Jman5, on 13 February 2013 - 03:15 PM, said:
I play lone wolf way more anything else. Getting pugs to save their base is not that hard because I communicate with them.
This just isn't true unless your team is blindly base rushing themselves. On all maps the conventional "duke-it-out" route to go puts you in a position to react to a base rush before they can cap. Furthermore, on River city you can tell where they are going in the first 5 seconds of the match.
And again, I will tell you that forcing a fight is easy with minimal effort on your part. What difference does it make if you fight a team that was initially trying to cap, versus fighting a team that was initially trying to snipe? The end result is your battle. The only difference is location.
Again, if you some people hate base cap mechanic, then all they need to do is put the minimal effort in scouting it. YOU CAN FORCE A FIGHT EVERY GAME IF YOU WANT TO.
This whole argument reeks of entitlement. You feel entitled to ignore important aspects of the game such as scouting, movement, and positioning. And when the other team takes advantage of your obvious weakness, you demand the game rules change to fit your singular play style. For players like you this isn't really about capping. It's about refusing to react and counter the enemy's plan. Getting capped is just the manifestation of the faults in your ability.
You can easily stop it, but you don't because you refuse to make even the slightest adjustment.
I did not play this game so we could all just load up our Assault mechs and chug along one path. Then bash our heads together and whoever has more tonnage wins.
I've got to ask if you're ignoring the point I've tried to make over the last 5 posts on purpose of if I just can't seem to make it clear enough.
People play assault because there are only 2 choices - Conquest, which ostensibly is focused on caps but actually ends up being combat based, or Assault which theoretically is about combat but is actually focused on caps.
If someone wants to fight there is no 'death match' or combat-first game mode. They have absolutely no choice but to play either Conquest or Assault.
People who choose Assault because they want to fight are choosing poorly because any combat tactics are trumped by cap rush. Ergo they feel frustrated because they wanted a combat match and got a cap rush match. Since they don't have any sort of combat primary options they choose Assault in the hopes of fighting other combat-first players.
People who want a serious tactical game may play Assault because they erroneously think that the focus is on unit placement, location control, range control and other complicated battlefield tactics. They are mistaken because the only tactics that matter are cap rush/cap defend. Everything else is irrelevant because a cap rush can and will end the game in less than 2 minutes. Less than 1 minute if you get a couple of people on cap.
I am not, have not, at no point, asked the game rules to change. Keep Assault. Play Assault if the kiddie pool is your thing. My point, entirely, is that A) there needs to be other more complex game modes (and I fully expect PGI to provide them) and B ) winning by cap rush is about as far from a 'cunning tactical victory' as you can get since if nobody responded it's because they didn't care. They didn't go into Assault because they wanted to play cap-rush, they did it because there is no TDM or complex tactical game modes aside from Conquest which doesn't seem (but it is) focused on fighting.
Scouting is a waste of time in Assault. Either cap rush or base camp. That's it. If you cap rush then you'll either A) hit the enemy and run into a fight but it's not going to have time for tactical consideration because one light on either team can take advantage of the confusion to cap rush or B ) not run into the enemy and either crush the 1 guy they left or get 8 people on their base, capping it before they can effectively remove you.
If you base camp you'll either A) lose all your pugs who'll get bored and go off to fight (I can't blame them) or B ) end up in a sniper duel when the enemy realizes you've camped your base.
Every other outcome in Assault happens because one or both sides decided that both of these options are not fun and so wandered off in the hopes of having a big fight without capping, however one or two cappers on either side can ruin that for the remaining 14 players at any time.
Because there is no choice, no option to play something different.
My advice to everyone who plays Assault and hates capping is to play Conquest. It generally comes down to a fight to the finish, involves some genuine tactics and battlefield maneuvering and there isn't any 'cheap trick' win options. You'll win or lose based on long term manipulation of 5 objectives balanced against battlefield tactics that can't be scrimmaged as easily.