I've decided to put up a quick guide for the best AWS chassis in the game, The Pretty Baby. It has been my favorite mech I've played [Ravens, Cent, AWS, Atlas] and it rarely get's any of the credit it deserves.
My build is a pure run & gun brawler. I've tried other loadouts [longrange, mixed-range], But none of them really achieved the performance numbers that the brawler setup did.
1 LPL (Rarm)
2 MPL's (head/Ltorso)
2 ASRM6 (Rtorso/Larm)
1 ASRM4 (Larm)
19 DHS
Modules: Seismic Sensor, Cap Accel, Cool Shot 9 + 9
My PB does one thing exceptionally well, DAMAGE. Over 480 games, I've done 196,194 dmg which has brought my avg damage up to 408.7 per match. The true potential of this build lies in the exceptional matches when the playstyle works and you get your full payload out.

In good games, 500-600 dmg is expected, great games 700-800, and exceptional games 900-1200. [I've had 3 matches breaking 1000, most are in the 700-900 range]
Even in bad games, 300-400 is easy to bust out if you find yourself outnumbered if you keep slinging as many ASRM's as possible, torso twist like crazy, and stay at full speed.
Rule 1. Patience. Follow the group. Play as a flanker. I play Conquest [more brawler friendly] and I never charge theta. I run with Cap accel. and almost always go to one of the flanked bases. Matches are long, no need to be the first one to deal dmg, or first one to die.
Rule 2. Patience. Never start a brawl. Always jump in on one. Look to get as many assists as possible. Kills are great, and they will come, especially from 16 Asrms coming at a softened target, but don't get caught up trying to get the kill on an enemy mech who is focusing you, still has max armor, and has more firepower than you. Take your shots and let your team distract him while you get into a better position. You can play more agressive as the match progresses and enemy armor is weaker.
Rule 3. Outgun what you can't outrun. Outrun what you can't outgun. AC40 Jagers, BallisticPhracts, and other things that carry AC20's generally tend to be really effective against the massive AWS CT. I would try to avoid 1 vs 1 with these. A victory is certainly possible if you are nailing your aim right, torso twisting away and such, but chances are you will not last past the next engagement. Mechs I enjoy going to town on include Hunchbacks, Stalkers, LaserJagers, Catapults, and all the light classes. The pulses can be very effective against the lights, but I like to really put my payload into the mechs that have a profile that I can repeatedly hit with all weapons and put massive dmg into.
Rule 4. Arm Lock, often. I split my firepower into 2 groups. Lasers & SRMs since each require different aiming lines. I use armlock for the 3 lasers in a group, as well as when unleashing all 3 SRM's at once. Everyone loves to complain about the PB hardpoints, but with the introduction of arm lock, it's actually quite strong since the convergence at close range is good. I release armlock whenever I want to track a fast target with the LPL.
Rule 5. Torso twist whenever taking damage. If you are ending matches with both arms and no side torsos, you aren't spreading the incoming damage enough. The side profile of the AWS is extremely thin compared to its front profile, so not only does it help spread the damage by turning away from the target, but you also reduce the chance of even being hit.
Things you'll see that will confirm you're having a great match:
1. You're alive till the end. Or almost till the end

2. All aSRM ammo depleted and spent on accurately hit targets.
3. 5-8 assists.
I hope this helps get more people to start playing the PB chassis, and the AWS chassis for that matter.You can run the 9M in a very similar build. Some say it's more effective. But it hasn't been for me. Plus my PB just looks cooler.
Edited by Aethos, 26 July 2013 - 02:21 PM.