This event is now over.

Starts: JAN 22nd 10:00:00 AM (PST) (6:00:00 PM UTC)
Ends: JAN 26th 10:00:00 AM (PST) (6:00:00 PM UTC)


Greetings MechWarriors,

Welcome to the Warhammer Leaderboard and Challenge Event! It's time to see who among you can claim superiority in a Warhammer.

This Event is comprised of Leaderboard components for each individual 'Mech variant from our Warhammer Collections, a cumulative Social Goal for all Warhammer pilots, and finally a cumulative Personal Challenge reward component that all players are eligible for!

If you don't own a Warhammer 'Mech that qualifies for the Leaderboard event you'll still have plenty of opportunity to earn some rewards in the cumulative Personal Challenge component.

Cumulative Challenge Details and Conditions

The Personal Challenge portion of this Event is based on cumulative achievements in Quick Play only! Faction Play matches do not count toward these cumulative goals.

Check out the Goal and Rewards tables below for all Reward items and conditions. These Goals are cumulative, so achieving a total of 4,500 DMG before January 26th at 10:00 AM PST would reward you with the Sundae Standing Item and 30 MC. Likewise, racking up a combined total of 1,500,000 C-Bills through the course of the event will reward you with an additional one-time reward of 500,000 C-Bills.

Personal Challenge Reward Tables

Quick Play Goal and Reward Table

Cumulative GoalsReward
3 Victories on Polar Highlands in Skirmish, Assault, or Conquest (or any combination thereof)1 Day Active Premium Time and a Snowflake Hanging Item
15 Kills Most Damage DealtPressure Chamber War Horn, 50 MC, and 250,000 C-Bills
40 Kill Assistsx8 C-Bill Consumable Pack and 100,000 C-Bills
4,500 DMGSundae Standing Item and 30 MC
3,500 Match ScoreWhite Lights Mounted Item and 20 MC
1,500,000 C-Bills500,000 C-Bills
15,000 XP500 GXP

  • Rewards will be injected as the goals are achieved, but injections may be delayed by up to 30 minutes.
  • Support services will not trade or switch out any prizes.
  • Accounts that engage in non-participation or other violations of the CoC, such (but not limited to) AFK/non-participation farming or 'gaming' of the matchmaking system or event conditions will be subject to disqualification and moderation actions.
  • Solo and Group Queue matches will be counted for these Quick Play game modes: Assault, Skirmish, and Conquest.
  • Private matches and Faction Play matches do not count!
  • Premium Time received during this event activates immediately when you receive the prize in-game.
  • No opt-in required.

You can track your progress in the Personal Challenge portion here.

Social Goal

The Social Goal component of this Event is a cumulative counter for Kills Most Damage Dealt achieved by Warhammer pilots during this Event! Attaining a Kill Most Damage Dealt while piloting any Warhammer variant will contribute 1 point to the cumulative progress of this counter. If the community of Warhammer pilots can reach the Social Goal, they'll unlock a reward for every player who owns any Warhammer Pack by the end of the event.

100,000 / 100,000 Kills Most Damage Dealt

Reward for all current Warhammer Owners: Vagabond Permanent Pattern Unlock for all Warhammer variants.

  • You must own a Warhammer Pack before the end of the Event to be eligible for receiving the Social Goal Reward (if the Social Goal is achieved).
  • You do not need to contribute to the Social Goal counter in order to receive the Reward (if the Social Goal is achieved). You simply need to own a Warhammer Pack (Standard or Collector).
  • You must be piloting a Warhammer 'Mech (any variant) in order for your Kill Most Damage Dealt to contribute to the Social Goal counter.
  • No opt-in required.

