"Pgi Against Different Playing Styles, Forcing Everyone To Play The Same?"
I like sniping, especially against other snipers, it's a blast, a game of technique and strategy. (dodging between cover, determining where you target has moved before you get hit back, etc...)
Brawling is fine, but it would be nice to not have the game designed to intentionally benefit one style of playing.
So here's the evidence that PGI intentionally has altered or designed the game to force us to play as brawlers, and is actively discouraging long range game play.
- Zoom has been nerfed. CryEngine has been blamed but many reports that zoomx4 worked perfectly in the past with full screen zoom. (whether you like/dislike that style of zoom is irrelevant, 4x zoom is no longer as high res as it once was)
- Lack of access to high or secluded places on maps. (tried with best Spider with all 12 JJ, can't get anywhere different than I can with 1 JJ on any spider model)
- All high locations are completely open with no cover, or near cover. (accept for the tower hill on forest, but any mech can get there)
- Small Maps.
- Convergence is often borked by cover, if you are too close your weapons may be affected and longer hit your reticule.
- Depth of field blurs distant objects, that should be obviously clear to normal vision. (like we are all nearsighted)
- Film grain adds "texture" to close objects (which at times is interesting, but still blurry), but adds more blur to further objects. Thus making depth of field even worse.
- Heat vision will not display a mech as far as normal vision, so 2 out of 6 maps instantly nerf sniping that much more. (night vision is even worse)
- REMOVED access to high point on large slope on River City!!. This one takes the cake. They made that area out of bounds, and one of the only genuine sniper perches on any map. (and it was even wide open with no cover)
Edited by Megachromulent, 11 February 2013 - 08:23 PM.