Trondheim Live, Daily Report
Posted 09 January 2015 - 10:17 PM
FRR Continues Advance
--New Bergen, Lovinac, St. John, Predlitz, and Alleghe fall in three days to the KungsArme counteroffensive. Bolstered by support from Mercenaries and light but stiffening resistance, The KungsArme has taken world after world back from the Clans in a blitz, gaining back ground with each passing day.
FRR Forces Face Stiff Resistance on Pomme De Terre
--On the 9th, landing FRR Forces faced their first fierce resistance to the counteroffensive. With the addition of several units to bolster Clan reinforcements, fighting for Pomme De Terre quickly fell into a drawn-out war of attrition. KungsArme failed to capture their target for the first time in nearly 10 days of successive attacks. Reportedly, units aligned with Mercs Star and the Comstar Irregulars are behind the sudden return of opposition on the field.
Meanwhile, an effort was made by Ghost Bear units to take the isolated planet of Jezersko while the assault on Pomme De Terre stalled. Clan Assault Clusters found unexpected heavy resistance on the planet as reinforcements were jumped in from Rasalhague through an unmarked JumpPoint. With the added resistance Ghost Bear was forced to withdraw as well, neither side achieving their objectives.
Wolves Collapsing in Wake of Fierce CounterOffensive
--The Wolves have fought hard in recent weeks, but with the combined assault from both Steiner and the Republic their is little hope at this time for the Wolves to gain back ground. The Wolves face the numbers of the Steiner Guards and the fierce engagements of the veteran Mercs and KungsArme. Wolf has seen their gains shrink exponentially, and both The Edge and Kirchbach have become cut off from the rest of the Wolves as Steiner has pushed behind their lines.
FRR Fight Back Against Steiner as CeaseFire Looms
--In the wake of growing talks about ceasefires, a heavy push was made by a small alliance of loosely affiliated mercenaries to take the planet of Jabuka - nestled in the most coreward reaches of the FRR - right from underneath the KungsArme. The attack started late on the 8th of January and continued through the night, though it became clear early on that the KungsArme was not going to lose a world quietly. Though initially the defenses appeared weak, only militia putting up a token showing, it soon became clear that the planet was reinforced with multiple front line units. The Mercs pushed on, but once it became clear the victories would not come easily they quickly capitulated, fleeing into the night.
Steiner, eager to welcome peace with the FRR, did not reinstate their contract. It appears said Mercs might have been a part of the group to fight on Pomme De Terre on the 9th.
Around the Sphere:
Clans Still Losing Ground to IS
--While the bleeding may be slowing down for some, the Smoke Jaguars and Ghost Bears are still in firm control of their Occupation Zones - Ghost Bears through sheer size, and Jaguars through tenacity. Draconis has been giving the Jaguars everything they have, and while some success has been made Smoke Jaguar has put up fierce resistance.
Liao Continues push Against Davion
--While holding on to the planet Randar, Liao has continued to take the fight to Davion, taking three more worlds from the Sun. Rumor has it gravy contracts have attracted a high volume of Mercs, much like the FRR.
Marik & Davion Trade Worlds
--Wazan has fallen back to Davion, but Phact and Campertown are now in the hands of Marik. The entire region has become a warzone, and one can expect to find high paying contracts - and lots of risk - for frontline units.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 12 January 2015 - 11:51 AM
FRR Takes Down Wolves
--With a final onslaught, the FRR has driven the Wolves completely from the FRR border. Holdout planets Kirchbach and The Edge fell on the 10th and 11th respectably, with little resistance put up by the Wolves as the shattered remnants of their frontline units fell back to Star's End, where Steiner has been making a determined effort to take the planet.
With the last 2 planets taken and with the help of Steiner's counteroffensive against the Clans, Wolf has been cut off from the FRR. Several planets, including Icar and New Caledonia now stand between the FRR and Wolf, allowing the FRR to concentrate their main forces elsewhere without fear of counter. At least, for the moment.
Ghost Bears Strike Back
--A day after the fierce fighting for Pomme De Terre, Ghost Bear units - under the cover of their floundering Wolf brethren - used the final push by the FRR to begin the next Wave of their invasion. Predlitz and Goito have both fallen to Clan Ghost Bear, while efforts to take Svelvik failed after two attempts. With Wolf out of action and Steiner and Draconis under ceasefire agreements, Ghost Bear and FRR now have their undivided attention focused on each other, in a war that will only intensify in the coming week.