Leaderboard Event Conditions

  • You must play the specific 'Mech variant to participate in its associated Leaderboard Challenge.
  • Reaching a particular tier on a Leaderboard will qualify you for receiving all of the preceding tiers (if applicable).
  • Rewards received are contingent upon your final position in a Leaderboard at the end of the event.
  • Only your best 10 matches over the course of the event will be counted toward the Leaderboard.
  • Solo and Group Queue matches will be counted for these Quick Play game modes: Assault, Skirmish, and Conquest.
  • Private matches and Faction Play matches do not count!
  • Score Formula: (Solo Kill x 30) + (Kill Most Damage x 20) + (Killing Blow x 10) + ( Kill Assist x 10) + (Win × 10) + (Loss × 5) + (Survive × 10) + (Dead × 5) + ((Damage done - Team Damage) ÷ 15)
  • 1st Tie-Breaker: Number of Matches Played (Fewer is better)
  • 2nd Tie-Breaker: Team Damage (Less is better)
  • All Leaderboard prizes are awarded at the end of the event!
  • Accounts that engage in non-participation or other violations of the CoC, such (but not limited to) AFK/non-participation farming or 'gaming' of the matchmaking system or event conditions will be subject to disqualification and moderation actions.

Leaderboard Reward Tables

Warhammer 'Mech Rewards

Top 5 1000 MC
Top 10 5,000,000 C-Bills
Top 25 5000 GXP
Top 50 Black Widow Spider Hanging Item
Top 75 x5 C-Bill Consumable Pack

Warhammer Leaderboards

WHM-6R and WHM-6R(S)/WHM-6D

Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.

"WHM-6R and WHM-6R(S)"

# Pilot Score
1. psichih0lic 3,941
2. Zeleglok 3,856
3. Edmiester 3,836
4. X T R E M E 3,749
5. xXzenosx 3,639
6. Avium 3,639
7. MrArmagedon311 3,472
8. BanditB17 3,470
9. Dr Cara Carcass 3,415
10. Parkensis 3,385
11. The Pug Commander 3,379
12. GoodTry 3,347
13. Nightbird 3,302
14. Devil Fox 3,276
15. DeathCourier 3,255
16. Krizzman 3,237
17. H E A V Y G A U S S 3,192
18. GrnMonster 3,154
19. Cyborne Elemental 3,119
20. Malystryx VoF 3,117
21. Soulless One 3,096
22. Kyle Ward 3,085
23. ProfessorD 3,066
24. SpartanOfValor 3,057
25. Delphino 3,054
26. bear_cl4w 3,033
27. cLoKw 3,013
28. 8mmspikes 2,992
29. SSSS 2,967
30. coden364 2,922
31. Affinity Ward 2,917
32. Freebrewer Bmore 2,906
33. Prototype11 2,887
34. Tracer13ullet 2,876
35. Kayve Fawkes 2,874
36. JDToker 2,867
37. AAAce 2,860
38. Tirzelin 2,846
39. Artix Krieger 2,842
40. xWiredx 2,834
41. hargneux 2,828
42. Vlad Grendal 2,815
43. Frost Pendragon 2,804
44. Murphy7 2,799
45. Blackdog420 2,784
46. WiIIiam 2,783
47. Hat 2,773
48. Jason Chang 2,769
49. Azrael0815 2,760
50. Stephen Grendal 2,757


# Pilot Score
1. Zeleglok 4,751
2. psichih0lic 4,590
3. Manei Domini Krigg 4,009
4. bear_cl4w 3,985
5. oOVisibleOo 3,961
6. X T R E M E 3,848
7. Asrrin 3,813
8. Kyle Ward 3,799
9. Ascaloth 3,632
10. Paragun 3,494
11. Prymer 3,453
12. The Pug Commander 3,333
13. Sethulo 3,317
14. exiledangel 3,316
15. Krizzman 3,281
16. Dabeer203 3,249
17. ThrowerOfShoes 3,246
18. Corzza 3,202
19. Darkthor 3,175
20. Paul Tarkin 3,169
21. Death Commando 3,143
22. Valdherre Tor 3,138
23. C I L L I P U D D I 3,132
24. 8mmspikes 3,118
25. Druarc 3,114
26. zaku potion 3,111
27. Patche 3,082
28. Gildrei 3,071
29. Amer 3,068
30. iLLcapitan 3,068
31. Tommele 3,059
32. Frytrixa 3,043
33. apostateCourier 3,041
34. ClippyClap 3,038
35. Top Gun Killer 2,989
36. Zainadin 2,952
37. Chchchia 2,947
38. Rizzallizz 2,947
39. Hexidecimator 2,942
40. snow0815 2,925
41. Surn 2,924
42. UberStuka 2,909
43. Halimede 2,897
44. Felix von Buelow 2,889
45. swils 2,867
46. Conreg 2,867
47. Sorbic 2,859
48. Doom Radick 2,858
49. Cyborne Elemental 2,853
50. White Bear 84 2,850


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.


