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Rewards That Really Need To Be Added!

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Poll: Rewards that Really Need To Be Added! (255 member(s) have cast votes)

Should the Assists reward be Increased?

  1. Yes, they should be, (190 votes [74.51%])

    Percentage of vote: 74.51%

  2. No, i think their good, (65 votes [25.49%])

    Percentage of vote: 25.49%

Should ECM rewards be added?

  1. Yes, they should be, (192 votes [76.49%])

    Percentage of vote: 76.49%

  2. No, they shouldnt be, (59 votes [23.51%])

    Percentage of vote: 23.51%

Should AMS rewards be added?

  1. Yes, they should be, (226 votes [88.63%])

    Percentage of vote: 88.63%

  2. No, they shouldnt be, (29 votes [11.37%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.37%

Should LRM rewards be added?

  1. Yes, they should be, (155 votes [64.85%])

    Percentage of vote: 64.85%

  2. No, they shouldnt be, (84 votes [35.15%])

    Percentage of vote: 35.15%

Should Focus rewards be added?

  1. Yes, they should be, (199 votes [79.92%])

    Percentage of vote: 79.92%

  2. No, they shouldnt be, (50 votes [20.08%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.08%

Should Command rewards be added?

  1. Yes, they should be, (172 votes [79.26%])

    Percentage of vote: 79.26%

  2. No, they shouldnt be, (45 votes [20.74%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.74%

Should Hold Tag rewards be added?

  1. Yes, they should be, (179 votes [79.56%])

    Percentage of vote: 79.56%

  2. No, they shouldnt be, (46 votes [20.44%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.44%

Should Narcing Priority rewards be added?

  1. Yes, they should be, (166 votes [80.98%])

    Percentage of vote: 80.98%

  2. No, they shouldnt be, (39 votes [19.02%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.02%

Should Tanking rewards be added?

  1. Yes, they should be, (172 votes [79.26%])

    Percentage of vote: 79.26%

  2. No, they shouldnt be, (45 votes [20.74%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.74%

Should Supression rewards be added?

  1. Yes, they should be, (172 votes [80.37%])

    Percentage of vote: 80.37%

  2. No, they shouldnt be, (42 votes [19.63%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.63%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#1 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 24 October 2014 - 08:13 PM

First off Assists need to be buffed back to 6500,
to balance them with the Kill/Kill-damage rewards 4000-5000,
both which come with Component destruction +2500 to them,
as well as with Narc, Tag, and Savior kills 4500-6000,
=that said=
here are my ideas

i feel we need ECM Rewards,
Give us a reason to use our ECM equipped mechs,
and others a reason to be covered by our ECM mechs,
these rewards are for staying and moving with ECM Mechs,
=ECM Rewards=
-ECM Cover-
Be in an ECM Mech,
Have any number of Ally Mechs under your ECM,
Gain 50C-bills per Mech under your ECM,
Reward occurs every 8 second,
-ECM Support-
Be in an non-ECM Mech,
Be under the Cover of an Allies ECM,
Gain 75C-bills as long as you remain covered,
Reward occurs every 8 second,
-ECM Disruption Kill-
Be in an ECM Mech,
Have one or more Enemy Mechs under your ECM,
Ememy gets destroyed wail under your ECM,
4000 reward,

i feel we need AMS Rewards,
Give us more of a reason to use AMS equipped mechs,
and others a reason to be covered by our AMS Systems,
Rewards based upon moving to Aid or seeking Aid from AMS,
=AMS Rewards=
-AMS Cover-
Be in a Mech with AMS Equipped,
Have any number of Ally Mechs within 250m of you,
Have your AMS Shoot down Enemy Missiles
Gain 15C-bills per Missile you shoot down,
-AMS Support-
Be in a Mech with out AMS Equipped,
Be within 250m of a Ally with AMS Equipped,
Have their AMS Activate and Shoot down Enemy Missiles,
Gain 10C-bills per Missile they shoot down,