Stories of Merc Heroics lessen sting of Ronin Wars
--With the addition of several 'A' Rated Merc Corps coming to the FRR to fight for her defense - as well as the stories of their heroic actions - many in the Rasalhague Republic have began to come around to the idea of more open relations with Mercenary Companies. Just 16 years ago the FRR was born in a Trial by Fire, with rogue Draconis Combine units attacking and tearing up multiple FRR worlds. The KungsArme, in its infancy and almost completely green, called in the support of many Mercs to help quell the attacks and secure their small nation and their independence for the first time in over 700 years.
But hastily written contracts allowed many mercenaries to take full advantage of the FRR populace, and many broke the promises they signed for in the conflict that became known as the Ronin Wars. The pain the people suffered under those mercenaries has never been forgotten, which is why many still harbor bitter feelings for any mercenaries, no matter how respectable.
In light of recent events though, many of those feelings have begun to change. Specific merc corps, such as the 228th, are talked about openly in public settings, and not a bitter word is to be heard in any of those conversations. The dire mood of the Rasalhaguian people has been lifted, if only for a time, by these valiant heroes of the Republic. We can only hope they continue to raise the morale and hope of its people.
Around the Sphere:
Clans Begin next Wave
--With the bleeding of worlds slowing on the 9th, Jade Falcon, Ghost Bear and Smoke Jaguar have begun to push back against the IS. Each has taken two planets in the past 2 days, with Smoke Jaguar leading the way with four planets taken in succession. Other Inner Sphere factions, intent on defending IS worlds while Kurita, Steiner and Rasalhague have pushed the Clans back, seem to be gearing up for offensives against each other rather than the Clans, giving the reinforced Clanners an opening to start their next offensive.
Liao & Davion Conflict Intensifying
--Liao has been fighting hard against Davion for the past few weeks, taking world after world in succession without pause. While the St. Ives region fell to Davion early in the conflict, the Ambergrist region has had a lot of success against Davion and has been the primary front of engagement for Liao. Meanwhile not to be outdone, Davion - also fighting against Marik - has taken the fight to the Capella region of Liao, taking two planets and further isolating Ares from Liao proper. The fighting has shifted substantially, and momentum for the moment appears to be with Liao.
Marik Breaking out against Davion, Takes Steiner World
--With the Wazan Sector finally under full Marik control, one has to wonder if, not when, the Marik offensive will cease. After losing so many worlds in the opening weeks of conflict, one can only imagine Marik will push their luck as long as they can, with each world now taken more security against a Davion counter.
Meanwhile, Marik broke a ceasefire agreement with Steiner on the 10th by taking the world of Timbiqui. Many believe it was in retaliation for the taking of Nestor by the Kell Hounds earlier in the month, but that didn't stop Steiner from launching an offensive against Wyatt the following day. Though that offensive failed, the Marik/Steiner border has become a little more intense than in recent weeks.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 13 January 2015 - 12:11 PM
Posted 13 January 2015 - 12:41 PM
Seeing as I'm not yet a part of any organized unit, It's interesting to see how the chips play out.
Posted 13 January 2015 - 06:40 PM
Right now we are loosing planets to clans. The capital planet of Rasalhague is surrounded in 2/3 of clan worlds and the passage to Tronheim is under clan controled space.
Posted 13 January 2015 - 08:03 PM
Ghost Bears Push Hard Against FRR
--Ghost Bears continued their push against the FRR, Ferleiten was recaptured by Ghost Bear's premier Galaxies.
It seems the rough handling Ghost Bear received at the hands of FRR in the first weeks of the new year has brought out the big guns. With Ghost Bear Garrisons getting beaten back, Ghost Bears have brought back their Alpha and Beta Galaxies to the frontlines. The reinforcements have neutralized the effectiveness of the FRR assaults on Ghost Bear worlds, and forced the KungsArme on the defensive once again. While the FRR was able to rely on House units from Davion, Liao and Marik in the past, the conflict on the other side of the IS has drawn away much of the defensive support the FRR previously enjoyed.
Now drawn back into the attrition war, the KungsArme is once again outgunned. In just the assault of Ferleiten, it is estimated that the KungsArme was outnumbered 3-to-1. One KungsArme Commander we talked to actually smiled when we presented this information to him. "Do you know what this means? Course you don't, I'll explain. That means that it takes three of their warriors to take down one of our own. It takes them 3 pilots to match 1 of ours. The only way they hope to win is by sheer numbers. They can't hope to win without that. I'll die a happy man knowing they were so terrified of us they had to bring in their best units, and then throw literally everything they had on top of it JUST to outmatch us. That's how good the men and women defending the FRR are."
