"Okay here is a quick run down for tomorrow's patch - most of this you know this time but here it goes.
Banshee and Wolverine for Cbills of course. Achievement system introduced. TXAA working now. Phase 1 smurfy detail screen implemented
Further tuning to Highlander and Victor mech quirks, details in patch notes. Locust leg hit boxes reduced.
NARC no longer gets knocked off a 'Mech via damage.NARC counters ECM while the NARC is still active.
additional zoom level commands. Fixed a bug that was impacting performance with some stuttering for both DX9 and 11
LRM speed increased and AMS range increased - details in patch notes. Greater Cbill and XP rewards for destroying turrets
Turrets also take more damage in their cocoon mode. Thats about it."
"Additional Zoom Level Commands: Zoom In / Zoom Out / Reset Zoom / Set Zoom 1 / Set Zoom 2 / Set Max Zoom / Toggle Zoom 1 / Toggle Zoom 2 / Toggle Max Zoom
By default, all of the above commands are not bound to any key/button"
Edited by TygerLily, 17 March 2014 - 11:47 AM.