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Counterstrike! (Clan Invasion Part Ii)

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#1 Peiper


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Posted 24 March 2014 - 07:48 PM

Preliminary scores for this afternoon are:

Overall average scores: Clan 88 to Inner Sphere 71

Top overall lances: 1-WX_Gunny w/Clan Wolf Alpha Galaxy, 2-Litzkrieg w/Clan Wolf Alpha Galaxy, 3-Demoulius w/25th Skye Rangers

Top Conquest lances: 1-Rejara w/3rd Takata Lancers, 2-WX_Gunny w/Clan Wolf AG, 3-Marcus w/8th Ursan Battalion

Top Assault lances: 1-Demoulius w/25th Skye Rangers, 2-WX_Gunny w/Clan Wolf AG, 3-Litzkrieg w/Clan Wolf AG

Top Skirmish lances: 1-Goose Igaly w/Team Cortez, 2-Litzkrieg w/Clan Wolf AG, 3-Quim Morius w/25th Skye Rangers

There were 13 total Inner Sphere Lances vs. 4 total Clan Lances. Quality won over quantity: but it wasn't over for the Inner Sphere. Not by a long shot! We did it all over again in the evening!

This afternoons roll of honor

Devil Dogs Galaxy of the Wolfs Dragoons, Black Widow Company (FWL), Team Cortez, MUX, 21st Arcturan Guard: Honey Badgers, Buckminster Guards Armored Cavalry, 25th Skye Rangers, 8th Ursan Battalion, 3rd Takata Lancers

Clan Wolf Alpha Galaxy, German Clan Wolf

In the evening, the Inner Sphere restored their honor. Despite the clans doubling their numbers, the inner sphere was able to finally overwhelm them. The Overall average score:

Inner Sphere 68 to Clan 58

There were 14 Inner Sphere Lances and 8 Clan Lances

Top overall lances: 1-Kamakazi uy w/6th RCT Apache Division LCAF, 2-Ivan Lokiski w/3rd Takata Lancers, DCMS 3 - Shade 03 w/4th Regulan Hussars FWL.

Top Conquest lances:</em> 1 - Shade 03 w/4th Regulan Hussars, 2-JJDark w/Knight Wardens, 3-Diarmuid uaDubhne w/Team Cortez

Top Assault lances: 1-RageAgainstTheDyingOfTheLight w/3rd Takata Lancers, 2-Kamikaze uy w/Apache Division, 3-CodyNYC w/Devil Dogs Galaxy, Wolfs Dragoons

Top Skirmish Lances: 1-Kael17 w/Clan Wolf Alpha Galaxy, 2-Ashreign31 w/ Clan Wolf Delta Galaxy, 3-Goose Igaly w/Team Cortez

This evening's roll of honor:

Clan Nova Cat, Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Wolf Delta Galaxy, Clan Wolf Alpha Galaxy

Knight Wardens, 3rd Takata Lancers (DCMS), Black Widow Company (FWL), 6th RCT: Apache Division (LCAF), 331st Royal Combat Team, Team Cortez, Equestrian Royal Guard, 21st Acturan Guard: Honey Badgers , 4th Regulan Hussars (FWL), 5th RCT: Ghost Legion, Devil Dogs Galaxy, Wolfs Dragoons

The scoresheets are available for scrutiny HERE and HERE.

Special Thanks to Silent Monk (5thRCT) and Lanadon (CWAG)


The House Steiner Hub and Clan Wolf Alpha Galaxy present:


Posted Image

Prelude: On 22 March, units from all over the Inner Sphere rallied to defend their worlds for an invasion by several clan units. The Inner Sphere crushed them. But it's not enough just to stop them. It's time to kick them out of the Inner Sphere once and for all! And so, we are putting out a call for both Inner Sphere and Clan players, mercenaries, and lone wolves to participate in this grand event.


Saturday, 12 April 2014.

What time?

The afternoon session begins at 19:30GMT. (Lance leaders must be there 19:00GMT to claim a lance channel and hear the rules.) This time is specifically set up for our European friends, but all can participate.

The evening session begins at 8:30pm EST. (Lance leaders must be there 8:00pmEST to claim a lance channel and hear the rules.)



House Steiner Teamspeak! TS1.housesteiner.com

The rules will be similar to, but not identical to the last event. The event went very smoothly, as witnesses and participants will surely verify. Hosted by the House Steiner HUB and Clan Wolf, this competition will be in two sessions, one in the European evening, and one in the American evening. Each session will IDEALLY consist of 10 lance drops. There is no limit to the number of Inner Sphere or Clan lances fighting in this event. At the end of every match, the lance leader will report to the scorekeepers. The information gathered by the scorekeepers will be used to determine who the best lances are, and ultimately which faction wins the event!

How to prepare? Create a lance and practice with them. It doesn't matter if you are dropping with your unit, a mixed lance, or a completely lone wolf lance. At the beginning of the event, you will declare whether you will be fighting for the Inner Sphere or the Clans. Be ready to commit to three and a half hours for either the afternoon or evening events. (Be there one half hour before the event begins, two and a half hours to the actual drops, and one half hour for scoring = 3 1/2 hours.) Players are welcome to participate in both sessions, they are scored independently of each other. Each lance will consist of a light, medium, heavy and assault mech (the 1-1-1-1 rule).