TL,DR Receives Award for Coverage of Clan Invasion
--In the 1132nd Pulitzer Awards - now hosted by ComStar - the Trondheim Live, Daily Report won two awards: A Silver Award for International Reporting, and the prized Gold Award for Public Service. As a result of the international praise, more Local Planetary News have signed contracts with TL,DR, bringing our broadcasts across the Inner Sphere.
On behalf of the Editor-In-Chief, CEO, and President of Trondheim Live to all our employees, freelancers and journalists - and most importantly you, our audience, who tune in to all of our broadcasts - we'd like to thank you for your hard work and support over the years, and we hope you continue to tune in!
Around the Sphere:
Clan Wolf Strangely Absent from Clan Invasion
--Only Clan Wolf has yet to make an appearance as the Clans push hard against Inner Sphere worlds. One has to wonder with all the other Clans enjoying victory after victory against Inner Sphere defense forces, what the absent Clan has in its bag of tricks.
Davion Takes back Beid
--Davion took the fight back to Liao with the recapture of Beid, just 2 days after Liao first invaded the world. Davion has been fighting a fierce two-front war, and every small victory is a morale boost for the fagged House units. Marik and Liao are both pressing heavily against Davion; Davion took many worlds from both Factions early in December, before rallying forces managed to stop the offensive and began pushing back against the Suns.
Marik Takes Wrong Turn at Northwind
--In what many are calling the most unusual event of the New Year, Marik Forces landed on the Kuritan planet of Moore, easily taking over the planet and establishing a Base of Operations smack in the middle of the Steiner/Draconis border. Aside from a minor skirmish against the local militia, Marik forces landed unopposed on the Kuritan world and quickly took over and established themselves on planetary bases. According to reports, Kurita and Marik came to an agreement over the conquest of the world, with Marik attempting to open up another front against Steiner and Kurita using them as a barrier to invasion.
Marik's chances of opening up a second front are limited, but at the very least the incursion protects other Kurita worlds from assault - unless Steiner wishes to escalate their border skirmish with Mark into full-blown war, like on the Davion front. An escalation Marik seems all-too-happy to accept, especially in light of their conquest of Phecda.
Marik Continues Push Against Davion
--Lesalles is the latest Davion planet to fall to the Purple Eagle, as Marik strikes deeper into Davion territory.
Davion/Kurita Front Unusually Quiet
--It goes without saying that besides Kurita losing a world to Marik, the strangest fighting - or lack thereof - in the Inner Sphere is the Davion/Kurita front. One must take into account that Davion is currently heavily engaged with Marik and Liao, and Kurita is tangling with Smoke Jaguar. Even so, one would think that nothing could stop the Suns and Dragons from tearing each other apart, but it seems the loss of planets elsewhere has quelled tensions along that border - at least, for now.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 15 January 2015 - 09:55 AM
Ghost Bears Push Hard Against FRR
--Dawn and Hermagor have once again fallen to Ghost Bear, nearly completing their reconquest of worlds taken in FRR's counteroffensive. FRR forces continue to fight hard, but the looming loss of several Merc units and ongoing coordination issues between the KungsArme and Mercs - which has become a glaring problem in the past week - has blunted the offensive capabilities of the FRR. Regardless, FRR vows to fight on, hoping to use the loss to restore their talks between units and at the very least unify the defense of the FRR, if not restart the offensive against Ghost Bear.
Rasalhague Surrounded Again
--Rasalhague has been cut off from the rest of the FRR once again. While Ghost Bear seems unstoppable, a silver lining in the offensive is that the FRR is only facing one enemy at this time. Last time the FRR was pressed by both Wolf and Ghost Bear, and all hope to even see Rasalhague again was almost nil. This time though, with Ghost Bear the only threat to the FRR, hope still exists that the KungsArme will hold out and be able to counter the offensive as they did previously.
Behind the Lines: Quality Mead from Quality Mercs
--The Skjaldborg has once again ramped up production, and is currently distributing mass quantities of Mead to frontline units. Despite the mass production, quality has not dropped as quantity has increased. Skjaldborg Brewmasters attribute the quality to the addition of Sevren in late December, which has helped the unit expand brewing operations. "At this point, we have more distilleries than we know what to do with."
While the unit continues frontline operations, it seems much of the support staff - which makes up a majority of the unit membership, including owner and brewmaster Dihm - are busy in the brews and not in the field or Mechbays. Overste Damon Howe, overall Commander of the Skjaldborg's Armed Forces, continues to coordinate the field troops with the KungsArme in the Brewmaster's place.
