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Server Split

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Poll: Would you support a full server split? (427 member(s) have cast votes)

Would you support a full server split?

  1. Yes - It would be better to have a separate account for each server (34 votes [7.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.96%

  2. No - It would be better to allow server choice on a per-session basis (381 votes [89.23%])

    Percentage of vote: 89.23%

  3. Other - Please post details below (12 votes [2.81%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.81%

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#1 Phlyk


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Posted 09 March 2013 - 11:44 PM

Hello all,

Following on from Ask the Devs 33 which was recently posted, I'd like to discuss the upcoming server split:

Ask the Devs 32 said:

Seth: Could you clarify the answer last week concerning the split of US and UK players on different servers? I ask because a number of units have members from all around the world and it would be rough if we couldn't interact with them in the game.

A: For most regions, players will get to choose which servers to play on. So if you have a friend in the UK that want to play with US players, they can log into NA servers. This holds true for NA players, who can log into EU servers and play with friends there. Final details are still evolving, so this information is subject to change.

Ask the Devs 33 said:

DV McKenna: Initially we are told we'll get a one time transfer to the server region of our choice. Once done we are stuck there and there is no=zero ability to then play with the opposite region. Can you be a bit more specific here?

A: It’s a one way transfer. You can always create a new account in the desired region of play.

I understand that when we were initially told that we would be able to select server at log in that the information was subject to change. But why would PGI/IGP want to lock each account to a server, and what possible beneficial impact would that have for the game or for the playerbase?

I know that I would be disappointed if I had to create a new account to play with my overseas friends (or if they had to create one to play with me). It is an unnecessary grind and possible money expense (buying colours/patterns/hero mechs/modules per account).

Personally I am frustrated by this news and intend to not make any further MC purchases based on this information, how do you guys feel about it?

EDIT: This question has now been posted in ATD 34:


What changed in two weeks (between ATD 32 and 33) that meant that people will now have to decide on a per-account basis which server to play on, rather than a per-session/game basis.


View PostBryan Ekman, on 22 March 2013 - 07:08 AM, said:

Ask the Devs #34

SgtKinCaiD: Can we have a command chair post that explain CLEARLY your statement on the regional server matter ?

A: Sure, when we have a final direction. For now it’s pretty straightforward. Each region will have their own MWO server(s). Most players can create accounts on each server. Some regions will be locked and only available to players located in said region. There will most likely be no central account concept, where you are able to select the region you want to play in. That’s the super quick high level.

Edited by Phlyk, 22 March 2013 - 09:13 AM.

#2 Pater Mors


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Posted 09 March 2013 - 11:47 PM

View PostPhlyk, on 09 March 2013 - 11:44 PM, said:

But why would PGI/IGP want to lock each account to a server, and what possible beneficial impact would that have for the game or for the playerbase?

View PostPhlyk, on 09 March 2013 - 11:44 PM, said:

possible money expense (buying colours/patterns/hero mechs/modules per account).

Looks like you answered your own question there chief.

#3 borisof007


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Posted 09 March 2013 - 11:48 PM

Lots of games do this to ensure quality gameplay in the regions they reside in. Blizzard and Riot games both do this, not sure why folks think this is some new development.

Edit: I don't want you on my team if you have more than 150 ping. Yes I'm one of "those" people.

Edited by borisof007, 09 March 2013 - 11:49 PM.

#4 Remarius

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Posted 09 March 2013 - 11:53 PM

So just agree with your friends what server to stay on. :P

I'm not sure if to move myself now that they've implemented the server state position technology from the last patch but even with those upgrades once most US players get on my ping climbs by 50-100 so a move would be beneficial.

#5 MoonUnitBeta


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 12:16 AM

I like playing with UK people. Generally speaking, a lot more of them seem nicer than the North American players... just an observation.

Plus they have funny accents. lol

Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 10 March 2013 - 12:16 AM.

#6 Phlyk


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 12:26 AM

@ Pater Mors: I was hoping that there would be more to it than that!

@Borisof007: Great, nobody would force you to accept people form other countries into your clan, so no problem.

@Remarius: I understand what you are saying, however, if I have clanmates in the US and in AUS, and I have other friends in the UK who are in their own clans. Which server should I pick?

#7 Bhan Zor


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 12:51 AM

View Postborisof007, on 09 March 2013 - 11:48 PM, said:

Lots of games do this to ensure quality gameplay in the regions they reside in. Blizzard and Riot games both do this, not sure why folks think this is some new development.

Edit: I don't want you on my team if you have more than 150 ping. Yes I'm one of "those" people.

