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This event is now over.

Starts: Jan 25th 4:00:00 PM (PST) / Jan 26th 12:00:00 AM (UTC)
Ends: Feb 8th 3:59:59 PM (PST) / Feb 8th 11:59:59 PM (UTC)

Year of the Fire Rooster Event

Happy Lunar New Year, MechWarriors!

2017 is the Year of the Fire Rooster, and to commemorate the occassion we have some Personal Challenges for you complete, along with a Leaderboard and Personal Challenge component for the newly-released Bushwacker 'Mech.

Click on the tabs at the top of the event page to view the details of each section.

Starts: Jan 25th 4:00:00 PM (PST) / Jan 26th 12:00:00 AM (UTC)
Ends: Feb 8th 3:59:59 PM (PST) / Feb 8th 11:59:59 PM (UTC)

"Lay a Golden Egg"

Complete at least one of the two options below for a prize of 5,000,000 C-Bills!

  • Option 1: Achieve the Highest Match Score in your Team a total of 6 times through the course of this Event.

- OR -

  • Option 2: Achieve a Match Score of 200 or higher in at least one Match, once per day, in at least 10 of the 13 days during this Event.

Option 1 also requires a Minimum Match Score of 150 for your match to qualify toward the requirement.

All Quick Play and Faction Play Game Modes are eligible (Solo and Group Queue).

Private Matches do not qualify.

Challenge progress statuses are updated every hour

Jan. 26th27th28th29th30th31stFeb. 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8thTotal
Highest Match Score on your Team
               0 of 6
Achieve a Match Score of 200
               0 of 10
5,000,000 C-Bills

"Why did the Rooster cross the road? To stay in Lance Formation."

Complete at least one of the two options below for a prize of 300 MC!

  • Option 1: Achieve a total of 250 Lance In Formation match actions throughout the course of this Event.

- OR -

  • Option 2: Achieve a total of 10 Lance In Formation match actions, once per day, in at least 10 of the 13 days during this Event.

All Quick Play and Faction Play Game Modes are eligible (Solo and Group Queue).

Private Matches do not qualify.

Challenge progress statuses are updated every hour

Jan. 26th27th28th29th30th31stFeb. 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8thTotal
250 Lance In Formation match actions
               0 of 250
10 Lance In Formation match actions per day
               0 of 10
300 MC

Bushwacker Personal Challenge

There is no daily requirement or condition for the Bushwacker Challenge. For example, if you achieve 15 Kills or KMDDs while piloting a Bushwacker in a single day, you will still be eligible to receive the associated rewards!

Challenge progress statuses are updated every hour

Bushwacker Personal ChallengeCompletion StatusPrize
5 Kills or KMDDs in a Bushwacker 0 of 5
3 Days Active Premium Time
10 Kills or KMDDs in a Bushwacker 0 of 10
Bushwacker Duct tape Hanging Cockpit Item
15 Kills or KMDDs in a Bushwacker 0 of 15
Bushwacker Med Kit Standing Cockpit Item
25 Kills or KMDDs in a Bushwacker 0 of 25
Bushwacker Radio Warhorn Cockpit Item
35 Kills or KMDDs in a Bushwacker 0 of 35
Buccaneer Camo Unlocked for all Bushwacker variants

Starts: Jan 26th 4:00:00 PM (PST) / Jan 27th 12:00:00 AM (UTC)
Ends: Jan 30th 3:59:59 PM (PST) / Jan 30th 11:59:59 PM (UTC)

Bushwacker Leaderboard

It's time to see who among you can pilot your way to the top of the Leaderboards in the new Bushwacker 'Mech!

A Bushwacker Brass Knuckles Hanging Cockpit Item will be awarded to all players who place in the Top 75 of any Bushwacker Leaderboards in which they participate.

Leaderboard progress statuses are updated every hour. Rewards will be injected into eligible accounts upon the conclusion of the Leaderboard Event.

