Eridani Light Pony Mercenary Corporation
Posted 14 November 2011 - 12:35 AM
I approve, but already have a corp. Keep it up bronies.
Posted 14 November 2011 - 02:42 AM
Alistair Steiner, on 13 November 2011 - 01:49 PM, said:
Other than that, yes, the introduction of Ponies may seem almost insulting to BT/MW fans, but seriously, there are goofy Merc Companies out there. If they can fight, let them fight. But on the battlefield. Don't be childish and troll people on their own thread. If there were Pony image macros hitting every thread, then I'd be irritated, but as far as I can tell, it's been contained to two Merc recruitment threads (this and Battle Bronies), and one in Off-topic.
If the Bronies can be respectful (which, as far as I have seen, they have been) and not push stuff on people, then we as fellow MechWarriors should respect their right to like what they like, even if we don't like it. Or, see Cake Bandit's post. Don't discredit the MW community by being a troll.
If I had a super power, it would be linking relevant videos.
Posted 14 November 2011 - 04:35 AM
So, I haven't spoken to anyone over in the Eridani Light Horse about it, and know that the MLP presence on the boards is to some a nuisance and to most something that is to be ignored, but I'd like to broach the idea of attempting to unite the ELH and the ELP. The ELH is undoubtedly going to be populated with some more serious and more dedicated players, and part of rebooting the IP is that MechWarrior's existing fanbase wasn't capable of supporting the Intellectual property as it stood. I think the Eridani Light Pony can act as a part of that rebuilding process. We have a little advantage in that we have something bright, popular and welcoming that people can and some already do, connect to. The Eridani Light Pony is a dangling cable hanging from the edge of the MechWarrior culture that could potentially couple itself with more like-designed pieces. But we do have a problem. As much as the ELP is that, we must also accept that the ELP is merely a gateway into the greater Mechwarrior community.
As much as I do support the Pony's presence in the MechWarrior Online community, I do feel that there is a rather essential role that we could fill within the community.
I think the ELP, if allowed to function autonomously, could serve to indoctrinate other fans of MLP into the mechanics and setting of Mechwarrior and eventually serve to push them into the Eridani Light Horse who will then fully commission them into the settings of the game. In this light, the ELP may consider altering their iconography to better reflect their position as a branch within the ELH. (I'm working on a mockup)
At Launch, I think tenants for the organization would be that the ELP should try to maximise their contact with volunteers from the ELH to help blend understanding of the complex MechWarrior universe in terms that new players can easily digest and support. This would be through Fan Art about the internal politics betwixt Inner Sphere houses, and things like that.
The ELP, in turn, would offer access to their ranks to call on for forming Lances and participating in any organized matches with members of the ELH, bolstering their numbers. This may also get people interested in the Setting and stories between houses, clans, merc corps and other major figures.
While I don't think that there would be any problem with this with the people currently here, I think there should be a constant understanding that ponies are second to MechWarrior. The ELP are actually on their boards, playing their game, in their business, and it's a great thing they're here. The ELP needs to find a way to seamlessly blend the MLP fanbase into the MechWarrior Online community. Pony supporters and enthusiasts have done a really good job of keeping their business to themselves currently, but when the advertising campaign starts and we start getting new people in here, we need to stand as an example of where this is, and what it needs to be about.
Ponies represent a lot of younger guys in the audience, and I feel like this could be a great tool for converting them into men hardened by the constant wear and tear of battle.
I haven't spoken with the ELH at all about this, because I'm technically not a part of either organization, much less in a position to begin talks about altering the ELP or ELH. So what do you guys think of potentially becoming the 81st Light Pony brigade?
Edited by Cake Bandit, 14 November 2011 - 05:13 AM.
Posted 14 November 2011 - 06:15 AM
Again, depends on how things are developed, but I'd like to see us as an independent unit. Time will tell, however.
Edit: Okay, this censor **** is going too far. Can't even use the-4-letter-name-to-refer-to-one's-rear-that-starts-with-a-'b'? That's... sad. This coming from a guy who doesn't curse...
Double edit: Forgot you can't refer to ***** either. Dadgumit...
Triple edit: I give up. Freakin' censor, you win this round.
Edited by hylius, 14 November 2011 - 06:17 AM.
Posted 14 November 2011 - 06:56 AM
I'll probably rework it for better overall contrast.
We'll have to see how it turns out then. We might think about starting talks with the ELH just to see if they'd be open to the idea of the ELP...
"Conditioning" new players. Would that be the word? It seems they might be in need of a primarily English speaking centre anyway.
Edited by Cake Bandit, 14 November 2011 - 07:08 AM.
Posted 15 November 2011 - 06:23 PM
Hylius, on 12 November 2011 - 11:31 AM, said:
As for the haters, all I can say is "meh". There will be no retaliation from me. I'll greet and
I laughed for about an hour after I read that......