How can you possibly claim this to be mainly a "quality of service" restriction, if people get to decide where to play? If that was the reason, they would force europeans to stick to europe and americans to stick to the north american servers - which apparently they do not intend to do. Instead, they tell us to roll a second account if we want to play in both regions. There goes your hope for not having to play with 150+ pingers...

The right thing to do would be to let the players decide on a per session/match basis. Perhaps with a ping limiter that limits you to your nearest server if your connection is really bad. Freedom of choice (with whom of your friends from around the world you want to play on any given day) without having to grind several accounts goes a long, long way.

#8 Phlyk


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 07:16 AM

Bhan Zor makes an excellent point.

The server split isn't going to stop players with high ping from playing on your server.

#9 SmokinDave73


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 07:45 AM

View Postborisof007, on 09 March 2013 - 11:48 PM, said:

Lots of games do this to ensure quality gameplay in the regions they reside in. Blizzard and Riot games both do this, not sure why folks think this is some new development.

Edit: I don't want you on my team if you have more than 150 ping. Yes I'm one of "those" people.

Splitting servers and player base for a game that is still in beta will in no way benefit Mechwarrior Online, If PGI continue with this decision without considering the massive ramifications of doing so it may kill this game. The examples you give are 2 very different company's that have 10s of millions of players and have been going in blizzards case for 10+ years. League of Legends has a player sign up of over 100 million people so yes they can afford to split their player base with multiple servers. Also this comment is stupid since you give no reason or evidence that actually shows improved quality of gameplay from those respective companiesfrom splitting thier servers and Blizzard have always had the option to choose freely from server to server in Diablo and Starcraft. Me personally playing from Australia I still have to use the American servers because there are no "Australian" servers, so there goes your theory of improved quality due to ping. I play on 290+ ping and will run people over with 30 ping any day of the week.

To put it simple this game has onlyRoughly "447,241" Total Members this number being taken from the number of profiles that have been created. So if all of these members were split into 2 servers it would have a drastic impact of the number of active people playing on each server. At America PST off peak times with the current ELO system there would be a maybe a 1000-3000 (if your lucky) different people playing at best and a normal game will take over a minute or 2 to find, so if the player base would be segregated there would literally be no one playing at 2-6am PST for example and Australians and any other people from different time zones that want to remain on the US servers because of established clans which another large chunk of the community the game will simply die. Would people be happy waiting over 4-5 minutes to get a gameafter the server split? Some poeple complain that 1 minute is even to long on the forums right now...

It’s plain and simple, even if Australia/South east Asia and other countries were to get their own servers we would not have enough players to fill every one of them. This idea may be one to look into when the game goes full release but if they implement it in the next couple of months or before community warfare goes live and before open beta ends it will be the end of MWO as we know it for the global community because this game has no were near the player base to be splitting servers at this current point of time and even this year to be honest until PGI give us real numbers to go off and actually get off thier *** and show us the amount of peopole that are online like they use to in closed beta.

TL:DR Spliting servers permenently within the next 6-9 months will Ruin MWO and the current user online experience because I for one play with people from all around the world and will not continue to support a game that bar's us from doing that apart from forcing us to make multiple new accounts.

Edited by SmokinDave73, 10 March 2013 - 08:09 AM.

#10 SmokinDave73


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 07:54 AM

Also Phlyk you should add a poll if you can voting for "yes" or "no" to having a permanent server split, that way people can simply vote yes i like it or no I dont like it.

#11 N0ni


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 08:18 AM

As one who has played a game with this type of server split (APB: Reloaded) i don't see the trouble in just making another account on a different server. Realistically you have knowledge of what you enjoy piloting the most and it's exact loadout, with the cadet bonus and gameplay experience it shouldn't be that hard to whip up the CBills for them (with exceptions to Founders/Hero mechs, obviously these won't be carried over.)

#12 Funkadelic Mayhem


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 08:19 AM

Personally im sick of getting put in grps with people who have pings in the 200's. Last night there was a guy running his mouth and had a pin over 300. My ping is in the low 60, its a bad connection if it goes above 65.

I cant wait for the regional people to stay in their regions servers. I have nothing against people from all over the world, its their pings that need to get out!

#13 KingCobra


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 08:24 AM

You know PGI just keeps derping the Mechwarrior IP and this is such a stupid idea to split the community and game even further.One of the great sucesses the Mechwarrior IP had was the ability to bring players from all over the world to play the game together.Bring back the zone make a new MSN gaming zone intagrated into the MWOgame and it will live if not it will---->Posted Image

Edited by KingCobra, 10 March 2013 - 08:42 AM.