Around the Sphere:
Clan Wolf under Attack from Ghost Bear
--Clan Wolf has had no reprieve from even its fellow Clans. Ferris fell to the Ghost Bears on the 13th, in an apparent showing of bitter feelings between the two Clans. Intercepted HPG communications between the Clans have shown that the bitter rivalry between the Bears and Wolves never has died down, and with the Bears bringing everything they have against the Inner Sphere, the Garrison units have been getting itchy for action as well. It is currently unknown just how far the Bears will take the fight to the Wolves, as they encroach on the Wolves' Invasion Corridor.
Ghost Bear Renews Offensive against Kurita, Engages Steiner
--Steiner is once again fighting the Clans on two fronts, but it's not the Wolves taking the fight to the Commonwealth. New Caledonia fell after a two day assault from Clan Ghost Bear. With the Wolves being pushed far back into their occupation zone, Ghost Bear has taken advantage of Wolves' weaknesses in more ways than one. In addition to Steiner, Tinaca of the Draconis Combine fell as Ghost Bear renews their offensive against Kurita. Ghost Bear now maintains 4 fronts of offensive engagement.
Davion Reinforced; Takes fight to Liao
--Mentasta and Teng have returned to Davion hands as Liao's offensive finally hits its wall. With Marik pressing hard into Davion as well, it seemed underdog Liao would press coreward to retake St. Ives from the 'south'. However, the recent setbacks have put Liao back a few steps, as they struggle to retain the initiative. With Davion reinforced, Liao and Marik may be facing the start of a strategic counteroffensive against both factions by the Suns.
Marik Presses Steiner
--Marik has renewed their offensive against Steiner, taking Ford and Gacrux. Steiner and Marik have traded blows, fighting skirmishes and raids on planets but not actually attempting conquests for some time. The 3 day advance by Marik may mark a new escalation in hostilities between the two factions, which at one time were discussing a ceasefire.
Marik Finally Stalls against Davion
--Marik successfully took Ventabren on the 13th, but were finally unsuccessful in taking a planet on the 14th for the first time in nearly two weeks. Van Diemen V was defended by reinforcements from Mercenaries taking contracts with Davion. The Mercenaries, along with the House units of the Federated Suns managed to hold off a passionate Marik onslaught, hot-dropping from orbit onto Marik field bases behind the lines and forcing the FWL to retreat from the world or face total destruction. Marik managed to pull off the field with most of their units intact, but time will tell if Davion manages to capitalize in their success.
Smoke Jaguars Close on Luthien
--Cyrenaica and Mienacos are the latest Kuritan planets to fall to the Jaguars, who are now just two jumps and one planet from Luthien. Kurita has most of their focus dedicated to stopping the Smoke Jaguars, but with the Ghost Bears pressing hard again on their flank the already difficult front is being further complicated. Kurita has been the hardest hit by the hostilities since December, facing losses from Davion, Steiner, Ghost Bear, and Smoke Jaguar.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 15 January 2015 - 09:58 AM.
Posted 15 January 2015 - 04:17 PM
Posted 16 January 2015 - 04:22 AM
Posted 16 January 2015 - 05:45 AM
Cimarb, on 15 January 2015 - 04:17 PM, said:
Posted 16 January 2015 - 09:17 AM
Tarogato, on 16 January 2015 - 05:45 AM, said:
That algorithm probably is a dude at the PGI office.
Edited by Klappspaten, 16 January 2015 - 09:17 AM.
Posted 16 January 2015 - 09:35 AM
Ghost Bears Push Coreward
--Ghost Bears are continuing their assault against the FRR, but for now seem to be focused Coreward to Terra instead of taking on the rest of the FRR. Today Radstadt fell to the Bears, which pushes them along the Draconis border of FRR territory, in line with their renewed offensive against Kurita. As the closest Clan to Terra, one can imagine they'll continue along this line - dividing the attention of both Rasalhague and Kurita - in order to make it easier for not only their Clan but all Clans to push towards their ultimate prize.
Jade Falcon on the Border
--It comes as a surprise that a third Clan has gained an attack vector into the FRR. Jade Falcon retook Maxie's Planet from Steiner, cutting off several Steiner planets from reinforcements. The side effect of this being that FRR and Jade Falcon are now just within "spitting" distance of each other. While Jade Falcon has been preoccupied with Steiner as of late, it would not be a surprise to see them jump the defunct Wolf Invasion Corridor to get a faster drive to Terra.