Leaderboard Event Conditions

  • You must play the specific 'Mech variant to participate in its associated Leaderboard Challenge.
  • Receipt of the Brass Knuckles Hanging Item Reward is contingent upon your final position in a Leaderboard at the end of the event.
  • Only your best 10 matches over the course of the event will be counted toward the Leaderboard.
  • Solo and Group Queue matches will be counted for these Quick Play game modes: Assault, Skirmish, Conquest, and Domination.
  • Private matches and Faction Play matches do not count!
  • Score Formula: (Solo Kill x 30) + (Kill Most Damage x 20) + (Killing Blow x 10) + ( Kill Assist x 10) + (Win × 10) + (Loss × 5) + (Survive × 10) + (Dead × 5) + ((Damage done - Team Damage) ÷ 15)
  • 1st Tie-Breaker: Number of Matches Played (Fewer is better)
  • 2nd Tie-Breaker: Team Damage (Less is better)
  • All Leaderboard prizes are awarded at the end of the event!
  • Accounts that engage in non-participation or other violations of the CoC, such (but not limited to) AFK/non-participation farming or 'gaming' of the matchmaking system or event conditions will be subject to disqualification and moderation actions.


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by an hour.


# Pilot Score
1. Shaix 3,364
2. DeathCourier 2,937
3. ExcaliburRus 2,710
4. Altered Beast 2,691
5. Frytrixa 2,672
6. Will reaper 2,662
7. Agent X52 2,420
8. Bows3r 2,398
9. Eliminator2033 2,391
10. Lelliitto 2,390
11. DovisKhan 2,376
12. Codpond 2,371
13. Alexandra Hekmatyar 2,366
14. metric9mm 2,353
15. Aaziz 2,345
16. Bhelogan 2,259
17. RC01-138 2,210
18. Oldbob10025 2,209
19. Ashtl2ay 2,202
20. Venethrax 2,169
21. X Player 2,124
22. ThePeackeeper 2,104
23. AcidReign 2,083
24. Ormstarr the Splitter 2,077
25. MightyHawks94 2,074
26. captaincoffee 2,061
27. Suffkopp 2,032
28. LongJohnSilver 2,018
29. Drakkar Starkiller 2,010
30. pandemic52 2,004
31. Mumpitzmaster 1,978
32. Davy J0nes 1,965
33. Toonice 1,954
34. SunkistKid6 1,952
35. BlueRaven33 1,951
36. Sigmar Sich 1,947
37. snapstyle 1,943
38. Varshoon 1,939
39. Cupid and Psyche _ 1,915
40. Mathias Gray 1,915
41. TAKTCOM 1,902
42. claptrapV4 1,894
43. Greglomaniac 1,889
44. BRUNO555555 1,877
45. RetroiNsanity 1,877
46. suffocater 1,845
47. 1st Arcangel 1,836
48. Willothius 1,831
49. Xenois Shalashaska 1,826
50. Stahlviper13 1,822
51. Nick Tiskov 1,816
52. Rydiak Randborir 1,816
53. Weinripper 1,815
54. Skullraze 1,810
55. Stonefalcon 1,809
56. Wrathwolf 1,807
57. Khye 1,800
58. Senorsuperman 1,798
59. Erik Krieger 1,776
60. Shorheh 1,774
61. Goatflap 1,773
62. Mechsniper 1,773
63. IDee 1,769
64. Zarakynel 1,763
65. Major_Mechit 1,760
66. Trennbull 1,759
67. Malkan 1,759
68. Ayabe 1,741
69. Gattling Fenn 1,739
71. Jaclsweedable 1,736
72. Neathdrawls 1,727
73. betsuni 1,721
74. Edryn 1,721
75. mouser42 1,720