#14 SmokinDave73


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 08:43 AM

View PostFunkadelic Mayhem, on 10 March 2013 - 08:19 AM, said:

Personally im sick of getting put in grps with people who have pings in the 200's. Last night there was a guy running his mouth and had a pin over 300. My ping is in the low 60, its a bad connection if it goes above 65.

I cant wait for the regional people to stay in their regions servers. I have nothing against people from all over the world, its their pings that need to get out!

Your point is very valid Mayhem but its "us people with pings off over 200" that keep a game in its BETA alive and you guys that state you can’t wait for server separation will be hugely affected by the drop in player base. IM sorry if you met a troll with 200+ ping it does not mean everyone with high ping are bad people from your one minute experiense.

Also to point out the point of "you can make a new account and use the cadet bonuses", for people that are founders and have put a lot of hard work into buying their respective mechs with 100s of hours spent on this game earning exp and CBills the last thing anyone wants to do is start from scratch and have one mech bought with the cadet bonus and maybe 1 different engine to customize with. Not to mention the massive amount of time put into mastering mech chassis and GXP for modules. Anyone that simply states make another account and "she'll be right" are simply deluding themselves and blinding themselves from the real issue at hand which is splitting such a low player base which is on a game that is still in beta.

Edited by SmokinDave73, 10 March 2013 - 08:46 AM.

#15 Funkadelic Mayhem


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 08:52 AM

View PostSmokinDave73, on 10 March 2013 - 08:43 AM, said:

Your point is very valid Mayhem but its "us people with pings off over 200" that keep a game in its BETA alive and you guys that state you can’t wait for server separation will be hugely affected by the drop in player base. Also to point out the point of "you can make a new account and use the cadet bonuses", for people that are founders and have put a lot of hard work into buying their respective mechs with 100s of hours spent on this game earning exp and CBills the last thing anyone wants to do is start from scratch and have one mech bought with the cadet bonus and maybe 1 different engine to customize with. Not to mention the massive amount of time put into mastering mech chassis and GXP for modules. Anyone that simply states make another account and "she'll be right" are simply deluding themselves and blinding themselves from the real issue at hand which is splitting such a low player base which is on a game that is still in beta.

There will be the same amount of people playing. Just in different servers. I welcome being able to play with similar pings. Im sorry your ping is high. However I should not have to suffer because of it. Nor should I be forced to play against people rubber banding all over the place.

Just be happy this is not COD or another game where most of the servers are dedicated to low pings and high pings cant even get on some servers.

#16 Phlyk


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 08:53 AM

@ Funkadelic Mayhem:

If people are encouraged to make a separate account for each region, then that will not resolve the issue of those playing with a high ping.

The only difference is you will be playing against their Alt account instead of their Main one.

Edited by Phlyk, 10 March 2013 - 08:54 AM.

#17 Funkadelic Mayhem


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 09:06 AM

View PostPhlyk, on 10 March 2013 - 08:53 AM, said:

@ Funkadelic Mayhem:

If people are encouraged to make a separate account for each region, then that will not resolve the issue of those playing with a high ping.

The only difference is you will be playing against their Alt account instead of their Main one.

you say tomato i say tomato. if i had my way you could not get on a US server from Europe and vice versa. its the way it should be.

#18 Demoned


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 09:16 AM

View Postborisof007, on 09 March 2013 - 11:48 PM, said:

Lots of games do this to ensure quality gameplay in the regions they reside in. Blizzard and Riot games both do this, not sure why folks think this is some new development.

Edit: I don't want you on my team if you have more than 150 ping. Yes I'm one of "those" people.

those games have a much bigger player base so it won't effect the community as much.

mechwarrior in general will never have the epic fan base side of these games, but does have one of the tightest communitys in gaming i've seen so far.
and forcing people to chose which server they "have" to play on will break the game (until they get a steady 5 million players at least)
but been able to pick and chose which server you want to play on, at any given time, now that could be a massive saving grace. for alot of people.

#19 Bfvmg


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 09:30 AM

There are some games out there iwth different servers to play on.
That sucks. Your accoutn is not portable across the servers. I say no, not different servers...

#20 Elizander


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Posted 10 March 2013 - 10:01 AM

View PostPhlyk, on 10 March 2013 - 07:16 AM, said:

Bhan Zor makes an excellent point.

The server split isn't going to stop players with high ping from playing on your server.

You can't get rid of me!! (300+ ping). :)

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