRMpult was really overpowered back in closed beta when LRMs flying path was doing orbital strike. Then there was a Artemis bug aswell. But now after ECM LRMpult is not OP at all...
Posted 10 February 2013 - 09:33 AM
KovarD, on 10 February 2013 - 09:31 AM, said:
LRMpult was really overpowered back in closed beta when LRMs flying path was doing orbital strike. Then there was a Artemis bug aswell. But now after ECM LRMpult is not OP at all...
Have you dropped in the ghetto without ECM support? It takes about two volleys to kill an atlas with artemis lurms.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 10:00 AM
Escef, on 10 February 2013 - 04:38 AM, said:
We have a mech with 6 missile hard points, 3 in each arm. We have 4 basic options:
- LRMs
- SRMs
- Streak SRMs
- A mix of the above.
At this point the big problem is that the only really viable build also happens to be... Good! It's solid, and leaves a lot of tonnage open for armor, heat sinks, bigger engines, and jump jets. Also, it's very easy to use: get close and unload with prejudice.
And you know what? It's the only reliable build for the A1. If you nerf it, no one will use the A1. People want to take away the only reliable build for the thing.
What a lot of people overlook is that the A1 has some pretty glaring weaknesses. First of all, it is useless outside of 270m. Second, even with a maxed out engine and Speed Tweak, it maxes out at 86.4 kph. Any light mech should be able to out maneuver it. Third, all of its firepower is packed into the very easily hit arms, blow one off and you literally half the machine's firepower. Both and all it's good for is caps. Fourth, like all Catapults, the head hit box is very large. Fifth, many of these monsters mount XL engines. I don't care what people have to say about the side torsos being slim. My K2 pult regularly loses one or both of its torso mounted AC5s, while the arm mounted lasers are still good to go. If the side torsos are so impossible to hit than riddle me that one, Batman.
Now, I understand that it's human nature to complain. And as a mediocre player myself, I really hate to bust out "learn to play" as a comeback/solution/whathaveyou. But that really is the answer in this case. Stop whining and start winning. Learn the weaknesses of your opponents and exploit them, instead of playing into their strengths.
Your point is why a lot of people are saying nerf the cat not the missiles. Missiles may be out of balance a little but the cat magnifies that. It doesn't need its hardpoint layout changed... thats the point of that variant. It doesn't need across the board boating nerf as some suggest.. also the point of that variant. It needs its 'stats' adjusted. 'Quirks' are incoming and I sincerely hope that when they get to the cats, they take a very close look at balance and make some adjustments. For the time being I just take my corings like a man and withhold a little respect fro the ones that come from 'easier' mechs.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 10:02 AM
Lets use TT rules to design the mech, totally nailed the a1 they did
Edited by Infernus1986, 10 February 2013 - 10:03 AM.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 10:09 AM
Infernus1986, on 10 February 2013 - 10:02 AM, said:
Lets use TT rules to design the mech, totally nailed the a1 they did
Table top rules don't use hard points. You could stuff whatever you want in the thing, provided you had the C-bills and technical expertise.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 10:32 AM
Posted 10 February 2013 - 11:42 AM
Just decrease the catapult's torso twist somewhat and make its side torso hitboxes bigger so we could reliably hit that XL engine, that should solve the problem.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 12:19 PM
Infernus1986, on 10 February 2013 - 10:02 AM, said:
Lets use TT rules to design the mech, totally nailed the a1 they did
Posted 10 February 2013 - 12:21 PM
Leimrey, on 10 February 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:
Just decrease the catapult's torso twist somewhat and make its side torso hitboxes bigger so we could reliably hit that XL engine, that should solve the problem.
Please do all of this.
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