# Pilot Score
1. Deebes 2,809
2. FLG 01 2,549
3. IrresponsibleCpt 2,415
4. Wolverine 2,393
5. Neathdrawls 2,390
6. FL4PHEAD 2,348
7. Elozt 2,347
8. Unitless 2,332
9. Vidicare 2,295
10. Czarr 2,255
11. Shunuke 2,246
12. Honiara 2,216
13. Michal R 2,177
14. Rydiak Randborir 2,175
15. Apollo 42 2,134
16. ThePeackeeper 2,088
17. Skullraze 2,076
18. BrunoSSace 2,075
19. BRUNO555555 2,074
20. Falcon 2,055
21. Sunstruck 2,043
22. Composite Armour 2,041
23. Mole 2,038
24. Raezarr 2,025
25. Metalaxe 2,010
26. Mumpitzmaster 2,005
27. Ormstarr the Splitter 2,004
28. Mad Pig 1,997
29. Bishop Six 1,991
30. Kali Chosen 1,967
31. Ubbo-Sathla 1,962
32. Sigmar Sich 1,902
33. Hydrothermia 1,895
34. P o l a r i s 1,894
35. Mnexus 1,886
36. Freebrewer Bmore 1,879
37. SeeSam 1,867
38. Guile Votoms 1,866
39. uberkru 1,863
40. Sgt Namaan 1,825
41. Cantstandya 1,824
42. Nick Tiskov 1,815
43. BoboMechshooter 1,810
44. Bleh 1,809
45. Svarn Lornon 1,806
46. roboPrancer 1,802
47. Ruccus 1,794
48. Frettmaster 1,789
49. Ashtl2ay 1,782
50. Dee Eight 1,771
51. SkullFrog21 1,752
52. Equinox_Clique 1,742
53. A_Velociraptor 1,740
54. Drakkar Starkiller 1,739
55. Stonefalcon 1,738
56. Spheroid 1,737
57. Zechs Marques 1,735
58. DrStev3Brule 1,712
59. Ultralocrian 1,712
60. Honey Pepper 1,709
61. Kiermagan 1,706
62. SLY666 1,691
63. Shawgrin 1,683
64. Alexandra Hekmatyar 1,683
65. Maglidius 1,680
66. Lelliitto 1,670
67. Taliesen Nightshade 1,665
68. El Mala Muerte Pollo 1,660
69. Karl the Plumber 1,652
70. Wolf Clearwater 1,652
71. The 0mnissiah 1,651
72. TEKKWONDO 1,650
73. Texas Red IS 1,644
74. Fictionaldan 1,638
75. Crixus187 1,637


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by an hour.


# Pilot Score
1. Shunuke 2,814
2. Bannok 2,628
3. PrometheusTNO 2,566
4. Stewon 2,408
5. Space-Monkey 2,328
6. Daiguren 2,278
7. BRUNO555555 2,267
8. Sequoia Furey 2,247
9. XxNUGGETxX 2,238
10. WyldIrish 2,194
11. IRON MAN 2,130
12. cowws 2,129
13. LurmzMackenzie 2,080
14. malz79 2,078
15. UnbashedBird 2,074
16. HumpingBunny 2,059
17. skatenok 2,055
18. 01enevod 2,047
19. Mad Pig 2,038
20. GrizzlyViking 2,010
21. Cmdr Kat 1,985
22. IronMord 1,982
23. Domenoth 1,969
24. BloodKnight101 1,953
25. Mnexus 1,948
26. Guile Votoms 1,937
27. Wo0t 1,925
28. Skullraze 1,911
29. ThomasAH 1,905
30. TAKTCOM 1,901
31. T R3 1,897
32. Drakkar Starkiller 1,891
33. Dashdece 1,890
34. Sagorcrow 1,873
35. Boogaloo Shrimp 1,871
36. Wolf Clearwater 1,861
37. Mechsniper 1,857
38. ThePeackeeper 1,831
39. Nabukadnozor 1,823
40. Justicier 1,805
41. Batterybujok 1,775
42. Ashtl2ay 1,770
43. Wolf Bronskii 1,765
44. SkullFrog21 1,763
45. Musashi Alexander 1,762
46. Ironcid 1,725
47. CenturionActual 1,719
48. Flexifoil 1,712
49. Alexandra Hekmatyar 1,708
50. Arnorr 1,703
51. Greglomaniac 1,690
52. Laserhupe 1,685
53. Gongi 1,680
54. Asseri 1,677
55. Mathias Gray 1,672
56. AmbPurrNya 1,667
57. SiZiGee 1,648
58. Madd Dawg 1,644
59. Wolv Blackwood 1,642
60. Rumpole 1,636
61. Lyraner11 1,631
62. The 0mnissiah 1,631
63. Halfsmart 1,628
64. QuePan 1,626
65. Codpond 1,619
66. Oldbob10025 1,617
67. Trodo 1,613
68. uberkru 1,609
69. DrStev3Brule 1,608
70. Skullwalker 1,606
71. -Kite-Man- 1,606
72. Ted Wayz 1,602
73. Lurki 1,598
74. Aspekt93 1,597
75. 1st Arcangel 1,585