Tips: You will have to complete your drops in a certain time limit, and can drop up to 10 times. Have your mechs, lance compositions, and tactics ready BEFORE you show up to the event - or be prepared to adapt very quickly. Last time we waited extra time to ensure that every lance completed 10 drops. This time, we will not wait. You will have 2 and 1/2 hours to complete your drops. You will need to complete 7 drops to qualify, but can drop up to 10 times. The more drops you get in, the better chance you'll have for higher scores due to the pug lottery.

Practice in Conquest, Assault, and Skirmish modes. We will not announce until the beginning of the event which types of drops you will be required to make.

Practice with different mechs: The mechs you take to an assault match will probably be different than the ones you want to bring with you to a conquest match. IF you are going to switch between different mechs in your drops, you'll want to be ready to do that on the fly. If you take too much time between matches, you will get fewer drops in, and have less of a chance to get the big scores needed to win the tournament!

Each lance will be lead by a lance leader, and will be scored under the name of that lance leader. So, whoever the lance leader is, they should be there a few minutes early and expect to stay the entire event. If a lance leader quits partway through, that lance is forfeit. At the beginning of the event, we will give orders to all the lance leader on how their lances will participate. Experience has shown us that the whole competition will take two to two-and-a-half hours to complete IF it starts on time. Your lance is expected to be on teamspeak with the rest of us, and you will have your own channel set up for you.
Complete scoring details will only be revealed at the end of the event in an attempt to prevent exploitation.

Star Colonel Erich Peiper (Devil Dogs)
Loremaster Merlin Conners (Clan Wolf AG)

Edited by Peiper, 13 April 2014 - 10:17 AM.

#2 Semper Fi


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Posted 25 March 2014 - 05:08 PM

I will be there. Maybe the Champion of the Innersphere will join us. :huh:

#3 QuimMorius


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 01:40 AM

25th Skye Rangers will join once again with some of our finest players. Thanks for running this once again, we had a blast last Saturday! :huh:

#4 Darkhuntress


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 03:42 AM


Thc for organising another one...

and yes... All Systems nominal!!

#5 MajorFlack


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 05:34 PM

Why is this not posted in the tournaments & events thread? There is a lot of posts there NOT announcing either.

Guess it might be because this concerns the 4% (or whatever that tiny number is) of players that drop as a team, so THOSE teams/players are just not that important. After all it is clear the game is built around the single player who has 1 or 2 friends they play the game with. (sorry, small rant. the launch mod was supposed to be out around September of 2013 I think...lol).

Or....Pieper managed to P.O. a moderator...lol

#6 Longblade


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Posted 05 April 2014 - 02:53 AM

We did hold the ground, now its payback time.

8th Ursan Battalion will be there.

#7 ManaValkyrie


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 03:36 AM

The 3rd Takata Lancers "The Black Foxes" will be back again to stomp in the name of House Kurita, was entertaining last time being the only HK unit in attendance :P

#8 Egomane


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 03:44 AM

View PostMajorFlack, on 26 March 2014 - 05:34 PM, said:

Why is this not posted in the tournaments & events thread? There is a lot of posts there NOT announcing either.

Because the tournaments and events forum is for official events and tournaments. Its right there in the descriptor of said sub-forum.


Discuss the official tournaments and events of MechWarrior® Online™

This is not an official tournament, so it doesn't belong there. Fansite/Jumpship is the forum for player driven events.

I also closed the duplicate threads for this event, Peiper created after this one got moved, as duplicate threads are not allowed by the code of conduct. The same goes for crosslinking in case this comes up next.

If you want to promote the event, put a link to this thread in your signature, but please do not clutter up the forums with duplicate and triplicate content.

#9 CyclonerM

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Posted 08 April 2014 - 03:53 AM

View PostEgomane, on 08 April 2014 - 03:44 AM, said:

If you want to promote the event, put a link to this thread in your signature, but please do not clutter up the forums with duplicate and triplicate content.

If i may say a thing, i think in this case it should be allowed because this tournament is intended for both Inner Sphere/Mercs and Clan units and at least a thread in each section (just two threads) may be useful to get visibility from both the communities. You may not want to hamper the efforts to organize a player tournament in this critical moment of MWO's life, quineg? :P

#10 Egomane


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 04:04 AM

I do not want to hamper anything. But this forum, right here, is the place for player driven tournaments. If it is a house or clan specific event, you can announce the event in the specific house forum (like the Rasalhagues have done) and do not need to come here. If it is an open event it belongs here. And there will be no exceptions for crossposting or -linking.

The rules are the rules and I am here to enforce, not to find excuses, so the users can be excempt from them.

I do know that this can be frustrating. But everyone agreed to these rules when they signed up. For an equal playing field, learn to act within the rules. Then I don't have to set users straight, who want some special treatment for this or for that. :P

Edited by Egomane, 08 April 2014 - 04:04 AM.