Posted 15 November 2011 - 06:28 PM
Sum Ting Wong, on 12 November 2011 - 07:50 PM, said:
Better believe it. You're coming into a community, thought: "Hmmm, how can we infest this board, do something guaranteed to annoy people and to make a mockery of everything about this game and it's community, despite the fact that even the art director is drawing art about mechs killing us to express his distaste... Oh look, an ad on the first page for an... 'Eridani Light Horse' group? Yeah, let's pervert that and make a show of it. It's equine related too, so bonus there.'
And you wonder why so many in this community, including it's heads get annoyed at you for it? Hmmm, maybe you are a troll and a ****** at the same time... Well then again, you're a guy over the age of 20 essentially being a Brony activist for the sake of annoying and converting everyone you meet. Of course people barely tolerate you. I suggest you exit stage ejector pod and don't return to this community again.
Dude....leave them alone. If you truly belive they are trolls all your doing is egging them on. Which makes me believe your the real troll here.
Posted 16 November 2011 - 02:50 PM
Posted 12 December 2011 - 11:37 AM
Just figured I'd post a few ELP updates, mostly site updates:
1. Updated MLP:FiM Episode Listings - I recently found and linked all current epidodes (both seasons 1 and 2) as well as included the episode descriptions from Wikipedia. The episodes can be found here.
2. New Smileys - Thanks to kefkafloyd from Ponygoons, we now have access to MLP smileys. Yay. Though initially I thought it was a bit much, they're proving to be rather entertaining. Though its also turning into a bit of a coded language with some posts.
3. New Members - I would like to officially welcome Calico Red and Sporkosophy to the ELP Herd. I hope we don't overload you with friendship, and hope you will join us in spreading tolerance and love to all.
Remember, the ELPMC is always recruiting. Stop by our site and check us out. The public forums are, well, open to the public. If you want to join us, fill out an application.
^^ 1 Like for the first person who can name that reference.
Edited by HappySpawn, 12 December 2011 - 11:47 AM.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 12:33 PM
Posted 12 December 2011 - 01:18 PM
HappySpawn, on 12 December 2011 - 01:01 PM, said:
Google'd it.
Posted 03 February 2012 - 07:18 AM
Just thought I'd update this. We're not dead yet. In fact, we're still growing and gaining new members! Our forums are active, with talks ranging from BattleTech to ponies to... well, okay, that covers the majority of it. But everything is up for grabs. We're also organizing a gaming event for our members. Friendship all around!
To recap for those who don't want to sift through 4 pages of posts: We are a group of people who enjoy the show My Little Pony (often referred to as "bronies") and BattleTech/Mechwarrior, banding together to form a Merc Corp. Above all else, we're here to play the game, and have fun while doing so. We plan to be competitive if possible, but above all else we're just here to have a good time. Good friends, good times, 'Mechs, ponies... what's not to love?
So if you share our sentiments, feel free to stop on over at our site (see original post or my signature.) Talk with us, apply, or just play games in the arcade (I need a challenge!)
Posted 04 March 2012 - 08:08 PM
Posted 04 March 2012 - 08:18 PM
Now I have the sudden urge to make the NCC... Nyan Cat Company. But only if I get to shoot multi-colored lazzooorrzz...
Posted 22 March 2012 - 04:06 PM
Just a small update. Our domain has changed! The old URL will still forward you, have no fear. We can now be found at (the link in the first post will be updated shortly.)
What else has happened? Well, we've been having plenty of fun on the forums and have a few new members in our ranks. Recently we had a Team Fortress 2 night, where we all hopped on the same server, got on Teamspeak, and blew each other up. Fun times all around, except Sporkosophy is an evil person and should be banned from playing spies when I'm on the other team. We'll be doing it again soon on another game, so join up if you want in on the action!
For those who skipped the first few pages of this thread to see the new post, a reminder. We are a fun-centered group that aims to also be competitive. We plan to do our best to win in any and all battles, be it the pubbies or the merc battles. However in the end our corp is centered on having fun. For many people, training for hours and playing night after night in practices is not fun, so don't expect that from us. We have everyone from people new to the Battletech universe to old pros (both tabletop and Mechwarrior.) We have hardcore bronies, we have moderate bronies. We even have a few crazy people (I'm looking at you, Spork.) So feel free to stop over on the forums, say hi, take part in a few conversations, and maybe throw in an application! We look forward to fighting alongside you all in the future!
Edited by Hylius, 22 March 2012 - 04:06 PM.
Posted 22 March 2012 - 05:06 PM
Posted 22 March 2012 - 05:20 PM
Edited by HappySpawn, 22 March 2012 - 05:21 PM.
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