As others have said, one of your main problems is the engine.
I cannot recommend enough.....
get at LEAST a standard 250 engine for ALL your Hunchbacks (you can swap it between them).
Stay away from an XL engine, no matter what. You have one of the most vulnerable side torsos in the game, and if someone tried to tell you there is no point in playing further if you lose the hunch... then they are doing it wrong.
I've still killed plenty with 2 MLAS, not to mention helped cap or just assisted my team mates with flanking and harassing.
But yes, piloting a Hunchback before you upgrade the engine is extremely painful.
Also, to those people recommending only going with 5 or 6 MLAS.... other variants can do that, and have other weapons as well.
If you are still having problems managing your heat, I
highly recommend a 2 MLAS/7 SLAS build.
You can fit in 20 DHS and it doesn't require endo.
People also underestimate small lasers, especially when thy are grouped.
7 SLAS in the Torso and Head are a 21 damage scalpel that barely costs any heat, does it's damage in the same time as a pulse laser, and recharges VERY quickly.
Of course, you have to get within 90m for full damage, but with a 260 engine and working with your team-mates it isn't an issue.
And you can alpha all day, even on Caustic (ok... not ALL day, but heat is so great that you usually don't have to worry).
This is one build I use on my mastered 4P.
The other build is a lot hotter, and I don't recommend it until you get a lot more experience and I don't recommend it until you get Elite skills unlocked.
250 Engine. 2 MPLAS in arms, 7 MLAS in torso. 18 DHS.
I mastered my 4P on the other SLAS build, then tried this. It has a high learning curve, and you definitely have to be more careful, but you can still alpha the 35 damage MLAS hunch 3 times before overheating.
You need 3 weapon groups.
1 for the arm MPLAS, which you save for finishing off mechs or hitting fast lights.
2nd group for chainfire MLAS. Add this to your MPLAS to finish off mechs heavily damaged by your giant alpha.
3rd group for your giant 7 MLAS alpha. As I said, with all the heat perks you can fire this 3 times in a row before overheating as long as you don't fire your MPLAS. You can also fit in a 4th pretty quickly with a short wait, as the DHS bleed heat quickly.
You have to play much smarter with this build, but it can be utterly devasting.
Don't fire the MPLAS and MLAS together unless you have a sweet opportunity to take out someone from behind.
With 42 damage all in the rear CT, I've easily one-shotted mechs who skimped on rear armor.
Also, get good at cockpit shots. The 35 damage alpha is enough to take out a fully armored cockpit on any mech, but you need to keep the damage on target for the full second. Add the MPLAS for good measure if you only strip all the armor and most of the internals, and goodbye enemy pilot!
Finally, don't let damage get you down!
If you are doing 300-600 damage a round.... you are doing good!!
The nature of the lasers is that they are
supposed to be precise and not spread their damage all over the mech.
With those damage scores, I have got more kills than the rest of my team combined.
However, if you feel you are doing poorly then you are likely "sweeping" your lasers all over the other mechs.
DON'T DO THIS. Learn to hold your aim steady on one body part, if possible. This is hard, especially when you have a much faster engine and are firing while strafing or ducking around buildings.
If you have a decent mouse that can change it's DPI settings, I would try lowering the sensitivity.
My game improved when I started doing that in my Swayback.
Anywho, I hope this helps. Cheers!
Edited by Ravennus, 18 February 2013 - 12:17 PM.