OK this is my flame config
Biggest XL engine i can fit (i run at 104KPH elited out).
2x Flamers
1x Streak2s
I love this config its great for running down lights, only hassle is lights with ECM because my streaks dont lock.
I love spamming my flames, it obscures things visually and gives people like awesomes and laser heavy rigs a lot of heat problems. I can run rings around people and make them poop themselves and overheat while the cavalry comes in and takes them out.
The thing is though, i get trolled heaps for my rig. People in game tell me "you're an *****" "you know nothing, you run two flamers what a fool" etc.
I have had some complements too like "nice to see a flame with flamers!" so its not all bad!
I like my rig. Ive done some sick damage had some awesome games with fun team play especially with my mates. Sometimes i only do like 100 damage a game, but i have a great time running down lights and really help my team mates out, i've had totally crazy games where i do 500 damage in it.
So whats with all the hate? Admittedly its the internet, and some people are adamant they know better than you about XYZ. So feel free to discuss, and haters by all means hate. I love drinking the sweet nectar that is the tears of baby trolls

Edited by SmarmySam, 26 April 2013 - 03:10 PM.