i feel we need LRM Rewards,
Give us more of a reason to use LRM's as support,
and others a reason to seek out Tagged and Narced Enemies,
Rewards based upon moving to Aiding lights seeking targets,
now that Tag no longer helps with anything but LRMs,
=LRM Rewards=
-LRM Support-
Be in a Mech with LRMs Equipped,
lock on to an enemy Tagged or Narced by an ally,
Fire your LRM's on said Tagged or Narced Enemy,
Gain 10C-bills per missile that hits the target,

i feel we need Focus Fire Rewards,
Give us more of a reason to Attack what allies are attacking,
and others a reason to all work to take down a Large Enemy,
Rewards based upon moving to Aiding Allies take down Enemies,
=Focus Rewards=
-Focus Fire-
look to an Enemy being fired upon by an ally,
Fire on that Enemy and do more than 5 Damage,
Gain 100C-bills Every time you Focus Fire,
Reward occurs every 8 second,

i feel we need Command Rewards,
Give us more of a reason follow the Commanders commands,
as well as give us a reason to want to take the Commander position,
Rewards based upon doing things in the proximity of a command icon,
=Command Rewards=
-Commander Bonus-
place a Command Icon on the Map
have allies fight the enemy within 500m of the icon,
have your allies do more than 10 damage to an enemy,
Gain 50C-bills for every Ally engaged with an enemy,
Reward occurs every 8 second,
-Officer Bonus-
place a Command Icon on the Map
have allies fight the enemy within 500m of the icon,
have your allies do more than 10 damage to an enemy,
Gain 25C-bills for every Ally engaged with an enemy,
Reward occurs every 8 second,
-Soldier Bonus-
see a Command Icon on the Map
move to fight the enemy within 500m of the icon,
attack and do more than 10 damage to an enemy,
Gain 75C-bills for heading Commands,
Reward occurs every 8 second,

=Tag and Narc=
i feel we need better Tag and Narc Rewards,
Give us more of a reason to use Tag and Narc for Allies,
Rewards based upon moving to Tag and Narc targets,
now that Tag and Narc only help LRMs,
=Tag and Narc Rewards=
-Holding Tag-
Be in a Mech with Tag Equipped,
Tag an enemy, and Hold your Tag for 5 seconds,
Gain 100C-bills as long as you hold your Tag,
Reward occurs every 8 second,
-Narcing Priority-
Be in a Mech with Narc Equipped,
Nark an enemy, rewards based on importance,
Gain 75C-bills if you Narked a Assault or Heavy Mech,
Gain 100C-bills if you Narked a Medium or Light Mech,
Reward occurs every 8 second,

=Tanking and Suppression=
i feel we need better Tanking and Suppression Rewards,
Give us more of a reason to Share Armor with our Team,
Rewards based upon Taking Damage and Lasting,
=Tanking and Suppression Rewards=
Be in a Mech with and Be Fired Upon,
Gain 100C-bills for Each Point of Damage you Take,
your Life Percent before Death is Subtracted form the Tanking Total,
(5000Cbills(50Damage) then killed at 90%Life only Nets 10% of 5000)
Fire a Weapon at an Enemies Location,
do more that 20 Damage within 50m of Enemy,
Gain 100C-bills as long as you Suppress your Enemy,
Reward occurs every 8 second,

If PGI wants to Add in Roles for us to Preform,
then the Best way it to make those Roles Just as Rewarding as Damage,
this way Everyone can Contribute to the Team and Feel they are rewarded,

Agree? Disagree?
Please Post Below,

Thoughts, Comments, Concerns?

Edit- Poll Options,
Edit2- Text refinement,
Edit3- rewards change to match current
Edit4- Poll changed LRM added
Edit5- LRM rebalancing poll hold
Edit6- ECM kill reward decreased
Edit7- Focus Fire Reward
Edit8- Rewards increased
Edit9- Topic name changed/Commander rewards
Edit10- Added Tag and Narc rewards
Edit11- Values Changed,
Edit12- Added Tanking and Suppression
Edit13- Some revisions,

Edited by Andi Nagasia, 19 September 2016 - 07:29 PM.

