Dirus Nigh, on 16 February 2013 - 10:16 PM, said:
If after a handful of matches I start getting dropped with players on par with me and less with sub par ones I would be relieved. However if I am not being put against better players how will I gain skill? Can a person rise in ELO rank if he is put with a player group that will most likely result in a 50/50 win/loss? Would it be easier to rise in rank or lose rank?
Maybe their will be another mechanic in place for events. Hopefully the devs put in an 'event mode' option that will suspend ELO so every one has an equal chance to participate. Similar to how the devs say players could create private matches between merc units.
In an ELO system they still match you with people slightly higher and slightly lower, and occasionally people quite a bit higher or lower. Even if the match up is 50/50, you will still gain a little rating for a win, and continue to advance.
Vassago Rain, on 16 February 2013 - 10:24 PM, said:
75% of the playerbase will have a lot more fun. The rest are gonna have to adapt, and will see their 92922 K/D vaporize.
Personally, if I were a PUG farmer I would be glad to finally get a challenge. I don't blame people for grouping, who would want to play in PUGS if you have access to, and are comfortable with, grouping. It's the poor match making that has created the problem.
But I am sure some players who think they are great are going to get a big shock.