# Pilot Score
1. Buster Machine 0 2,975
2. Rawyn 2,901
3. M4J35T1C 2,798
4. dabeda 2,769
5. DEATHofGODS 2,760
6. PeteZonee 2,720
7. Cyrus Griswold Harrison 2,661
8. TripleAwesome 2,615
9. Phlaago 2,560
10. IDee 2,518
11. West Santin 2,457
12. TorinZ 2,356
13. Alzorath 2,325
14. -Ramrod- 2,242
15. H E A V Y G A U S S 2,224
16. ebea51 2,133
17. Unitless 2,069
18. Laserhupe 2,037
19. MacClearly 1,985
20. Wendel1300 1,977
21. Sleeper Service 1,976
22. Roughneck AoD 1,958
23. Dran Dragore 1,923
24. alex10484 1,902
25. s010010 1,883
26. Ikokujin 1,870
27. ThePeackeeper 1,870
28. Attheveryend 1,861
29. Rektalist 1,859
30. Haven Kendrick 1,846
31. JTSR 1,838
32. Ubbo-Sathla 1,833
33. KoDiac42 1,828
34. Radcjk 1,826
35. Dashdece 1,806
36. TEKKWONDO 1,797
37. Garfuncle 1,785
38. Neathdrawls 1,774
39. Rhodanos 1,771
40. Skullraze 1,768
41. Chocowolf Sradac 1,761
42. Codpond 1,757
43. Rookie Alpha 1,721
44. Boxkar 1,716
45. LurmzMackenzie 1,705
46. Dutchoper72 1,701
47. Erik Krieger 1,695
48. Thomasso 1,686
49. Tanil Kane 1,683
50. Mechsniper 1,683
51. RW Phelinx 1,667
52. Shawgrin 1,665
53. Ashtl2ay 1,658
54. Xenois Shalashaska 1,651
55. P o l a r i s 1,651
56. Rassiworm 1,635
57. orcrist86 1,633
58. X Player 1,632
59. Svarn Lornon 1,627
60. Jack Brass 1,621
61. Maethar 1,617
62. Zzim 1,614
63. Time Elapse 1,608
64. Seth 1,601
65. Ismael09 1,600
66. Wyald Katt 1,598
67. Ryan Virgillio 1,585
68. Idiocide 1,583
69. Lanceafer 1,574
70. Cpt FellWurst 1,571
71. Big Husky 1,570
72. Praxsis 1,564
73. Xanias 1,551
74. Gongi 1,548
75. Sinthrow 1,535


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by an hour.


