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Patch Notes - 1.3.345 - 21-Oct-2014

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#161 BladeXXL


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 12:42 PM

Uuuups - you did it again...

You dropped overall earnings by 25-30% !!!
Some months ago you did this already around the same percentage.
The average income 1 year before was around 180,000 C-Bills ... just some hours ago it was around 120,000... and now it is < 90.000.
This way in view months this game will finaly ends up in grind-tournament!

The last 3 hours must gave you enought statistics to calculate the new average C-Bill earnings...
Please compare this with the previous days and with 1 year ago and review the new Reward-System 2.0 (more like 0.7 -.-)!!!

#162 Xandalis


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 12:56 PM

A big fat thumbs-down on the fixed jumpjet locations for clan mechs.

#163 Kiiyor


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:00 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 21 October 2014 - 09:58 AM, said:

  • Jump Jet thrust has been adjusted on Class I, III and IV Jump Jets to make them feel livelier.
    • You will notice a small increase in height.
    • You will notice that you get to max height much quicker.

Posted Image
Oh please don't make a resurgence... Oh please oh please oh please...

#164 o0Marduk0o


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:00 PM

View PostXandalis, on 21 October 2014 - 12:56 PM, said:

A big fat thumbs-down on the fixed jumpjet locations for clan mechs.

Your timber wolf got nerfed hard?

I am asking this because the Kit Fox has no trouble with this change.

#165 Kjudoon


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:01 PM

LRM Nerf affects just about every mech I run and the main way I enjoy playing. Way to say 'we really don't want your playstyle in the game'. I can get it if it started at 5, but 3???? the instant I realized it, I shut down client and will wait till the next patch fixes this obvious error.

#166 Reported for Inappropriate Name


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:01 PM

time for some missile madness

#167 Lightfoot


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:03 PM

And what is the Heat Scale for LRM 5's? Heat Scale is like mystery meat, you can't just say Heat Scale and expect anyone to know what it is. From what you said I am thinking that a LRM5 paired with 2xLRM20 would get the LRM20 Heat Scale penalty? If so that would be very lame.

The mega-nerf to the Timber Wolf-S configuration by forcing 2 tons of jump jets for using the S side torso is also overdoing it. I don't even want to play the Clan mechs anymore. They overheat like hades and can't hold an average number of weapons. They are not omnimechs as far as I am concerned. There is nothing Clan tech about them.

#168 Kjudoon


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:03 PM

View PostThango, on 21 October 2014 - 12:38 PM, said:

Dude the name of the game is "force players to spend real money". Either by buying MC and/or buying Mechs that get nerfed to hell and back. I would gladly support this game by spending money, but with every lame patch moves me further way from playing this and wanting to go back to blizzard for the upcoming xpack.

You can't force me to spend my money. You must give me reasons to WANT to spend my money. Right now, this is the antithesis of making me want to play let alone spend money.

#169 Carthoo


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:12 PM

View Postclownwarlord, on 21 October 2014 - 12:01 PM, said:

For the most part it is true, but sadly when I pilot an assault mech I can never catch up at 54 kph. I usually run into from the start in the all assault lance on the edge of the formation. From their all other friendly mechs run opposit direction from us forcing us to move across open area to cut down the distance. Either we get swarmed before we group up with the mediums and lights that rushed off OR they all run into the enemy and die while we are still trying to get to them. Thus the issue of a lack of team work because of the move in a circle on every map mentality.

I am noth trying to catch noob teams anymore. I ask them nicely, then I ask them, then I go my way for best position. Last game mining collective me and one teamplaying guy killed 5 enemies who saw a lone whale (me). Rest of our team died doing 2 frags alltogether. 7:12. Then I laughed at them all for beeing not only noobs, but noobs refusing advice what to do (when they doing the dumbest thing in the skirmish game possible). Nothing more you can do as assault....deal with it.

#170 Inveramsay


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:15 PM

So, after playing a couple of games it turns out this was a massive cut in cbill earnings again. I'm at least 30% down to what I was doing yesterday, probably more than that. You need to re-adjust this again because grinding for a 17m mech is going to be absolutely ridiculous even when running premium time and champion mechs. While the new rewards were intriguing the execution was a let down.

