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The Best Of Trebuchet Builds

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#61 Fiest


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 03:50 PM

View PostIron Frost, on 27 February 2013 - 10:50 AM, said:

A 7m with 1x erPPC, 2x Med Laser, 3x Streak 300xl 4xJJ is an absolute monster of a mech and so much fun to pilot. I've also been testing out a slightly slower build with 1x LRM 10 instead of one of the SRMs which makes it very versatile at all ranges.

<3 my treb - makes me want to play MWO right now.

you can sqeeze a 325xl in there

Might try dropping 2 JJ and a heat sink for more armour and bap
and yes I love that mech. If only people weren't all playing heavies and assaults....

#62 Nebelfeuer


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 05:39 PM

I still love this build http://www.mechspecs...M15-A-TAG-JJ%29 inspired by the unseen Griffin and pimped a little to be competative.
Unfortunately with the current JJ shake i´m only able to play it 3 games in a row max.

#63 Arc Viper


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Posted 18 June 2013 - 09:22 PM

I tried the Treb 7K brawling build in the first post. Way too slow for my tastes; I was a sitting duck. I just dropped in 2mplasers and an ac40 with a std 250 engine. sacrificed some armor on the arms, but Im not using them anyways. Avg about 450dmg a game.

Edited by Arc Viper, 18 June 2013 - 09:23 PM.

#64 Soul Catcher


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Posted 25 June 2013 - 07:12 AM

View PostVoridan Atreides, on 27 February 2013 - 07:32 AM, said:

These are my builds.

Twin PPC Sniper/Support 7M

Skirmish 7M

Twin LRM10 Support 7M

I'm a newb to the game but I've been doing my research on what I want my first build to be and I like the 7M as a first Mech.
In a perfect world I would like to hang back at first and cover the larger Mechs while pumping out the LRMs but have a build that will scare away the lights and can even brawl to some small extent while using the JJs.

I'm looking at the Twin LRM build and am wondering what advantages this has over a LRM15 without the Art. If the Art is worth it then what about replacing one of the LRM10's with a SRM6 Artemis so I don't feel helpless at closer range with just 2MLs. (in this config I would put the SRM6 Art in the RT because if I lose my RA/LA it means I'm in an upclose and personal fight)
Does the advantage of TAG outweigh that 1 less ML in the longrun?
The 1 M hardpoint in the RT has me woried as well. Wont a SSRM2 just dribble out of it and what are some viable replacements for this HP?

Edit: the SRM6 questions

Edited by Soul Catcher, 25 June 2013 - 07:58 AM.

#65 ChuChuRo


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Posted 25 June 2013 - 08:16 AM

I don't think Artemis is worth it on this one. I'd prefer two LRM 15+TAG.
LRM builds really need TAG to even be able to target ECM covered enemies. Maximizing the use of your main weapons is more important than one more side arm.

I wanna contribute to this thread with my TBT-7K "Snipe Bucket"

It's a range improved version of the original LOS fire support design. Solid damage at insane range. Can stay outside LRM and PPC range and still harass. Close range dmg is just as solid, so allied LRM boats will be thankful to have a Snipe Bucket around to free them of those light pests.

#66 HarlekinEO


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Posted 26 June 2013 - 05:29 AM

That 7K might be worth a try.

My last version was with Std 250 (because AC20 and XL dont fit together) and AC20 as Standalone Weapon, full armored, no Heatsinks. All other Specs didnt worked out. Esspecially, those with Machine Guns.

#67 ChuChuRo


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Posted 26 June 2013 - 09:26 AM

It doesn't even need a 250 rating because it's heat efficiency in game is 1.8 and there's still plenty of critical slots. So you might even go with a slower XL + heat sinks and an additional laser/SRM/AMS instead.
It's disadvantage tho', is the long weapon recycle time of 4 seconds. Especially in close combat you better make sure you have a good ping and hit your target.

#68 DodgerH2O


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:59 PM

I've posted my favorite build for the TBT-7K before but haven't seen it on here yet so here ya go:


Set the UAC and AC5 to chainfire, don't mash the button, and you can keep surprisingly consistent damage on an opponent. The stock 10 engine DHS keep it cool 99% of the time even with constant firing, letting you use the MLs without reservation even against enemies 500m away.

I find it shines best escorting an assault or a few heavies, let the bigger mechs take the attention and move in for support DPS. It has enough mobility to flank on occasion, but should never find itself too far away from its buddies or it won't last long. Both arms are empty so make perfect shields, especially with the narrow profile of the Trebuchet. I find that inexperienced pilots will target exposed arms also and they make nice "bait" to take a hit or two that would normally get your fragile torso. With trigger discipline and a bit of luck this thing can eat through armor very quickly, and has enough range to put fire on snipers if necessary. In a 'good' match it will easily put out 400-600 damage and have 20-25% ammo left over. I personally push the armor more towards the front of the mech, as you have to constantly face an enemy to put maximum DPS on it, but if you get snuck up on often it might be worthwhile to keep the back armor a few points higher.

