Ragor, on 15 February 2013 - 03:56 AM, said:
4 evenings of ~6h of gaming each.
That's 24 hours of gaming.
Twenty-four hours. For ONE MECH.
I think your perspective is skewed, as I consider that an
enormous amount of playtime for the gain. Few players will go for 6-hour sessions or even 3-hour sessions, due to myriads of factors, including, y'know, being employed, having family to deal with, having other interests, and so on and so forth.
Not everyone playing the game is unemployed/part-time employed or a college student with loads of free time.
Obviously, there is the argument that someone who is employed is likely to also have more disposable income... but you also have to consider the value proposition. A
lot of players, after seeing the amount of time it takes to attain a single mech through normal play, are going to see it as "grindy". When they see that they have to level up
three variants of a particular chassis for the elite bonus, they're going to see it as "grindy". These things alone are going to turn players off. It doesn't matter what YOU think, it matters what THEY think, because they're not the hardcore types and, yes, they may indeed have disposable income that they're not letting go with because they feel like they're being played or ripped off.
One thing that League of Legends has going for it is that you only level up your main account, and that's it. You don't have to level champions individually or any such claptrap; once you've leveled your account, that's it, you're done. MWO, meanwhile, requires you to level up
three times PER CHASSIS just to be on even footing with other players who have done the same. That doesn't feel good. Furthermore, you have an unlimited number of champion slots right off the bat - you're not artificially limited in the number of champions you can own, other than how much you can afford with your IP and RP. Again, superior value proposition. Even more than that, they also have a "first win of the day bonus" that allows players with less free time to keep up with more hardcore players in the IP department (though it's still not enough on its own to give you the IP to buy a champion every two weeks, it's far better than requiring
twenty-four hours of play to buy a single assault mech).
Frankly, I think you have to be at least a little bit delusional to think that this game has no "grind". It most
definitely has "grind", if you define "grind" in this case as "
required progression in order to play on even footing with other players" (It used to just be "repetitive gameplay that isn't fun" in my mind, but I've since amended it because, frankly, way too many games have started using this new system and it's really bringing down my enjoyment level far too much). When you feel like your gameplay was disproportionately affected because you didn't have your mech leveled up all the way, it's a bad, bad feeling. The devs SHOULD be making sure the player feels like they have an internal locus of control, as opposed to the current situation where you have
far too many factors that feel completely out of your hands (ECM, matchmaking, mech leveling, upgrades like DHS, random component destruction, lag shield, and so on).
I really hope the revised skills in the future rectify this situation, because I can't imagine the game actually growing at this rate. There're just far too many barriers to entry in the game as it is.