#2 Milocinia


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Posted 27 October 2014 - 06:36 PM

The only thing I agree with is bonuses for providing ECM cover and group AMS bonuses - providing AMS to a teammate who is receiving lurm.

#3 LordKnightFandragon


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Posted 27 October 2014 - 06:58 PM

Or assists could be based on your own contribution to the kill...

say for every 10% you deal to the target, you get 1000cbills and 100xp.

Therefore, if you deal say, 75% of the damage and 2 others deal the other 25%, and some coolant snuffing scrub comes and Kill steals, he will get the kill, but you got the massive payout for the guy of 7500cbills and 750xp, while he got w/e he got for the kill, which I would put at w/e damage he got plus maybe 2500 for the kill.....plus I suppose the biggest reward on a killshot is the +1 kill to your KDR.....

#4 Nightmare1


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Posted 28 October 2014 - 07:12 AM

ECM and AMS awards...they be gud! :D

Assists and LRM rewards? Well, Assists are fine, I think, in their current state and do not need a buff.

LRM rewards? Seriously??? :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Let's just pretend like that suggestion never happened... <_<

#5 MindWalk3r


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Posted 01 November 2014 - 01:35 PM

ECM rewards, for sure. Encourage lights to think of team rather than use ecm to lone wolf it, ie) coverage numbers/over time, which take damage and kills away from lights. AMS sounds like a good idea, thinking more balanced like just rewards for "saving private ryan", rather than ur own skin. As far as LRMS..? gonna have to stick with nightmare1, random pubs need no reason to lug lerms. Besides they already have rewards, its called assists, no need to double rewards for missles

#6 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 04 November 2014 - 05:00 PM

the Idea behind LRM rewards would be so LRM supports would get rewarded,
But only for hitting Tagged and Narked Enemies, that way Lights dont have to stay out too long,
as LRM supports would be activly seeking Tagged and Narked targets,

many times i have Tagged or Narked a target and my team ignored me,
i understand and respect your votes and thoughts, im just explaining my reason for the LRM Support,

#7 PappySmurf


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Posted 05 November 2014 - 11:06 AM

Most players have taken a C-Bill/XP nerf up to 50% per battle is this the result of there bad game play? or is it because PGI is pushing everyone to buy premium time?A 30-50% buff to C-Bill rewards would be better.

The fact remains MWO has some of the highest prices in the gamming industry on MC/$USD items and some of the highest costs on C-bill items so it takes forever grinding away to buy and outfit a mech to competitive levels.So you have to ask yourself do I want to keep playing a game the company takes away from the rewards system to monetize the game to a point it is un-fun and un-rewarding?

If PGI wants to gain new players and retain the client base they have they cannot make players jump through 100 hoops just to buy a mech or gain skills or even buy equipment and modules at such low rewards per battle.And having to learn to game the system or buy premium time just to be some what competitive in battles is not a winner either.

P.S Could you fix your forums for win 8.1 and IE11? So I don't have to edit my posts 10 times and can use your great forum functions?

Edited by PappySmurf, 05 November 2014 - 11:10 AM.

#8 Syrkres


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 09:18 AM

As for the focus fire rewards,

Yes would be nice for that.
- Could be both from a team and lance point of view.

- If you shoot a enemy mech which was shot by a lance mate in last 10 seconds, gain reward.

- if you shoot an enemy mech which was shot by team mate in last 10 seconds gain reward.

#9 Nightmare1


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Posted 24 November 2014 - 05:05 PM

I'd like to throw in a few non-weapon rewards for CW that are related to respawns:

1) Revenge Kill: Upon respawn, kill the pilot who killed you. That could yield 200 C-bills and 25 XP. For the kill to count, you must kill the pilot before someone else does. It doesn't matter if he respawns after somebody else kills him; you still lose the opportunity. In short, upon respawn, slay your killer while he is still using the same "life."