#69 Santiago Macario


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Posted 29 June 2013 - 02:20 PM

I run my 7K with an AC/20, two MLs and AMS. Arms with no armor and set everything else to maximum. Stock engine, endo and three AC/20 ammo. Did 615 damage on alpine last week.

Edited by Santiago Macario, 29 June 2013 - 02:24 PM.

#70 TripleEhBeef


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Posted 06 July 2013 - 05:34 PM

My 7K has an AC/10, ER LL and ML, ES FF and DHS, 286 armour, and the stock 250 engine.

I want to get another ER on there. Two of those could burn off a good chunk of armour. Then follow up with the 10. At the moment, I'd have to sacrifice too much armour to do that since I can't afford an XL, and I don't want to step down an engine rating. I have some armour on both arms to take hits.

Wish we could melee. Those two arms would be perfect for some rock-em sock-em robots :D

I think the problem with the 7K is that you can only really splurge on one or two weapon types, depending on your build. Trying to get really good weapons on all three will only give you an "ok, not great" mech.

#71 Benjamin Davion


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Posted 06 July 2013 - 07:23 PM

View PostCarrioncrows, on 20 February 2013 - 05:01 PM, said:

I like the Trebuchet a lot, in fact it's starting to border on infatuation to the point where my true love the Centurion is getting nervous waiting up at nights and starting to check my receipts for signs of foul play.

The Trebuchet does it all.

Here are my best builds:

Starting off my favorite: The TBT-7K "Winifred"
This is an exceptionally mean mech, everyone that's enjoyed a YLW is going to have a field day with it. In Fact that only reason to take a YLW anymore is simply because it can run a XL300 for some impressive speed. But the TBT-7K has the firepower.

STD: 200 Engine
10 DHS
STD Armor: 288 pnts (Torso's maxed)

AC20 -Left Torso (3 tons of ammo)
x2 Medium lasers - Right torso
x2 SRM4's - Right arm (x2 tons of ammo)

It's a 50 ton mech with an AC20, I love it. I've killed everything and anything with this build. The SRM4's are excellent burst damage paired for an impressive 50 alpha. The best point is AC20 is well protected in your torso and with a cherry on the top the left arm is big blocky and works just like a regular centurion arm in that it's your Shield Arm to tank damage and missiles in between alphas.

I can't express enough how much I like this build. I've dallied with other configurations but at the end of the day I keep coming back to the AC20.

TBT-7M "Jezebell"

This is a true multi-platform battle mech equipped for all ranges and all roles. It works very well at just about any role. The one down side is the need to use an XL, but the up side to that is the speed it brings to the table and the jump jets to get around or out of danger. Heat is not an issue as you switch weapon ranges to bring your weapons to bear, at close range you can cycle in and out with the ERPPC as your heat dictates.

250 XL Engine
10 DHS
STD Armor: 304 pnts (Torso's maxed, arms almost maxed)
5 Jumpjets

ERPPC - Left Arm
LRM15 - Right Torso (3 tons of ammo)
x2 Mediums - Right Arm
x2 SSRM2 - Left Arm & Left Torso ( 1 tons of ammo)

The ERPPC allows you to take down ECM's from far away or up close allowing you to use streaks. The LRM15 has 3 tons of ammo meaning it should be launching every chance it gets and the 1 ton of streak ammo is good for 25 shots which is typically more than I ever need as up close and personal fighting is not preferred.

TBT-3C "Lyria"

Lyria is simple and uncomplicated. What she brings to the table is pretty straight forward, how she goes about accomplishing it is exceptionally beautiful. 4 Medium lasers backed up by 2 LRM15's + Artemis brings all the firepower of my CPLT-C1 and goes faster.

XL 280 Engine
12 DHS
STD Armor: 240 pnts (Torso's Maxed)

x4 Medium lasers -1 CT, 2 RA, 1 LA
x2 LRM15+Artemis -1 RT, 1 LA (4 tons of ammo

The speed allows you to get around the battlefield quickly to get position on targets to utilize those LRM15's to the best effect. It's preferable you stay at range until those ammo bins run dry. Be-pop around concentrating your firepower with other allies. When those ammo bins run dry you are free to engage with the 4 medium lasers and with the 90KPH allows you to become quite the hit and run mech.

Light mechs trying to neutralize you are in a for a nasty surprise as you can keep up a continuous stream of fire with 12 DHS.

TBT-4J "Harbringer"

The 4J is my 2nd favorite of the TBT's, for the simple fact that it's the first medium jump sniper around. With only a XL255 it's not as zippy as the other designs but it's still able to keep it's speed up there to out run anything it can't outgun.

XL 255 Engine
12 DHS
STD Armor: 304 points (Torso's maxed, arms near maxed)

x2 PPC's - LA and RA
x3 Mediums - x2 RA, 1 RA
SRM6 - RT (1 ton of ammo)

The role of the TBT is to use your jumpjets to get position on targets or to pop up and down firing your PPCs. The 12 DHS's allows you to get in quite a lot of salvo's before you have to start practicing heat management.