Mercenaries Leave FRR for new Contracts
--It comes as no surprise that many Mercenaries have left the FRR for contracts elsewhere. Despite initial success several weeks ago - when Mercs flooded the FRR with support and allowed them to push back the Clans for a brief time - Merc numbers have dwindled over time as contracts expired and companies went elsewhere. Finally, the last of the extended contracts have left and FRR once again stands with nothing but its House units and a few dedicated Mercs. This is nothing new to the FRR, who have pledged to continue to fighting on regardless of the loss of support, though admittedly their operations will be greatly limited.
Around the Sphere:
Ghost Bear Assaulted by Smoke Jaguar
--Ghost Bear took Byesville several weeks ago in their initial push against Kurita, and since then it has been a relatively peaceful world, safely behind enemy lines. The 15th was an entirely different story as several unknown Smoke Jaguar units launched a surprise attack against Ghost Bear garrison forces. The Bears rallied in force, but the attack has stirred up lots of questions for the Smoke Jaguars, who are trying to identify and contain the "rogue" unit.
Ghost Bear Pushes Further into Kurita Territory
--Skeliak fell to Ghost Bear on the 15th, connecting them to Tinaca which is their furthest extension into the Inner Sphere yet. Ghost Bear's push parallels Smoke Jaguar's, which compared to the other Clans is much deeper into the Inner Sphere.
Liao Under Siege Again
--Davion continues its assault on Liao, taking back Tallen in a fury of rapid engagements across the planet. Liao's drive to St. Ives has almost been completely reversed, and they now find themselves back on the defensive. Even so, Liao's veteran units have learned from their successes against Davion earlier in the month and promise to not make the fight easy for them.
Marik Halts Steiner Offensive
-- Light raids were traded back and forth on Steiner and Marik worlds, but overall no heavy fighting as Steiner and Marik both turn towards more imposing targets. With Davion finally fighting back against Marik and Kurita and Jade Falcon both pressing Steiner, the border has become quiet in haste. One can assume Steiner is only a secondary objective for Marik, who began the offensive half a week ago.
Marik, Davion Continue Grind on Contested Worlds
--For the second day Marik and Davion ground away at each other on contested worlds of Van Diemen V and Phact, neither really gaining any advantage over the other. With Liao still putting up a fight, Davion can't dedicate all its might on Marik, who has enough experienced units to hold off Davion but not quite take their worlds alone. The stalemate could end soon, as many Mercenary contracts are reaching their end and the balance of power could shift soon.
Smoke Jaguars a Jump from Luthien
--Kilmarnock, just one jump from Luthien, fell to the Smoke Jaguars. Luthien is now the second Inner Sphere Capital threatened by the invaders, who move further into Kuritan territory. The Draconis Combine has had a rough time fighting off a determined and skilled Smoke Jaguar. Early in the invasion they managed to hold them at Turtle Bay for several days, but since then the losses have mounted considerably. The Jaguars have switched ground tactics early in the war from traditional Zellbrigen to more Inner Sphere-like tactics, and the successes speak for themselves. If anything is known about the Kuritans though, is that they will never give up - one hopes that truth doesn't fall.
Kurita and Steiner Back to Blows
--A quiet Kuritan/Lyran front exploded into conflict over the past few days, as the DCMS took Shionoha and Accrington back from Steiner. The worlds have been under Lyran occupation for several weeks, and with limited success against the Clans the Combine seems to have switched attention to re-taking some planets for a morale boost. The fighting has intensified quickly, but one has to imagine Kurita won't push their luck long as the Smoke Jaguars close on Luthien.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 21 January 2015 - 01:27 PM.
Posted 16 January 2015 - 01:15 PM
Tarogato, on 16 January 2015 - 05:45 AM, said:
I am aware of that, but the planet should not have been contested to begin with, which is why I feel sorry for the poor Dracs. Surrounded on all sides by enemies, and one even burrowing "under" to get to them...
Posted 21 January 2015 - 01:26 PM
"The Leave"
Written by Warchild Corsair
Outside Hermagor City, January 3050, Ghostbear Occupation Zone
The engine of the dropship roared and spewed fire as the colossal carrier lifted itself into the night sky above Hermagor. Insignia of the well-known QQ Ragequit Merc Corps could barely be recognized, as the Union Class was scarred with black laserfire marks and hastily replaced armor plates where LRMs and autocannons had hit.
A man had climbed down from his Highlander cockpit outside the smoking ruins of Hermagor City, and watched the departure with a sour face. Captain George "The Fiend", commanding officer of the Shadow Walkers company of the Phoenix Legion, knew the merc business too well to hold a grudge against the QQ Mercs but the sudden leave in the middle of the fighting somehow stung. Hermagor had been a tough fighting ground and since it was the cornerstone to Rasalhague, had been a primary target for lots of raids and attacks the Legion had staged during the last weeks. Some operations against it had been given colourful names, like "Santa's beachhead" or the like, but all-in-all it could barely conceal the ugly truth: The planet was firmly in Clanner's hands, and a deadly and barren battleground.
