*Fastest engine, most armor, approx. 3 alpha strikes maximum, pure long ranged combat only
2xGauss 1xERPPC: CPLT-K2 - 2xGauss1xERPPC
*Same alpha damage as above, very little heat, slower, less armor, ammo might be a problem, best range, slowish engine
2xGauss 2xLarge Laser: CPLT-K2 - 2xGauss2xLRGLASER
*A bit higher damage of all 4, but have to track with lasers, armor just so there is some, little heat, ammo might be a problem, slowish engine
1xGauss 2xERPPC: CPLT-K2 - 1xGauss2xERPPC
*Lowest alpha damage, no heat or ammo problems (3-4 alphas to overheat), solid armor, solid engine, best range
- 4xERPPC or 2xPPC 2xERPPC generates way too much heat
-I don't fancy ERLL but will take it into consideration
-I don't need ACs to shake cockpits
- and no need to suggest other Mechs - bought this one, for better or worse...
- sniping is top priority for these builds. If light and mediums are near me, I'll pull my skirt, run and yell "Eek, mice!".
Any other suggestions?
Edited by 2metragluposti, 19 February 2013 - 08:11 AM.