Odanan, on 01 January 2013 - 04:19 AM, said:
I suggest you to shorten it a little (instead of just resizing), to give it a less a slender look.
BTW, what do you think about the hexagonal cockpit window for the Marauder? (it was the sole reason I played with this mech in MW2 - I felt inside a Tie-Fighter)
Talking about the Marauder, if you make a larger version and keep detailing it, I think someone you paint it for you...
Well, I've detailed it now (and the Warhammer); cleaned up the linework and made the faceting and details more definite and obvious.
But I avoided the hexagonal cockpit because it would kind of ruin the lines of the cowl above the cockpit and also because I'm trying to divorce it as much as possible from the Macross Zentradi Officer's Battlepod... while trying to keep it as similar as possible to the Marauder. If that makes any sense.
Also, the Marauder hasn't appeared in a Mechwarrior game since the original Mechwarrior. (So you couldn't have been playing it in MW2...)
I've resized the Warhammer slightly... but also shortened the longer leg (which was making it incorrect in proportions and perspective). The legs still aren't as chunky as the original, but I'm ok with that. Otherwise the proportions are quite similar between the two; with some bulk shifted from the torso to the arms.
Thanks for the feedback so far; it's been helpful.
CutterWolf, on 01 January 2013 - 07:48 AM, said:
Told you the unseens can be redone but still be just as cool as the Harmony Gold own designs without copy right issues.

Haha... given how much I love the original designs, I'll take this as a high compliment. Thank you.