"Clan Ghost Bear" had been their enemy here, garrison troops at first which were quickly overrun only to be reinforced by frontline troops later. Since lots of the planet was uninteresting, most of the fighting had been taken place directly in or close to the Capital City and street battles with heavy losses were the norm. The Captain remembered their most successful day, being able to push the garrison out of the city in one quick flanking move, the Shadow Walkers raining missiles and spewing PPC fire from their Thunderbolts. It had been a glorious day for the Free Republic of Rasalhague, a sign that not all hope was lost.
It had also been the last day where the Mercs of the Republic had achieved success together on this front.
The very first counterattack of Ghost Bear had caught the Legion by surprise, as intel had given no warning of the approach. Hard pressed and on the defensive the 1st Battalion had lost a full company that night being surrounded in Lower Hermagor City fighting in close-quarter combat. "The Fiend" still remembered the screams from one of their tank crews in a Schreck Tank being surprised and opened by the "Toads" of the Clans. It had been ugly, it had been bloody. But there had still been the cavalry.
A QQ Mercs company had been close and upon recognizing the situation had directly initiated a push to relieve the trapped Legionnaires with some help from the other Mercs. It had been close, but they managed to slip through just under the noses of the pressing Clan Mechs. Despite the situation nearly half of his company had been drunk that night as the HQ had opened the mead supplies to celebrate the success with their Merc comrades.
Now it was over. Only a couple of days later, with some shady reasons and with an unknown direction, their friends had left them. The captain's eyes looked grey and tired as the first rays of sunlight broke through the darkness. Sunrise at Hermagor was a quick thing, it took mere minutes and still felt somehow "unnatural" to everyone who had fought here. Still it was a sign of hope.
"We will fight," the captain thought, climbing back into his Battlemech. "It's not the first time the Legion faces overwhelming odds and we have made our enemies pay every time." Upon seating himself in his cockpit he quickly confirmed orders from HQ, then opened his mic.
"Shadow Walkers - time to retreat. We will continue to fight another day. To the Fortress Dropship in sector Zulu, quickly!"
The 'Mech marched of, the earth still shaking from the steps of the 90-tons upon it for a while longer. Then silence and ashes were all that remained.
Posted 21 January 2015 - 02:07 PM
Ghost Bears Stall
--The Ghost Bear assault that had so much zeal last week quickly died out, as attacks from the Smoke Jaguars and resistance from the Draconis has stalled their advance.
Return of the Wolf
--The Wolves have reclaimed their initiative, pushing back against Steiner and reclaiming their lost worlds from the combined assaults of both the FRR and LC earlier in the month. Though they have yet to reclaim their FRR holdings aside from The Edge, the attacks on the borders have been ramping up.
Steiner Attacks; Claims several Planets
--Shaula and Wheel are the latest planets to fall to Steiner, as a result of an "unsanctioned" attack by the MercStar Alliance - a group of mercenary units allied and working in cooperation with each other. While Wheel fell without incident, the Skjaldborg put up a vicious fight before being overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Steiner forces were excited for their victory, only to find out that the units' prized exports - quality mead, whiskey, scotch and beer among others - were already evacuated and shipped off-world prior to the invasion, as the attack was well-anticipated. In their place, the Skjaldborg had left as many bottles of 'Jenkem' as the population could produce in limited time, and stripped the planet of as many major industries and population as physically possible. It is estimated that the Skjalborg evacuated as much as 50 million people and a quarter of the world's combined wealth before destroying whatever they couldn't take with them.
FRR Front Stable...For Now
--The FRR's frontlines have been a mess for some time, but the past few days have seen little changes in borders. As the situation in the Inner Sphere continues to destabilize, one can assume this won't be the case for long. Still, rumor has it that more mercenaries are returning to the FRR to help fight for her cause, and the Rupublic's people know the morally drained Skjaldborg and KungsArme could use the help.
Around the Sphere:
Fronts Across the IS Destabilize in an Escalation of Conflict
--Across the Inner Sphere, frontlines are beginning to shift ever-more rapidly. Planets are being fought for with even greater passion and bloodshed, and it is not uncommon for planets to change hands several times a day, or several planets be captured in a day. The swift escalation may be a result of a withering defense against the Clans, as they push closer and closer to attacking Luthien. However, not everyone agrees to this theory, but that hardly matters as the fronts now change so frequently it's hard to keep track of where the borders are anymore.