What's nice about this build is the well rounded aspect to it, when forced into a brawling role the x3 mediums and SRM6's bring a fearsome amount of firepower to mechs not expected it, combine that with your jumpjets you can slink up and over things to open the range to 90m to bring your twin ppc's to bear.

Overall it's a delightful little mech.

Well these are my best builds, I hope you enjoy or at the very least it gets you thinking about what kind of builds you would like to make and when you have them:


I'd love to see what you've got.


Alright, that tears. I'm buying a Trebuchet when I get on in the morning. =P

#72 RRRumpel


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Posted 07 July 2013 - 03:34 AM

Hey Guys,
im planning to buy TBT-7K and to build a light-mech hunter and short-range "pain-in-the-***"-Skirmisher.
So this is my build im thinking of:
2 MPL, 2 SSRM (incl. BAP) and 1 huuuge Shotgun are my weapons of shot-range-massdestruction. To get close and to compeed with those fast-lights my XL300 with help me to move fast.

So what ya thinking of? Any suggestions to improve the build? Cause i havent played a Trebuchet yet i dont know the feeling to sit in this chassis :-)

#73 TripleEhBeef


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Posted 07 July 2013 - 06:30 AM

That would smack lights around left and right lol.

One possible suggestion would be to swap to MLs and use the extra two tons for an AMS and ammo. In my experience, lrms can really chew you up if you're caught in the open with this mech.

But if you like the extra damage, then keep the pulses.

Edited by TripleEhBeef, 07 July 2013 - 06:40 AM.

#74 RRRumpel


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Posted 07 July 2013 - 07:00 AM

View PostTripleEhBeef, on 07 July 2013 - 06:30 AM, said:

That would smack lights around left and right lol.

One possible suggestion would be to swap to MLs and use the extra two tons for an AMS and ammo. In my experience, lrms can really chew you up if you're caught in the open with this mech.

But if you like the extra damage, then keep the pulses.

Yeah nice suggestion :-) definitely worth thinking of ... also the range of ML is similar to the SSRMs

#75 TripleEhBeef


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 07:18 PM

Posted Image

Current build. I had ER LLs on at first but there was too much heat. Stepping down to standard LLs made heat management much easier. It's a good sniper, and getting that AC/10 shot onto the component I just burned with the lasers is great for dismembering enemy mechs.

I want to make a more close ranged build out of either the 5N or 5J. Leaning to the 5J because of the extra missile hardpoint. 2 SRM6s can make one hell of a bang.

#76 Vellinious


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 07:38 PM

I've had pretty decent luck with this build:


.87 W/L ratio and 2.26 K/D ratio. Has enough speed to hunt down lights, and has the punch at long range to stay in the game when the snipers come out to play in US prime time (when the greatest % of my play time is).

#77 Spheroid


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 08:46 PM

I need an XL engine recommendation. I am running a 5N and 3C both with 3 Mlas, 2xLRM15 and 10 DHS. The 3C has a 300XL and the 5N the stock 250. They are otherwise identical save Artemis on the 3C. If I wanted to go all out on the tech toys with TAG, AMS and possibly BAP what is a good XL engine to consider? I have the 260XL from my Jager and the 295XL from my Blackjack-1X. How flexible is the 280XL for other chassis?

Edited by Spheroid, 09 July 2013 - 08:48 PM.

#78 HarlekinEO


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 04:49 AM

I tested alot with TBT-7K Specs and I think the following is the only workable:

2 med Laser
2 Streaks
AC/10 or LBX10 (AC5 if Std Engine and FerroFib Armor - because of lacking slots)

Engine according to your own demands. Means, whether you need BAP or not and your Ammunition consumption. I tryed XL300, XL280 (weights same as 275XL, so take this) and Std275. That brings your speed to 100 km/h +/- a bit.
You dont need extra Heatsinks, but DHS Upgrade (10 DHS from Engine is enough). If you are to hot, just stop shooting med Lasers.
My TBT-7K is fully armored, but if you lack in weight you can reduce some armor of the left arm (right side in mech lab), since there is nothing installed. But be aware, that you will shortly have nothing to protect your side torso (important, if you use XL Engine).

Edited by HarlekinEO, 10 July 2013 - 04:52 AM.

#79 tuffy963


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 10:32 PM

This 7K is an unexpected delight. Very vast, very distracting. The two SRM6's when chain fired through the twin tubes creates a continuous stream of SRMs that are very disruptive.


This one runs a bit hotter and faster!

Edited by tuffy963, 17 July 2013 - 05:59 AM.

#80 TripleEhBeef


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Posted 20 July 2013 - 01:28 PM

I've revised my trebuchet 7k build. I run with an er ppc and uac5 with 3 tons of ammo for long range, and an MPL and machine gun for close range. I didn't use the missile hardpoints so I could have a second shield arm and keep up a constant stream of fire on a single component in short range. Max armour and an XL 270.

The MPL, MG and UAC 5 can keep up a pretty brutal stream of fire in close range with very little heat buildup. Let's me save the ERPPC for a core shot.

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