The changes to the Victor were completely unnecessary. The changes failed to correct the issue they were actually targeting. Furthermore they altered a product I purchased with money, not in game currency but my actual money. Here is where the issue comes. I can understand for the sake of balance slightly modifying a mech by about 5%, drastically altering performance of a mech by 20% is going way too far.
Now if I remember correctly, the reason for the nerf was to make it so that Poptart Victors would have trouble brawling. This is partially true now, the nerf has not really affected poptarting, while it has affected handling in close combat situations. Now this is fine, but the problem with this is it also affects non poptarting Victors. The original point of the Victor, according to technical readouts, was that the Victor could jump into a fire fight and bring some close range autocannons to the battle. Essentially jumping around adding firepower where it was needed tipping the scale in pitch battles.
This nerf does nothing to encourage this kind of behavior from the chassis and actually promotes quite the opposite. The mech is now as sluggish as an Atlas with the same size engine. This is what I have issue with most. Why does an 80 ton mech handle like an Atlas? It just doesn't make sense.
Finally I offer a simple solution. Increase the DPS of close range weapons and/or decrease the HPS of these weapon systems so brawlers can get an advantage close up with a Victor that is carrying "Sniper Weapons." The other option would be to reduce the DPS of the "sniper weapons." Currently a dual AC5 dual PPC Victor does 11.66 DPS, while a mech with 9 medium lasers only does 11.25. SRMs are sort of broken so their actual DPS would be hard to calculate but would likely not be much better than the 11.66 DPS the "Meta poptart" is putting out.
Without actually correcting the DPS issue with these weapons more chassis being released at later dates (Summoner) will have the same issue. I don't think the community will take well to a Summoner handling like an Atlas.
Edit: This post is not a post to get the Victor enhanced maneuverability compared to other assault mechs. This post is about getting the Victor back to the same level of maneuverability per ton as any other mech.
The Victor now performs just the same as an Atlas with the same sized engine (xl 325):

These 3 mechs all have the same sized engines(xl 310) yet the Victor handles slower despite being lighter: