![Posted Image](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-_OuCtmlbG7M/URvvB794FTI/AAAAAAAAD_U/x4Xa6L9s4hg/s1196/LMG.jpg)
As you know currently between the machine gun and the A/C 2 there are no ballistic weapons. This creates a situation where if you have a ballistic hard point and you want to use it to do damage you need 7 free tons for an A/C 2 and ammo. I have a solution.
The damage done per second by a machine gun and a small laser need to be normalized at 1.0 DPS. This is will make the regular machine gun a viable weapon instead of a joke on the battle field. It will be at least as viable as the small laser.
To address the gap between .5(1.5) and 6(7) tons We need to add three weapons(see above). These weapons would be additional machine guns you could include per ballistic hard point to increase the damage. The reload times were changed to keep the damage per bullet the same and to increase the number of bullets exiting the weapons array. HPS and DPS were normalized to the A/C 2.
Without adding any new technology to the game I've solved the problem of what to do with ballistic hard points for low tonnage mechs. This would allow a spider to do 4DPS with machine guns as if it had lasers in those same slots. Dropping the ammo from 2000 per ton to 1000 per ton would also cause the damage per ton of ammo to be more inline with auto cannons but this too could be tuned. These aren't meant to be final numbers as is but rather as a jumping off to solve what I perceive as a major shortcoming of smaller mechs with ballistics hard points.