TanE, on 11 February 2013 - 10:23 AM, said:
What happens, when the Clan Mechs go another way? My idea is:
Clan Mechs are OMNI-Mechs. So why should I buy another chassis, when you can use ALL variants on a SINGLE chassis?
Maybe we only have to buy ONE ClanOmniMech! At this point of view 36.000.000 is much, but not much more than 3 Atlas/Atlai/Atlases (

How could the variants be implemented in the MechLab?
This could easily be solved by a "variant button". The player have to choose the variant he likes to drive and due to the chosen variant the Mech get the slotlayout of this special variant. When clicking another variant the Mech withdraw all weapons and is ready for customization.
If we follow this path, how do we get the Elite/Master Skills? My thoughts for this:
The player have to buy the Prime variant and have to skill is to basic or elite, as a kind of endgaming, to unlock another variant - chosen by the player.
To master the chassisvariants, the player have to unlock 3 variants. Then the master tree is free for skilling.
I think, it's simple and "special".
Hero "Variants" could be introduced, too, by buying special variants, that includes a special paintjob, when used.
Not all Clan mechs are omnimechs. Some are.