Kurita Crumbles
--Luthien is now surrounded on 3 sides, as Smoke Jaguar envelops the capital of Kurita. Yumesta is the latest to be captured, the furthest coreward planet to be taken amongst the four invading clans. Meanwhile, Kurita takes back several planets from Steiner, and force the Ghost Bears to attack Kaesong again and again as their dug-in defenses hold strong.
Liao loses Capella
--In the most devastating loss since St. Ives, Capella falls to the Sun and Sword of Davion. Davion's counter to the Liao offensive was swift and brutal, beating back the push to St. Ives and taking Capella as a bonus. Still, Liao manages to hold on to Ares, and attempts to start a renewed offensive again as Davion is tied up with Marik.
Marik Fights On
--Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, the Free Worlds League pushes against both Steiner and Davion. Their advances into Davion have faced some counter-pushes, but Marik has been able to push back and reclaim the few worlds lost, including Wazan and Phact. Meanwhile, Marik has lost some ground to Steiner, but their offensive was quickly blunted and countered, and now stands as a stalemate.
Davion Sends Strong Messages to other Factions
--Don't count out the Suns. The Federated Suns have fought hard for their worlds, and they intend to play for keeps. While losing the initiative of their offense against Marik, Davion captured Capella and even took a world from Steiner in a move that shocked many across the Inner Sphere. Davion wants to send a strong message to other units - mess with the Suns, and you get the Sword.
Steiner Falling Back
--While making some petty gains against a beleaguered FRR, Jade Falcon and Wolf have pushed hard against Steiner worlds, recapturing many worlds lost to the Lyran Commonwealth early in the new year. Jade Falcon has now pushed the furthest they ever have into the Inner Sphere, Goat Path falling earlier today.
Clans Push On
--With a renewed offensive - now dubbed "Waves" - The Clans push ever deeper into IS territory. Wave 3 has seen the Smoke Jaguars fighting with the Ghost Bears as they begin to surround Luthien, Ghost Bears stalling in their drive to Terra, Wolves reclaiming lost ground from earlier in the month, and Jade Falcons experiencing their most successful drive yet. In-fighting has become slightly more common in this wave, though it may be attributed to the attempts at interference by mercenary units loyal to IS factions.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 21 January 2015 - 02:39 PM
Posted 25 January 2015 - 05:50 PM
Edited by DelphiAuriga, 26 January 2015 - 06:07 PM.
Posted 25 January 2015 - 07:03 PM
Posted 25 January 2015 - 08:16 PM
FRR Pushed From Three Sides
--The Free Rasalhague Republic has felt the squeeze now more than ever, with three Clans now pushing through the FRR. After taking Harvest early in the new year, Jade Falcons retaliated against Steiner and took Romulus, pushing the Falcon/Viking border to within one Jump. Now the Falcons are making good on that corridor, Taking Harvest and Planting while looking to take more. One can assume this is in part to gain a more direct route to Terra, though other reasons could be to get to the Ghost Bears - whom have taken the lead in the drive - or block Clan Wolf, who have been on the rise since early last week.
Wolves Push On; Take Fight to Bears
--The Wolves taken back much of their territory claimed in the earliest waves of the invasion, with Leizen, Alleghe and others falling in rapid succession. Ghost Bear, perturbed by the sudden success of the Wolves and looking to keep their death-grip on the FRR, lashed out over the weekend against the Wolves. Undeterred the Wolves fought back, and a bloody inter-Clan feud enveloped both Clans. Rumor has it that Galaxy Commanders have been called to the table to settle the matter, but whether the issue will be solved remains to be seen. Either way, a Wolf/Bear escalation will undoubtedly be great news for the FRR.
Skjaldborg, FRR's Leading Merc Unit Leaves
--Commonly known as the "Shieldwall of Rasalhague", the Skjaldborg left for Liao late last week as RageQuit Mercenaries - fresh from the Clan/Kurita frontlines - filled the void they left. Rumor has it that after being forced to evacuate two worlds, their resources were depleted. It is currently unknown where the Skjaldborg has relocated its infamous industries to, but it is assumed they've moved their critical Meadery's out of the Clan Invasion corridors.
Worry not Rasalhague citizens - the Skjaldborg will be back soon, they have already assured us.
Rasalhague Surrounded Again
--It may be a broken record, but its no laughing matter. Rasalhague is once again cut off from the rest of the FRR, and with Ghost Bear pushing further south the chance to reunite is looking worse with each passing day. One can only pray for a miracle that Rasalhague is once again reunited, but hope is dieing for the Republic. Nevertheless, her noble warriors fight on with the spirit and strength of the entire Inner Sphere - fight on, Rasalhague, fight on!