2) Kill Streak: For multiple kills in succession during a single lifespan, add in a small multiplier. For example, after you score a kill, your second kill could have a 1.1 multiplier against the normal kill rewards. The third kill would have a 1.2 multiplier, and so on and so forth until you die and respawn, or all enemies have been eliminated and the match ends. The modifier could be shifted to kick in after your fourth kill, since it is not uncommon now for a single pilot to achieve four kills in a match.

3) Nemesis: I believe we can have four Mechs in our DropShip, yes? That means we have a total of four lives. If a single pilot kills you all four times, he could win Nemesis. The reward could be something like 400 C-bills and 100 XP. If your tonnage limit prohibits you from bringing four Mechs, then the reward could be given out to the pilot who kills all your Mechs, but minus 100 C-bills and 25 Xp per Mech absent from your DropShip.

#10 The Massive


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Posted 25 November 2014 - 03:19 AM

haha. poll results says LESS GRIND!! YES TO EVERYTHING!!!

#11 Ano


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Posted 25 November 2014 - 05:54 AM

There are ECM-related rewards already in place, but (I think) they're related to the use of the Counter mode; if they work the way I think they do (I don't have many ECM-equipped mechs, so I'm not sure) then you get the bonuses when an ECM mech you're countering is damaged. Or something like that. I can't find the original Rewards 2.0 post to look at the list of rewards.

That makes sense to me: getting c-bills for something that requires no work (putting ECM on your mech and leaving it in Disrupt mode) and which already delivers tangible benefits to YOU (can't find me!) seems a bit antithetical to idea of rewarding people for what they do.

Equally, there are already rewards in place to ... er ... reward you for doing a lot of damage to a given target: the "kill most damage dealt" reward and the "solo kill" rewards.

#12 Ano


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Posted 25 November 2014 - 10:45 AM

Just to follow up my previous post: I've now found the original patch notes (via another thread looking for the damn things: the site search does not rate the original post highly for some reason).



Kill most damage dealt is awarded when you do more damage to a target than any other mech, and the target dies.
Solo kill is awarded is you're already the highest damage dealer to a target AND you get the killing blow.

Unfortunately the post doesn't explain exactly what Counter ECM and Counter ECM Locked Damage rewards require, exactly.

#13 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 01 December 2014 - 10:40 AM

hopefully we will get more votes and build more momentum,
people really want Everything but the LRM rewards(LOLs),

#14 jay35


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Posted 16 December 2014 - 01:25 PM

I tried to vote but it gave me a 500 error.

Don't forget all the missing CW contextual awards, like assisting in destroying a turret, assisting in destroying the main gun generator, assisting in opening the gate (assisting in killing the gate generator), etc.

Edited by jay35, 16 December 2014 - 01:26 PM.

#15 Cyborne Elemental


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 05:36 PM

You forgot NARC :)

#16 Johnny Z


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Posted 16 January 2015 - 08:01 PM

Went with yes on ECM and AMS as countermeasure that assist team should be rewarded also.

#17 VinJade


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 05:53 AM

a reason to use ECMs?
ECMs hides the mech/s giving it a phantom mech ability making it vanish from radar/map and cannot even be seen when it is directly behind someone.

I think that's more than enough to use a over powered item and no need to reward such a device because everything that it does is reward enough..

#18 Savage Sweets


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 12:27 PM

Conquest Suggestion:
  • Receive a reward for fully capping a point.

#19 JadeWolf01


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 05:21 PM

Several of these suggestions are for rewarding game play that works. Focusing fire or using LRMs on NARCed targets works very well and is rewarded with kills and damage. Not sure I like that. I do like the idea of getting credit for helping out your team like AMS or ECM cover for your team. I also like the idea of assists being based on damage done instead of a blanket reward.

#20 Nori Silverrage


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Posted 21 January 2015 - 12:25 PM

Assists are already worth quite a bit. I suppose they could be increased, but those aren't needed nearly as much as ECM, AMS and command bonuses.

There is literally no reason to be a lance commander, give orders or follow orders. The best you get is sticking with your lance. Teamwork is quite key to this game so it would be really nice if we got bonuses for teamwork.

Edited by Nori Silverrage, 21 January 2015 - 12:30 PM.

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