#171 Nightwielder


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:18 PM

yea the cbills change really, really sucks. I like the idea of it but the implementation is lacking.

#172 Lightfoot


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:18 PM

And you didn't fix the Thor. Clan mechs should at least carry the same number of weapons as IS mechs. In Battle Tech it was the IS mechs that couldn't carry as many weapons as the Clan mechs. Somewhere I thought you said the two factions would be balanced, but you went overboard with the Clan nerfs and their mechs mostly become worthless. Once the shine wears off maybe you will see that no one is using most of them. I think I am not pre-ordering the Clan II pak now, I think I want to see it after a few months of service.

#173 I_AM_ZUUL


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:22 PM

Also.... you named the wrong Well. Its Mimisbrunnr not Urdarbrunnr that Odin traded his eye in, I love the concept and artwork. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX IT!!!!!!!!

or rename the Atlas to Urdr to make it one of the Norns like the Centurion.

Edited by I_AM_ZUUL, 21 October 2014 - 01:31 PM.

#174 Leigus


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:28 PM

This is my new favorite patch.

#175 GalmOne


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:28 PM

Personaly i find the new C-Bills system quite good, yet, i don't see a reason to reduce earning for assists and such
It actualy improved a bit my experience when i earned a good 90k c-bills on a lost match

The way i see it, with the new system there is a big discrepancy between skilled and less skilled players where you actualy have to put in more effort playing to earn more reward, this is good but it would work alot better if the players were to actualy see it as an "extra", a reward so to speak, for their effort put into a match and that is why i welcome the change but condemn the reduction of previous rewards :)

#176 Akita Rob


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:30 PM

I found most of the changes to the Kit Fox in the patch notes, one change I think I may have missed I lost my 10% speed increase from speed tweek, is this correct. This is not a big problem, just wondered if it is intended or a bug.

Edited by Akita Rob, 21 October 2014 - 01:32 PM.

#177 spectralthundr


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:36 PM

Terrible change, even with the new rewards you barely make enough to rebuy a cool shot if you used one. Would love to know the logic behind this. Doesn't seem to make any sense at all.

#178 Nightwielder


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:36 PM

Oh also the EXP nerf is absolutely pathetically bad. I absolutely despise it. I wouldn't say I'm skilled but I'm average...averaging probably 300 damage a round with my lights...and this is horrid.

#179 Rushroca


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:36 PM

See what happens is they get us to buy mechs with C-bill, XP bonuses and Premium time. But then the realize that we are making, what in their opinion is to much in the way C-bills and XP. So to compensate they nerf the in game rewards down to what a player in a trial mech would earn under the old system. PGI you cant take stuff away from players and expect to have happy customer base.

On the flip side, All of us that don't use consumables are going to be on more even footing since it will be harder for people to bring them every game.

Edited by Rushroca, 21 October 2014 - 01:56 PM.

#180 Reno Blade


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:39 PM

View PostMalodorousMonkey, on 21 October 2014 - 10:55 AM, said:

Most of this pleases me. Definitely like the rewards changes.

However, I was actually really unhappy to see the change in LRM5 heat scale. I honestly don't see the point of adding LRM5s to the list of weapons with heat scale. Wasn't the whole point of heat scale to limit high-damage alphas? You do more alpha damage with 2 LRM20s than with LRM5s and you use up fewer hardpoints.

Now the few builds that even run LRM5s (Mad Dog, CPLT-A, Kintaro) suddenly don't seem so good, and they weren't even "meta" builds.

PGI, could you reconsider this decision? The lack of a heat scale was one of the few things that made the LRM5 attractive over the heavier LRM weapon systems. Now the only thing they have going for them is slightly higher DPS (with a tradeoff of more HPS). Seems like a bit of a waste of hardpoints on certain chassis' now.

Dont forget that people complained why 2x LRM20+ 2xLRM5 (50 tubes) did have no heatscale while 2xLRM15+2xLRM10 had heatscale penalties.

This makes all missiles consistent.
It prevents "edge cases" like shown above.
It makes you consider heat vs cooldown vs volleysize vs heatscale.
LRM20 has less dps, but also a lot less heat compared to 4 LRM5s and now even more so because of heatscale.
upsides and downsides for each config possibility.

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