Around the Sphere:
Clans Finally Fight Each Other
--Nobody thought the day would happen, but it appears the Clan ceasefire has finally been broken. Ghost Bear is fighting a 4 front war - two against the Inner Sphere and 2 against fellow Clans - as it appears their greed has finally gotten the best of them. Tensions between Wolf and Bear have been steadily growing ever since Wolf was pushed hard by the IS while Ghost Bear continued to enjoy victories by sheer attrition. The apparent "superiority" of the Bears allegedly went to their heads, even as the Smoke Jaguars made some gains against the Bears in several skirmishes. The superiority-complex went nuclear with the return of the MercStar Alliance, a Clan-loyalist Mercenary unit that occasionally returns to the IS to start trouble. This time however it seems their 'take-everything' mindset got them into hot water when they started taking Wolf worlds. Now with Smoke Jaguars eagerly jumping into the fray, one can only imagine (hope) this will stall the Clan Invasion - at least a little bit.
Luthien Surrounded
--The Smoke Jaguars blitz of the central worlds of the Combine have cut off Luthien, surrounding the capital in a sea of gray. Kurita has fought honorably every step of the way, but it seems to no avail. With Steiner making probes and Ghost Bears pushing with the Jags, no front - no, not even the Davion front - is safe from conflict. Fortunately for Kurita, there is a silver lining - Davion has been pushed back from their deadlock, and Kuritan worlds long-since taken are finally being reclaimed for the Dragon.
Liao Shoots Where in Hurts
--With Davion on the run even Liao is getting in on the party. In recent days several Liao worlds have been taken thanks in part to a renewed offensive by Kurita. Liao has fallen on hard times frequently, so any opportunities they have to take back worlds are eagerly seized.
Marik Pushes Deeper
--Marik has no problems continuing their fight against the Davions, Steiner and Kurita. While the Kuritan front is merely a ploy, the other two fronts are as hot as a summer day on Tourmaline's infamous desert. The Free Worlds League must be full of desert planets though, because not only do they beat the heat they kick it when its down too. Steiner has lost several planets to Marik recently, including Nestor - which some say is the reason for the outbreak in hostilities in the first place. Meanwhile Suzano becomes the latest Marik target, and it is all the Suns can do to stop them.
Davion On the Retreat
--Davion is now in nearly full retreat. While the Kurita border has certainly heated up, Davion has been losing scores of planets to Marik and now Liao is fighting back as well. Davion is now in the deepest hole they've been in since the start of open hostilities, with Marik driving for Sarna, Liao driving for just about anything they can get, and Kurita driving for - quite frankly - anything away from the Clans. Davion will have to be careful, as any weakness shown now will certainly see their enemies' efforts increase tenfold.
Steiner Unable to Advance
--Steiner has fought hard but been unable to make a dent in the renewed Clan offensive, especially not with Marik nipping at their heels the entire way. Though they only face the Falcons, they have been unable to stop the furious onslaught of the Clan, many of whom say has some of the best warriors of all the Clans. While not the most successful at driving to Terra, Jade Falcon has been steadily advancing through Steiner territory, rarely conceding back worlds they've taken. With Twycross under assault, the Falcons will soon have reclaimed all their previous holdings and then some. The question then becomes what direction they will strike next.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 25 January 2015 - 08:45 PM
The FRR is being attacked by not THREE clans, but ALL the clans now. An organized drop lead by Theaus responded to a potential stealth raid on Hermagor. When we dropped planetside in response to the unidentified clan mechs on our borders, we found the assailants belonged to the -SA-, who are contracted to none other than Clan Smoke Jaguar. At this point of time, it is hard to tell if it is an isolated attack but on the surface, it seems that the Jaguars are now either diverting assets from the Draconis Combine frontier or commissioning new ones to strike into Rasalhague territory.
The pressure is already being felt from the other clans pushing forward their offensives. With Clan Smoke Jaguar now entering our gunsights, the situation is escalating. We've made attempts to divert attention away from our worlds and buy them time by striking into Clan territory. There are only so many pilots we can get into mechs to keep drop rotations flowing. However, as long as there are able-bodied warriors of the KungsArme and contracted mercenaries ready to fight, we must do everything we can in our attempts to stall their advance.
(If there is an issue with this post being here, contact me personally and I can relocate it as needed. But at the very least, FRR commanders need to know what happened and the situation to be addressed.)
Edited by starwolf1991, 26 January 2015 - 12:24 PM.
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