#11 CyclonerM

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Posted 08 April 2014 - 04:22 AM

It would not be about special treatment, but the exceptions all the rules are supposed to have :P

But then, it is not up to me to discuss this.. Just remember that forum moderators are like a referee: there is always someone unhappy with his judgement :ph34r:

#12 ManaValkyrie


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 04:58 AM

Personally the issue is that the Main Forum section this is posted in states...

Fan Site JumpShip
Jump to un-official BattleTech® and MechWarrior® fan pages!

Which as a parent forum, isn't where you would be looking straight away for a MWO community event being organised off the games own forums. In other words it's not user friendly.

However that aside the last event organised was a great success and really enjoyable despite being hosted the same weekend as the 'Faction Tournament'. I suspect that the turn out will be much bigger this time around than last time.

View PostPeiper, on 24 March 2014 - 07:48 PM, said:

Saturday, 12 April 2014.
What time?
The afternoon session begins at 19:30GMT. (Lance leaders must be there 19:00GMT to claim a lance channel and hear the rules.) This time is specifically set up for our European friends, but all can participate.
The evening session begins at 8:30pm EST. (Lance leaders must be there 8:00pmEST to claim a lance channel and hear the rules.)

Can I get a confirmation on the EU times being GMT, especially as parts of Europe just switched in to Daylights Saving Time.

Edited by ManaValkyrie, 08 April 2014 - 04:56 AM.

#13 Egomane


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 05:04 AM

View PostCyclonerM, on 08 April 2014 - 04:22 AM, said:

It would not be about special treatment, but the exceptions all the rules are supposed to have :P

And you realize where it would lead if I started to make exceptions?

Other users would want the same exceptions, I granted before. I'd need to come up with excuses, why I grant it one time and not another. This is not a line any moderator should want to walk. I would be called biased, and rightfully so, if I deny this exception even once. Effectivly the rule would no longer be valid.

The way it is, I have clear rules to enforce and I will do so. No matter how much I like or dislike a topic or a user making a post.

In this case, I am all for player driven tournaments in as many forms and for as many players as possible. I also realize that Peiper wants to something good for the community. I still can't look away if I notice him breaking the rules over it.

Now please end this side-discussion and instead concentrate on the tournament to be, to make it the best it can possibly be.

Edited by Egomane, 08 April 2014 - 05:05 AM.

#14 KursedVixen


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 06:38 AM

I would be honored to join you in a fight against those clanners who call themselves Crusaders. The Warden way is the only way and is the true vision of Kerensky. May you fight with honor.

#15 CyclonerM

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 11:06 AM

View PostKursedVixen, on 10 April 2014 - 06:38 AM, said:

I would be honored to join you in a fight against those clanners who call themselves Crusaders. The Warden way is the only way and is the true vision of Kerensky. May you fight with honor.

Not all the invading Clan warriors are Crusader ;)

We shall take Terra to stop the invasion and protect it to revive Alexander Kerensky's dream.

#16 MajorFlack


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 08:04 PM

View PostManaValkyrie, on 08 April 2014 - 04:58 AM, said:

Fan Site JumpShip
Jump to un-official BattleTech® and MechWarrior® fan pages!

He makes a great point. Who would look here for tournament info? It's like the post was exiled. This is a likely reason Pieper posted other places, so the community at large would see it so the event would get a lot of participants. All this being said, it brings to a problem into the daylight that these forums have. There is no place to post community wide tournament info. For the few events I have been to, the host prefers all comers, not just house specific players. It does not make sense to me for a player to have to look through all the house forums for community event info?

#17 Egomane


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Posted 11 April 2014 - 01:56 AM

View PostMajorFlack, on 10 April 2014 - 08:04 PM, said:

He makes a great point. Who would look here for tournament info? It's like the post was exiled. This is a likely reason Pieper posted other places, so the community at large would see it so the event would get a lot of participants. All this being said, it brings to a problem into the daylight that these forums have. There is no place to post community wide tournament info. For the few events I have been to, the host prefers all comers, not just house specific players. It does not make sense to me for a player to have to look through all the house forums for community event info?

The forums will recieve a restructuring in the near future (it's already worked upon and can hit us any day now). Making community events more visible is one of the aspects considered in the restructuring. Until then, I have to moderate by the standards that go with the current structure, as I do not know the details of the new one.

Please have a little more patience, it will get better!

Now please get the topic back to the tournament that is promoted with this thread. We don't want to cause any more trouble for it, or do we?

#18 Michaelson Snow


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Posted 12 April 2014 - 08:28 AM

For Good or Ill, Today is the Day! Come one, come all. see you there.

#19 MajorFlack


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Posted 12 April 2014 - 06:37 PM

Work got in the way of participating, however I was able to drop in about half way through. 24 - 4man lances (96 players), near 100 players for the event!! I jumped into the scorekeeper channel, very organized. the score keepers as well as the team captains reporting scores. Issues/problems were dealt with in a professional manner (if you can say that for a game), meaning very fair/equitable.

It's great that many players participated -- in a community run event--

I look forward to participating in the next event!!!

#20 Will9761


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Posted 12 April 2014 - 09:45 PM

I'm sorry I couldn't participate. I guess I'll have to step up recruitment efforts harder.

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