# Pilot Score
1. Zeleglok 4,160
2. psichih0lic 4,117
3. X T R E M E 3,768
4. Shaix 3,674
5. Prymer 3,507
6. Pyalla 3,385
7. Nothar 3,294
8. SombraRojo 3,185
9. Cab 3,148
10. Aerdirion 3,139
11. Kharn Nete 3,073
12. SirEpicPwner 3,062
13. Xavori 3,038
14. Puraaj 2,974
15. sCOREscream 2,957
16. Moebius Pi 2,952
17. S 0 L E N Y A 2,952
18. King Kuranes 2,951
19. FunkyCat 2,949
20. Meensai 2,936
21. Drakich 2,926
22. 8mmspikes 2,923
23. Frytrixa 2,872
24. Nighthawk Rebel 2,862
25. Wingbreaker 2,850
26. Szpirglas 2,850
27. Kyle Ward 2,842
28. Conreg 2,816
29. Thorazan McKenna 2,785
30. Thomas Falcon 2,783
31. Ghostbear1968 2,769
32. LongredactedDragon 2,762
33. intothefray 2,727
34. axe64 2,725
35. TheSkylar 2,698
36. SiR SockMonkeyDonkey 2,698
37. Cronix 2,685
38. Ngrasta 2,683
39. Jason Chang 2,680
40. Cyborne Elemental 2,676
41. Oberst Wolf 2,665
42. FaythoftheLost 2,639
43. Dahkoht 2,593
44. Skarabrae 2,585
45. DeathScythe3 2,580
46. FRANK LEE FIRE 2,577
47. Spyder Cochon 2,542
48. GiDelta 2,536
49. Aoleus 2,531
50. QuiverNAY 2,516


# Pilot Score
1. Zeleglok 4,259
2. Solahma 4,109
3. PlasmaPulsar EMP 4,078
4. Demonic 4,069
5. Nightbird 3,954
6. Jay Z 3,935
7. Brotpapier 3,914
8. Malystryx VoF 3,633
9. Dr Briefcase 3,542
10. _R_ 3,528
11. TalonZahn 3,518
12. Top Gun Killer 3,512
13. Gilbert Durandal 3,460
14. kage131 3,421
15. FunkyCat 3,340
16. Croeyle 3,301
17. ImperialAce 3,288
18. Smodo77 3,229
19. Minion247 3,224
20. OPkamakazi 3,214
21. Exoth3rmic 3,151
22. Tracer13ullet 3,145
23. Mastercheeze 3,135
24. Durandal 3,104
25. James Jorgensson420 3,041
26. DevlinCognito 3,035
27. SleepTrgt 3,034
28. CaptainGarcia619 3,022
29. SuperNobody 2,988
30. BattleHymn 2,977
31. Spazamataz 2,966
32. Bolow 2,961
33. Daelen Rottiger 2,938
34. G3TD0wN 2,894
35. TuranicRaider 2,890
36. Cyborne Elemental 2,889
37. Helios Backseat General Kerensky 2,886
38. Chief Tigris 2,885
39. Mavek 2,883
40. lyons19901 2,880
41. MrKvola 2,865
42. GrimmerSchnitter 2,861
43. TempestSC 2,857
44. Prototype11 2,854
45. Krizzman 2,844
46. Hesfet 2,831
47. JDToker 2,830
48. Aratiles 2,815
49. Jiffy 2,810
50. Musashi Alexander 2,805

For full rules & regulations governing this challenge, click here.