# Pilot Score
1. Bigga Moonpye 2,641
2. Kano Kanif 2,523
3. RainbowStarlight 2,494
4. Rysith 2,489
5. Ashval 2,408
6. Hellbound1 2,369
7. Iskippedit 2,345
8. AtomicWombat 2,275
9. Daiguren 2,215
10. Tsula 2,205
11. asdfjojo 2,182
12. Mad Pig 2,164
13. Ragedog4 2,155
14. HellsDog 2,155
15. X Player 2,146
16. Lamental Jester 2,074
17. Icadin 2,069
18. Maethar 2,027
19. MARVINGER 2,026
20. Fuax 2,000
21. MacClearly 1,968
22. Malkan 1,960
23. Surn 1,945
24. RetroiNsanity 1,945
25. Gongi 1,900
26. Doc Moriarti 1,897
27. Redshirt enraged 1,882
28. exiledangel 1,868
29. JonDoeIowa 1,850
30. Fluffy Bunny Destroyer of Worlds 1,843
31. Ruccus 1,839
32. Candy Pumpkin 1,811
33. IRON MAN 1,768
34. Agent X52 1,765
35. Sotec 1,749
36. Jimmy Jetz 1,745
37. Shunuke 1,735
38. Laserhupe 1,705
39. Znozoic 1,676
40. Falcon 1,654
41. Skullraze 1,642
42. Bad Electric 1,630
43. Gangben 1,626
44. Graver 1,613
45. suffocater 1,612
46. Korbos 1,589
47. Toonice 1,578
48. Cpt FellWurst 1,569
49. PhelanKH 1,552
50. -Fireflash- 1,527
51. MrEdweird 1,519
52. Ranger Dave 1,514
53. Flashdance 1,514
54. Raketenwurm 1,512
55. Frytrixa 1,509
56. De Monte Alto 1,503
57. Dravan1 1,498
58. Drollzy 1,493
59. SgtGee 1,481
60. Tarz Tarkus 1,469
61. Sunstruck 1,461
62. Seth 1,450
63. PariahDog 1,442
64. Temu 1,423
65. Murph 1,420
66. Khale MacGregor 1,418
67. snipermrv 1,416
68. Ikokujin 1,415
69. Jammer Jameson 1,411
70. Bokur 1,404
71. IVIr Fallout 1,399
72. Baron Cunedda Kell 1,371
73. Zader39 1,367
74. MekShred 1,354
75. Frettmaster 1,352


# Pilot Score
1. Lelliitto 3,088
2. Doomface4 3,081
3. H E A V Y G A U S S 2,387
4. THE ERASER 2,266
5. MacClearly 2,213
6. OneEyedJoker 2,125
7. RetroiNsanity 2,029
8. Sunstruck 2,026
9. -Ramrod- 1,996
10. Ashval 1,993
11. Roshi 1,973
12. Phidias86 1,933
13. Bigga Moonpye 1,887
14. Baradin 1,842
15. Cpt Hogwash 1,826
16. Boss Hawg 1,821
17. Slambot 1,818
18. SilentHawk IS 1,813
19. Password1234 1,811
20. Zader39 1,801
21. Jettrik Ryflix 1,798
22. Laserhupe 1,798
23. Frytrixa 1,778
24. Flashdance 1,776
25. Daiguren 1,766
26. Alex Cameron 1,758
27. HellsDog 1,752
28. RW Phelinx 1,672
29. Mercil3ss 1,666
30. Ultralocrian 1,642
31. Shawgrin 1,629
32. Kam1Kaz1 1,626
33. Erik Krieger 1,609
34. PRKR 1,598
35. AlphaPrime42 1,598
36. Lamental Jester 1,595
37. CycKath 1,588
38. Gongi 1,582
39. Composite Armour 1,572
40. Falcon 1,563
41. SoloidSnake 1,554
42. Znozoic 1,552
43. Ruccus 1,548
44. Rob Sheppard 1,540
45. Korbos 1,540
46. Third_eye 1,524
47. MrEdweird 1,517
48. Taliesen Nightshade 1,500
49. Iskippedit 1,499
50. Wolfgar105 1,494
51. Violencer 1,485
52. De Monte Alto 1,481
53. Malkan 1,480
54. Shunuke 1,467
55. TDN Dreadnaught 1,461
56. Vynn Hyperhusk 1,443
57. Mechfan666 1,440
58. Z a t o i c h i 1,437
59. Icadin 1,430
60. IRON MAN 1,427
61. Cpt Ralphy 1,421
62. patman 1,421
63. Morggo 1,408
64. Kaz Mafaele 1,402
65. Skullraze 1,383
66. Katraal 1,377
67. P o l a r i s 1,374
68. Tarz Tarkus 1,371
69. Rookie Alpha 1,356
70. wheelow 1,355
71. Mirage85 1,350
72. Grinster 1,347
73. MagResPolarBear 1,342
74. Spackle Overlord 1,329
75. Dee Eight 1,319

For full rules & regulations governing this challenge, click here.